

情動は...個人の活動ではなくその人に起こったことなのだ。 カール・ユング

2021-07-19 23:33:54 | 心理学

Emotion... is not an activity

of the individual

but something that happens to him.

Carl Jung

Image: Pieter Lastman







ちなみに、情動は個人の活動ではなく、個人に起こるものです。感情は通常、適応力が最も弱いところで発生し、同時にその弱さの理由、すなわちある種の劣等感と低いレベルの人格の存在を明らかにします。この低いレベルでは、制御されていない、あるいはほとんど制御されていない感情を持つ人は、多かれ少なかれ原始人のように振る舞い、その人は自分の感情の受動的な犠牲者であるだけでなく、道徳的な判断をすることができません。~CG Jung, Aion, para 15





感情は、知覚できるような物理的な因果関係を生み出さないという事実によって、情動とは区別されます。~CGユング、『定義』、CW6、par. 725.

Emotion, incidentally, is not an activity of the individual but something that happens to him. Affects occur usually where adaptation is weakest, and at the same time they reveal the reason for its weakness, namely a certain degree of inferiority and the existence of a lower level of personality. On this lower level with its uncontrolled or scarcely controlled emotions one behaves more or less like a primitive, who is not only the passive victim of his affects but also singularly incapable of moral judgment. ~CG Jung, Aion, para 15

Emotions are often confused with feelings but this is all wrong. Feeling is a valuing function, whereas emotion is involuntary, in affect you are always a victim. ~Carl Jung, Lecture V 25May1934, Page 109.

Emotions are instinctive, involuntary reactions which upset the rational order of consciousness by their elemental outbursts. ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 497.

The feeling function is the basis for "fight or flight" decisions. As a subjective process, it may be quite independent of external stimuli. In Jung's view it is a rational function, like thinking, in that it is decisively influenced not by perception (as are the functions of sensation and intuition) but by reflection. A person whose overall attitude is oriented by the feeling function is called a feeling type.

In everyday usage, feeling is often confused with emotion. The latter, more appropriately called affect, is the result of an activated complex. Feeling not contaminated by affect can be quite cold.

Feeling is distinguished from affect by the fact that it produces no perceptible physical innervations, i.e., neither more nor less than an ordinary thinking process. ~CG Jung, Definitions, CW 6, par. 725.





感情は、知覚できるような物理的な因果関係を生み出さないという事実によって、情動とは区別されます。~CGユング、『定義』、CW6、par. 725.


感情は、知覚できるような物理的な因果関係を生み出さないという事実によって、情動とは区別される。~CGユング、『定義』、CW6、par. 725.

情動はしばしば感情と混同されますが、これはすべて間違っています。感情は価値づけの機能であるのに対し、情動は非自発的なものであり、情動においては自分は常に被害者である。~カール・ユング、レクチャーV 1934年5月25日、109ページ。

ちなみに情動は、個人の活動ではなく、個人に起こるものである。情動は通常、適応力が最も弱いところで発生し、同時にその弱さの理由、すなわちある種の劣等感や低いレベルの人格の存在を明らかにします。この低いレベルでは、制御されていない、あるいはほとんど制御されていない情動を持つ人は、多かれ少なかれ原始人のように振る舞い、その人は自分の情動の受動的な犠牲者であるだけでなく、道徳的な判断をすることができません。~CG Jung, Aion, para 15


Emotions are often confused with feelings but this is all wrong. Feeling is a valuing function, whereas emotion is involuntary, in affect you are always a victim. ~Carl Jung, Lecture V 25May1934, Page 109.

Emotions are instinctive, involuntary reactions which upset the rational order of consciousness by their elemental outbursts. ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 497.

The feeling function is the basis for "fight or flight" decisions. As a subjective process, it may be quite independent of external stimuli. In Jung's view it is a rational function, like thinking, in that it is decisively influenced not by perception (as are the functions of sensation and intuition) but by reflection. A person whose overall attitude is oriented by the feeling function is called a feeling type.

In everyday usage, feeling is often confused with emotion. The latter, more appropriately called affect, is the result of an activated complex. Feeling not contaminated by affect can be quite cold.

Feeling is distinguished from affect by the fact that it produces no perceptible physical innervations, i.e., neither more nor less than an ordinary thinking process. ~CG Jung, Definitions, CW 6, par. 725.

The feeling function is the basis for "fight or flight" decisions. As a subjective process, it may be quite independent of external stimuli. In Jung's view it is a rational function, like thinking, in that it is decisively influenced not by perception (as are the functions of sensation and intuition) but by reflection. A person whose overall attitude is oriented by the feeling function is called a feeling type.

“In everyday usage, feeling is often confused with emotion. The latter, more appropriately called affect, is the result of an activated complex. Feeling not contaminated by affect can be quite cold.
Feeling is distinguished from affect by the fact that it produces no perceptible physical innervations, i.e., neither more nor less than an ordinary thinking process.” ~CG Jung, Definitions, CW 6, par. 725.

Emotions are often confused with feelings but this is all wrong. Feeling is a valuing function, whereas emotion is involuntary, in affect you are always a victim. ~Carl Jung, Lecture V 25May1934, Page 109.

Emotions are instinctive, involuntary reactions which upset the rational order of consciousness by their elemental outbursts. ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 497.

Emotion, incidentally, is not an activity of the individual but something that happens to him. Affects occur usually where adaptation is weakest, and at the same time they reveal the reason for its weakness, namely a certain degree of inferiority and the existence of a lower level of personality. On this lower level with its uncontrolled or scarcely controlled emotions one behaves more or less like a primitive, who is not only the passive victim of his affects but also singularly incapable of moral judgment. ~CG Jung, Aion, para 15


2021-07-19 10:21:16 | 心理学


だからこそ、明確な宗教的信念を持つ人間の心理には、超越的機能の痕跡が見当たらないのである(Belief Systems/Collective Norms)。超越的機能」という言葉が示すのは、まさにある状態から別の状態への移行である。だからこそ、彼は超越的機能を経験したのです。一方、キリスト教の聖人は、根本的かつ全面的な態度の変化を伴わないため、超越的機能を経験することはできませんでした。




「もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは個性化のプロセスから除外されます。もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは無意識にとって何の役にも立ちません。偉い人はあなたに唾を吐きかけ、あなたは泥沼の中ではるかに取り残されてしまうでしょう、愚かで、馬鹿で。" ~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。インタビューと出会い』359~364ページ



分析によって無意識から劣等機能を引き出すためには、今まで活性化されていた無意識の空想の形成を表面化させなければならない。これらの空想を意識的に実現することで、劣等機能が意識され、さらなる発展が可能になる。~CGユング、『定義』、CW6、par. 764.

カール・ユング "私は本を書く必要はなかった、すべては石の上にある"
I. 孤児




We project the Self onto others until we can integrate it.

Is that what Jung said?


You tell me. Jung said a lot about projecting the Self onto others. From my own personal experience I know that the individuation journey is messy and will require conscious engagement with our projections. We are not born enlightened.


One must also travel outside of the fish bowl of their reality to see their own influences, which one too often mistakes as objective truth


The crusader or knight is a symbol of this

[It is only real when it happens, and it can happen only when you withdraw your projections from an outward historical or metaphysical Christ and thus wake up Christ within.]

That is why you find no trace of the transcendent function in the psychology of a man with definite religious convictions (Belief Systems/Collective Norms). What the term “transcendent function” designates is really the transition from one condition to another. That is why he experienced the transcendent function, whereas a Christian saint could never experience it, since for him no fundamental and total change of attitude would be involved… ~CG Jung, JL1 ¶ 0

Without the experience of the opposites there is no experience of wholeness and hence no inner approach to the sacred figures. ~Carl Jung, CW 12, Para 24.

So I hold that when the missionaries convert such people to Christianity and tell them that it is sufficient if they go to church on Sunday and sing hymns, they have deprived them of the only means of becoming conscious, and what they substitute is not sufficient. ~Carl Jung, Dream Symbols of the Individuation Process, 241

The individual who is not anchored in God can offer no resistance on his own resources to the physical and moral blandishments of the world. For this he needs the evidence of inner, transcendent experience which alone can protect him from the otherwise inevitable submersion in the mass. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 258.

“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364

The images of the unconscious place a great responsibility upon a man. Failure to understand them, or a shirking of ethical responsibility, deprives him of his wholeness and imposes a painful fragmentariness on his life. ~Carl Jung; MDR; Page 193.

To the extent that a person functions too one-sidedly, the inferior function becomes correspondingly primitive and troublesome. The overly dominant primary function takes energy away from the inferior function, which falls into the unconscious. There it is prone to be activated in an unnatural way, giving rise to infantile desires and other symptoms of imbalance. This is the situation in neurosis.

In order to extricate the inferior function from the unconscious by analysis, the unconscious fantasy formations that have now been activated must be brought to the surface. The conscious realization of these fantasies brings the inferior function to consciousness and makes further development possible. ~CG Jung, Definitions, CW 6, par. 764.

We must be alone, to become an orphan – meaning that we must let go of worship of external influences – or we stay stuck.
Carl Jung: “I need not have written any books; it is all on the stone.”
I. The Orphan

“Jung tells us in paragraph 13 (of Mysterium) that the term "orphan" was a synonym for the Philosophers' Stone. In other words, it's an image of the Self. This reminds me of the inscription Jung carved on the Bollingen stone. One side of the stone has the image of the eye; another side has this inscription, which Jung says he put together as a composite of various alchemical quotations:

‘I am an orphan, alone; nevertheless I am found everywhere. I am one, but opposed to myself. I am youth and old man at one and the same time. I have known neither father nor mother, because I have had to be fetched out of the deep like a fish, or fell like a white stone from heaven. In woods and mountains I roam, but I am hidden in the innermost soul of man. I am mortal for everyone, yet I am not touched by the cycle of aeons.’





注意してください。「完全に内向きになり、外に向かって自分を引き戻すことを許さず、すべてを忘れなければならない」...。"one who goes his own way"

これは "悲劇的な罪悪感 "です。
「このようにしてすべての外的要素から解放された魂は、完全に内向きにならなければなりません。外に向かって自分を引き戻すことを許さず、すべてを忘れなければなりません。魂は、自分自身が「唯一のもの」の観想に身を投じていることさえ知らなくてはなりません。十分にそれと一緒に住んだ後、魂は、もし可能ならば、この超越的な交わりを他の人に明らかにすべきである。" ~プロティノス(204/5-270年頃





むしろ、それは自分の信念への攻撃に対する勇気を持つことの問題です。 〜F。 ニーチェ
「自己またはキリストは、誰もが先験的に存在するが、原則として最初は無意識的な状態である。しかし、この事実が意識されるようになるのは、その後の人生での明確な経験である...それは起こったときにのみ現実であり、あなたが外側の歴史的または形而上学的なキリストからあなたの投影を撤回し、それによって内なるキリストを目覚めさせたときにのみ起こりうるのである。~CGユング, CW:18:par.1638.



The Claw Jungian

The Clark Junglan'Tradition

Edited by James A. Hall and Daryl Sharp









~Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom.


This tells us that the experience referred to by the image of the orphan is a part of individuation. The experience of being abandoned, of losing the support of all parental figures and sources of external security-these all belong to the image of the orphan. It's a necessary experience, because you cannot discover the inner source of security upon which your existence rests until you have been deprived of all external supports.

I was once brought a remarkable dream which included this image. It was dreamt by a woman who had to endure a particularly large number of frustrations that most people are spared-biological satisfactions denied her by life-and this was very hard for her to come to terms with. At one time she dreamt that her doorbell rang; she went to the door and opened it, and there on the doorstep was a foundling. The peculiar nature of this foundling was that it was still attached to an umbilical cord and the umbilical cord went up into heaven. That would be an example of the orphan archetype. It ‘had to be fetched out of the deep like a fish, or fell like a white stone from heaven.’”
~The Mysterium Lectures, Edward Edinger


Yes. this is the ultimate goal. but before that we must have projections in which to rest the Self. It is a process

Notice: “Turn totally inward; not allowing itself to be wrested back towards the outer, it must forget everything”... “one who goes his own way”

This is “Tragic Guilt”
[transcendent communion]
“Having thus freed itself of all externals, the soul must turn totally inward; not allowing itself to be wrested back towards the outer, it must forget everything, the subjective first and, finally, the objective. It must not even know that it is itself that is applying itself to contemplation of The One. After having dwelled with it sufficiently, the soul should, if it can, reveal to others this transcendent communion.” ~Plotinus (c204/5-270CE)

The first step in individuation is tragic guilt. The accumulation of guilt demands expiation ~Carl Jung, CW 15, Para 1094.

I feel it is the duty of one who goes his own way to inform society of what he finds on his voyage of discovery. Not the criticism of individual contemporaries will decide the truth or falsity of these discoveries, but future generations. There are things that are not yet true today, perhaps we dare not find them true, but tomorrow they may be. So every man whose fate it is to go his individual way must proceed with hopefulness and watchfulness, ever conscious of his loneliness and its dangers. ~CG Jung, CW7, Para. 201.

"The guilty man is eminently suitable and therefore chosen to become the vessel for the continuing incarnation, not the guiltless one who holds aloof from the world and refuses his tribute to life, for in him the dark God would find no room."
~C.G. Jung, CW8, Answer to Job, p.460

“But this integration cannot take place and be put to a useful purpose unless one can admit the tendencies bound up with the shadow and allow them some measure of realization – tempered, of course, with the necessary criticism. This leads to disobedience and self disgust, but also to self-reliance, without which individuation is unthinkable.”
~CG Jung, Psychology and Religion: West and East, P. 198

A very popular error: 
having the courage of one’s convictions; rather it is a matter of having the courage for an attack on one’s convictions. ~F. Nietzsche
“The Self or Christ is present in everybody a priori, but as a rule in an unconscious condition to begin with. But it is a definite experience of later life, when this fact becomes conscious...It is only real when it happens, and it can happen only when you withdraw your projections from an outward historical or metaphysical Christ and thus wake up Christ within.” ~CG Jung, CW:18:par.1638.

I’d suggest that this a picture like this one is more appropriate to the OP quote than Joan of Arc/warrior.



We can have many hooks for Self


The Claw Jungian

The Clark Junglan'Tradition

Edited by James A. Hall and Daryl Sharp






“The frightened individual seeks for somebody or something to tie his self to; he cannot bear to be his own individual self any longer, and he tries frantically to get rid of it and to feel security again by the elimination of this burden: the self.”
~Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom.



2021-07-19 10:13:20 | 心理学



~ カール・ユング、CW15


~Individuation Remains a Pose So Long as No Values are Created.
[The individuating person] must offer a ransom in place of himself, that is, he must bring forth values, which are an equivalent substitute for his absence in the collective, personal sphere. 
Without this production of values, final individuation is immoral, and - more than that - suicidal...

Not only has society a right, it also has a duty to condemn the individuant if he fails to create equivalent values, for he is a deserter... 

Individuation remains a pose so long as no values are created.
The individual is obliged by the collective demands to purchase his individuation at the cost of an equivalent work for the benefit of society. Only by accomplishing an equivalent is one exempt from the conventional, collective path. A person [who individuates] must accept the contempt of society until such time as he has accomplished his equivalent.
~ Carl Jung, CW 15


[個性化する人].... は、自分の代わりに身代りを提供しなければならない。つまり、集合的で個人的な領域における自分の不在に相当する代用品である価値を生み出す必要があるのである。このような価値観の生成がなければ、最終的な個性化は不道徳であり、それ以上に自殺的である....






~CGユング、CW18、par. 1099.


The first step in individuation is tragic guilt. The accumulation of guilt demands expiation.

[The individuating person].... must offer a ransom in place of himself, that is, he must bring forth values, which are an equivalent substitute for his absence in the collective, personal sphere. Without this production of values, final individuation is immoral and- more than that-suicidal....

Not only has society a right, it also has a duty to condemn the individuant if he fails to create equivalent values, for he is a deserter.... Individuation remains a pose so long as no values are created.

The individual is obliged by the collective demands to purchase his individuation at the cost of an equivalent work for the benefit of society. Only by accomplishing an equivalent is one exempt from the conventional, collective path. A person [who individuates] must accept the contempt of society until such time as he has accomplished his equivalent. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1094.

Individuation and collectivity are a pair of opposites, two divergent destinies. They are related to one another by guilt.

The individual is obliged by the collective demands to purchase his individuation at the cost of an equivalent work for the benefit of society. So far as this is possible, individuation is possible.

Anyone who cannot do this must submit directly to the collective demands, to the demands of society, or rather, he will be caught by them automatically.
What society demands is imitation or conscious identification, a treading of accepted, authorized paths.

Only by accomplishing an equivalent is one exempted from this.
~CG Jung, CW 18, par. 1099.

映画シリーズ「The Power of Myth」の編集長であり、ジョセフ・キャンベルのインタビュアーでもあるビル・モイヤーズが、英雄的行為によって旅がどのように進められるのかについて、目に見える憧れをもって尋ねたとき、キャンベルは2つの方法を挙げた。彼はこう言った。「...(1つは)他の人の命を救うような、物理的な行為です。しかし、2つ目は精神的なものです。それは、人間の精神生活の超常的な範囲で何かを学んだり見つけたりして、戻ってきてそれを伝えた人のことである。"


"真に悟りを開いた人は、自分が卒業した世界から出て行くのではなく、他の人に奉仕し、人類の一般的な進歩を助けるための新たな動機を見つける。" ~マンリー・P・ホール




自分の中にある神聖な生命の認識として、真に建設的な労働を生み出すことは、すべての生物の義務である。" ~マンリー・P・ホール


~C. ユング、『現代人の精神的問題』。(1928) パラグラフ149-150, Vol.CW 10: 文明の変遷

現在の意識に到達した人間は孤独である。より完全な意識に向かって一歩進むごとに、元来の純粋に動物的な群れへの参加の神秘性から、共通の無意識に沈むことから、さらに遠ざかることになるからだ。一歩前進することは、大勢の人間が住んでいる無意識の母胎から自分を引き剥がすことを意味する。~カール・ユング「現代人の精神的問題」(1928年)。CW10:移行期の文明』に収録。P. 150

「このような明らかな警戒心の欠如の例をすぐに挙げると、私たちがモデムと呼ぶ人間、つまり現在の状況を認識している人間は、決して平均的な人間ではないと言わなければならない。彼はむしろ、山頂や世界の端に立ち、目の前には未来の深淵があり、上には天があり、下には太古の霧の中に消えた歴史を持つ全人類があるような人間である。現代人、いや、もう一度言うが、現在の人間はめったにお目にかかれない。なぜなら、彼は最上級の意識を持っていなければならないからである。完全に現在のものであるということは、人間としての自分の存在を完全に意識しているということですから、それには最も集中的で広範な意識が必要であり、無意識は最小限に抑えなければなりません。現在に生きているという事実だけでは、人間は近代的にはならないということを明確に理解しなければなりません。現在を完全に意識している者だけがモデムなのである。" ~C. C.G.ユング「現代人の精神的問題」(p.1)。

"これらの言葉は、空虚な音に過ぎず、その意味は単なる平凡さに還元されると考えられるかもしれません。現在を意識することほど簡単なことはありません。実際のところ、多くの無価値な人々が、様々な発展段階や人生の課題を飛び越えて、自分たちが現代人であるかのような雰囲気を醸し出している。彼らは、根こそぎにされた人間、吸血鬼のような幽霊として、真に近代的な人間のそばに突然現れ、その空虚さを近代的な人間の手に負えない孤独感とみなして、彼の信用を失墜させる。彼と彼の種族は、数は少ないが、それらの幽霊の雲、偽装現代人によって大衆の見知らぬ目から隠されている。それは仕方のないことだ。"現代 "の人間は疑わしく、疑わしいものであり、過去においても常にそうであった。

On the Hero's journey:(ヒーローの旅について)
When Bill Moyers, the executive editor of the film series The Power of Myth, and the interviewer of Joseph Campbell, asked with such visible longing about how the journey is carried forward via the heroic deed, Campbell named two ways. He said: "... [One] is a physical deed, as in saving the life of another. But the second kind is spiritual. It is the one who has learned or found something in the supernormal range of human spiritual life, and then came back and communicated it."
~Clarissa Pinkola Estés in the Introduction to Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces

“If you are one of those people who has the ability to make it down to the bottom of the ocean, the ability to swim the dark waters without fear, the astonishing ability to move through life's worst crucibles and not die, then you also have the ability to bring something back to the surface that helps others in a way that they cannot achieve themselves.”
~Lidia Yuknavitch, The Misfit's Manifesto

"The truly enlightened person does not walk out of the world which he has outgrown, he finds new incentives to be of service to others and to assist the general progress of humanity." ~Manly P. Hall

"Life is consciousness and wisdom; and those who do not possess it are dead though they seem to live.

He who possesses the Truth shall still live though he seem to die.
Wisdom bestows immortality upon internal consciousness.

Immortality is not continuance in one body, but the continuance of consciousness through many bodies.

It is the duty of all living things to produce some truly constructive labor as recognition of the divine life which is within them." ~Manly P. Hall

The greatest privilege of a human life is to become a midwife to the awakening of the Soul in another person. ~Plato

A higher level of consciousness is like a burden of guilt, but as I have said, only the man who has outgrown the stages of consciousness belonging to the past can achieve full consciousness of the present. To do this he must be sound and proficient in the best sense. It is these qualities which enable him to gain the next highest level of consciousness.
~C. Jung, The Spiritual Problems of Modern Man. (1928) Paragraph 149-150, Vol. CW 10: Civilization in Transition

The man who has attained consciousness of the present is solitary. The "modern" man has at all times been so, for every step towards fuller consciousness removes him further from his original, purely animal participation mystique with the herd, from submersion in a common unconsciousness. Every step forward means tearing oneself loose from the maternal womb of unconsciousness in which the mass of men dwells. ~Carl Jung; "The Spiritual Problems of Modern Man" (1928). In CW 10: Civilization in Transition. P. 150

"To begin at once with an example of such apparent lack of caution, I must say that the man we call modem, the man who is aware of the immediate present, is by no means the average man. He is rather the man who stands upon a peak, or at the very edge of the world, the abyss of the future before him, above him the heavens, and below him the whole of mankind with a history that disappears in primeval mists. The modem man -or, let us say again, the man of the immediate present- is rarely met with, for he must be conscious to a superlative degree. Since to be wholly of the present means to be fully conscious of one's existence as a man, it requires the most intensive and extensive consciousness, with a minimum of unconsciousness. It must be clearly understood that the mere fact of living in the present does not make a man modem, for in that case everyone at present alive would be so. He alone is modem who is fully conscious of the present." ~C. G. Jung, "The Spiritual Problem of Modern Man" (p.1).

“These words may be thought to be but empty sound, and their meaning reduced to mere banality. Nothing is easier than to affect a consciousness of the present. As a matter of fact, a great hoard of worthless people give themselves the air of being Modern by overleaping the various stages of development and the tasks of life they represent. They appear suddenly by the side of the truly Modern man as uprooted human beings, bloodsucking ghosts, whose emptiness is taken for the unenviable loneliness of the Modern man and casts discredit upon him. He and his kind, few in number as they are, are hidden from the undiscerning eyes of Mass-men by those clouds of ghosts, the pseudo-moderns. It cannot be helped; the “Modern” man is questionable and suspect, and has always been so, even in the past.”
~CG Jung, Modern Man in Search of a Soul, Page 202.


人が自分の悩みを話さないことほど厄介なことはありません、それは緊張した状況を作ります。自分の心にあることを言わないと、緊張した雰囲気になる。~CGユング『ユング 私の母と私』215ページ。


「自分の中にあるものを出せば、そのものが自分を救ってくれる。自分の中にあるものを引き出さなければ、引き出さないものが自分を滅ぼす。" ~トマスの福音書


Most people need someone to confess to, otherwise the basis of experience is not sufficiently real. They do not "hear" themselves, cannot contrast themselves with something different, and so they have no outside "control." Everything flows inwards and is answered only by oneself, not by another. It makes an enormous difference whether I confess my guilt only to myself or to another person. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 17

There is nothing more bothersome than when people don’t tell what troubles them; it makes a strained situation. It produces a strained atmosphere, if you don’t say what is on your mind. ~CG Jung, Jung My Mother and I, Page 215.

Too much secrecy causes neurosis and a split from reality, but having no mystery permits only collective thinking and Action. ~Carl Jung, Jung-Ostrowski, Page 14.

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ~Gospel of Thomas.



"誇大妄想 "とは、簡単に言えば、自分の実生活の経験がサポートできる範囲を超えて、自分自身に大きな空想や願望を持つことです。そのため、要求に応えようと走り回る躁状態になるか、願望が高すぎて達成できないため、何かをしようとするのが無駄に思えてきて、鬱状態になるのです。" ~ロバート・ムーア


エドワード・エジンガー 「大いなる人格との出会い




6.57-「とても簡単に言うと、"誇大妄想 "とは、自分の実生活の経験がサポートできる範囲を超えて、自分自身に大きな空想や希望を抱くことです。そのため、自分の要求に応えようと走り回る躁状態になるか、自分の願望があまりにも高すぎて達成できないために、何かをしようとすることがすぐに無駄に思えてしまうことで、落ち込んでしまうのです」。~ロバート・ムーア










As far as Joan of Arc goes… how does being a leader of the military have anything to do with Individuation? Was she in identification with the Self? Is being a warrior going off to battle killing many people a sign of Individuation?

“Very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.” ~Robert Moore

“The bad news about this grandiosity is that trying to avoid it by being humble only indicates the enormity of your struggle. I hate to disturb anyone's good day, but a really humble person may be having more trouble with grandiosity than someone who thinks they are pretty hot stuff. If you get depressed a lot because you think you are worthless, it indicates a mighty struggle with this little god within. You need to feel like you weigh a thousand pounds in your leaden depression so you won't float off into the sun and be destroyed by an Icarus complex. From this point of view, what is depression? It is your friend. Thank God for your depression, because it is the ballast on your psychic balloon. Without it, you would be flying into the sun of psychosis.”
~Robert L. Moore, Facing the Dragon: Confronting Personal and Spiritual Grandiosity.

1.39.50—“the development of the ego that is able to have the experience and relate to it without identifying with it. If one succeeds in that, then one becomes an initiated one. One becomes a privileged participant in a level of the psyche that isn’t generally available. One doesn’t go around spouting out that fact, because preaching about it is just an expression of the identification with it.” ~Edward Edinger - Encounters with the Greater Personality.
Edward Edinger - Encounters with the Greater Personality

3.50—the driving force within us that is separate from the normal human self or ego… and how you relate to it is an important determinant for our mental health and our overall well being.

4.00—Robert Moore talks; there is something huge, something great in you that is not I, that is not the I.

6.25—who am I? I’m Spider man. (giving into his grandiosity by Identifying himself as spiderman)

6.57—“very simply, “grandiosity” means you have larger fantasies and wishes for yourself than your real life experiences can support. So they either make you manic, running around trying to keep up with their demands, or they make you depressed because your desires are so high and unachievable that it soon seems useless to try to do anything at all.” ~Robert Moore

17.19—there is such a thing as humility, however, and we must learn the true humility that consists of two things; (a) knowing your limitations and (b) getting the help you need. That is all humility is. It has nothing to do with any ascetic personal style or with being self-effacing. It is simply knowing your limitations. ~Robert Moore
18.20—the greatest antidote to pathological narcissism is a relationship with a real person. ~Robert Moore

The Unexplored Depths of Spider-Man 3 – Facing the Dragon of Grandiosity


 all of life's experiences can be part of the individuation journey for each individual. Wisdom is learned through living. But each will experience different calls from Self.

If you were to listen to the Edinger lecture I shared above he speaks of the “danger” associated with the encounter with the greater Personality where the encounter with the Self does not actually happen successfully and identification/inflation happens.
So my question that you’re avoiding is… which position was Joan of Arc – Self-realized or ego inflated?

If we’re being honest with ourselves we my want to take a closer look at our glorification of heroine savior figures… putting the focus on external worship rather than doing the inner work ourselves.


yes, the worship may signify a call from the soul to do the work around that. But it is the messy work of living that teaches, ultimately. her life stands as something more than the theory

Worshiping external figures is the same thing the Churchy folks are doing and it blocks us from the transcendent function, as Jung said.


"他人を苛立たせるものはすべて自分自身を理解することにつながる" ~カール・ユング

2021-07-19 09:36:35 | 心理学

"他人を苛立たせるものはすべて自分自身を理解することにつながる" ~カール・ユング

"Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves." ~Carl Jung

(誠人の声) 他人をイラつかせることはすべて 自分を理解することにつながる。


[Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.]
"We always require an outside point to stand on, in order to apply the lever of criticism.
This is especially so in psychology, where by the nature of the material we are much more subjectively involved than in any other science.
How, for example, can we become conscious of national peculiarities if we have never had the opportunity to regard our own nation from outside?
Regarding it from outside means regarding it from the standpoint of another nation.
To do so, we must acquire sufficient knowledge of the foreign collective psyche, and in the course of this process of assimilation we encounter all those in compatibilities which constitute the national bias and the national peculiarity.
Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.
I understand England only when I see where I, as a Swiss, do not fit in. I understand Europe, our greatest problem, only when I see where I as a European do not fit into the world.
Through my acquaintance with many Americans, and my trips to and in America, I have obtained an enormous amount of insight into the European character; it has always seemed to me that there can be nothing more useful for a European than some time or another to look out at Europe from the top of a skyscraper.
When I contemplated for the first time the European spectacle from the Sahara, surrounded by a civilization which has more or less the same relationship to ours as Roman antiquity has to modern times, I became aware of how completely, even in America, I was still caught up and imprisoned in the cultural consciousness of the white man.
The desire then grew in me to carry the historical comparisons still farther by descending to a still lower cultural level." ~Carl Gustav Jung, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, MDR, Pages 246-247.

I wonder why human beings throughout the world don’t see this simple fact that you cannot possibly have peace on Earth if you’re nationalistically divided. ~Jiddu Krishnamurti.