


2021-07-06 19:36:13 | 心理学

You must go in quest of yourself, and you will find yourself again only in the simple and forgotten things. Why not go into the forest for a time, literally? Sometimes a tree tells you more than can be read in books. C.G. Jung & the Creative Bridge

Jung, Letters Vol.1 P479


ユング レターズ Vol.1 P479



Trees in particular were mysterious and seemed to me direct embodiments of the incomprehensible meaning of life. For that reason the woods were the place where I felt closest to its deepest meaning and to its awe-inspiring workings. ~Carl Jung, MDR, Page 68.


- ウィリアム・ブレイク

“The tree which moves some to tears of joy is in the eyes of others only a green thing that stands in the way. Some see nature all ridicule and deformity... and some scarce see nature at all. But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”
― William Blake



“Put a man in the wrong atmosphere and nothing will function as it should. He will seem unhealthy in every part. Put him back into his proper element and everything will blossom and look healthy. ~Ludwig Wittgenstein



“Natural life is the nourishing soil of the soul. Anyone who fails to go along with life remains suspended, stiff and rigid in midair. That is why so many people get wooden in old age; they look back and cling to the past with a secret fear of death in their hearts. They withdraw from the life-process, at least psychologically, and consequently remain fixed like nostalgic pillars of salt, with vivid recollections of youth but no living relation to the present.”
—Carl Jung 



·この世がある限り、自然は人間の教師であり続けます。これは疑いの余地のないことです。自然は常に芸術家の教師であり、知恵の教師です。私の見る限り、自然にないものがひとつだけあるようです。自然に付け加えなくてはならないもの、それは愛です。 『エンデの文明砂漠』


F.Boaさん 太極拳、ジョギング...と、今日は身体を取り戻すための動きがたくさんあります。
フォン・フランツ 最近の心理療法では、身体を非常に重視していますが、これは代償の動きです。私が自分の経験から感じたのは、太極拳やあらゆる種類のグループ体験など、身体を取り戻すためのそれらの運動は、またちょっとテクニカルすぎて、意図的すぎるのではないかということです。自然の中に入り、自然の中で生活することのほうが、より自然に近い形で身体を取り戻すことができると思います。しかし、誰もがそうできるわけではありませんし、そういったエクササイズが非常に役立つこともあるでしょう。
F.Boa: 個人が頭と体をつなげるとどうなるのでしょうか?
フォン・フランツ 一般的に、人が身体に沈むときは、まず頭と身体の間の橋渡しをするのは感情であり、おそらく脳の大脳辺縁系、つまり効果と感情が結びついています。そして最初のステップは、それらを吐き出し、浮かび上がらせ、頭で抑圧しないようにすることです。そうすると、大抵の場合、感情が爆発し、涙と汗が出て、身体的な反応が起こり、その後、リラックスして、身体とのつながりが良くなります。
The Way of the Dream, The Hanged Manより


F.Boa: There are many movements today to get back into the body - tai chi, jogging...
Von Franz: This tremendous emphasis on the body nowadays in psychotherapy is a compensatory movement. My feeling is from my own experience that those exercises to get back in the body - tai chi and all sorts of group experience and so on - is a bit too technical again, it’s too intentional. I think that going into nature and living in nature is a better way of sinking back into the body, a more natural way, but not everybody can do that and those exercises are certainly sometimes very helpful.
F.Boa: What happens when the individual connects the head and the body?
Von Franz: Well generally when people sink into their body - first the bridge between the head and body are the emotions, probably connected in the brain with the limbic system, the effects and the emotions, and generally when people try to through exercise to get into their bodies they first of all touch on certain emotions: a wild resentment against father or mother or something like that, generally negative emotions which have been repressed. And the first step is to let those out, to let those come up, to not suppress them with the head, and then generally there is an outburst and tears and sweat and physical reaction and then a relaxation, and then a better connection with the body.
From The Way of the Dream, The Hanged Man
