


2021-04-05 01:56:50 | 心理学


If you bring forth what is within you what ​you bring forth will save you.
If you do not bring forth what is within, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.
-gospel of Thomas



ノイローゼとは内面の分裂であり、一人の自己と戦っている状態である。... 人を自分自身との戦いに駆り立てるものは、自分が互いに対立する2人の人間から成り立っているという直観や知識である。~カール・ユング「魂を求めた現代人

19:45-「家にいるときと人前に出ているときとではまったく違う。それを知らない人は、結局それにつまずいてしまう。家の中で親密な関係にあるときの男なのか、それとも公の場に現れる男なのか、それはジキルとハイドの問題なのか。多くの場合、二重人格と言えるほどの違いがあります...そして、それが顕著になればなるほど、人は神経症になります。彼らがノイローゼになるのは、2つの異なる方法を持っていて、常に自分自身に矛盾を抱えているからです。彼らは自分自身のことを意識していないので、自分が1つだと思っていますが、誰もが2つあることに気付いています...ある人は彼のことを1つの面でしか知らず、他の人は彼のことをもう1つの面でしか知りません。~C.ユング(1990年のユーチューブ・ドキュメンタリー「The World Within - C.G. Jung in His Own Words」より)。




Some are suppressed and some are repressed.
As a rule those tendencies that represent the antisocial elements in man's psychic structure—what I call the "statistical criminal" in everybody—are suppressed, that is, they are consciously and deliberately disposed of.
But tendencies that are merely repressed are usually of a somewhat doubtful character.
They are not so much antisocial as unconventional and socially awkward.
The reason why we repress them is equally doubtful.
Some people repress them from sheer cowardice, others from conventional morality, and others again for reasons of respectability.
Repression is a sort of half-conscious and half-hearted letting go of things, a dropping of hot cakes or a reviling of grapes which hang too high, or a looking the other way in order not to become conscious of one's desires.
Freud discovered that repression is one of the main mechanisms in the making of a neurosis.
Suppression amounts to a conscious moral choice, but repression is a rather immoral "penchant" for getting rid of disagreeable decisions.
Suppression may cause worry, conflict and suffering, but it never causes a neurosis.
Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 129

Neurosis is an inner cleavage - the state of being at war with one- self. ... What drives people to war with themselves is the intuition or the knowledge that they consist of two persons in opposition to one another. ~Carl Jung; Modern Man in Search of a Soul

At 19:45— “at home you are quite different from when you are in public, and people who don’t know it stumble over it in the end, they deny that they are like that but they are like that, they are it… now, which is the real man? Is he the man as he is at home in intimate relations or is he the man that appears in public, it is a question of Jekyll and Hyde? Often there is such a difference that you would be able to speak of a double personality… and the more that that is pronounced the more that people are neurotic. They get neurotic because they have two different ways that they contradict themselves all the time and as much as they are unconscious of themselves they don’t know it, they think they’re all one and yet everyone sees that they are two… and some know him for only one side and others know him only on the other side and then there are situations that clash because the way you are with people create certain situations within the organizations and these two situations don’t chime in they are just discernless.” ~C.Jung, you-tube 1990 documentary, The World Within - C.G. Jung in His Own Words.

Often you have great trouble even to make out to what type a man belongs, either because he is very well balanced or he is very neurotic.
The last one is hard because when vou are neurotic, then you have always a certain dissociation of personality.
And then too, the people themselves don't know when they react consciously or when they react unconsciously.
So you can talk to somebody, and you think he is conscious.
He knows what he says, and to your amazement you discover after a while that he is quite unconscious of it, doesn't know it.
It is a long and painstaking procedure to find out of what a man is conscious and of what he is not conscious, because the unconscious plays in him all the time.
Certain things are conscious; certain things are unconscious; but you can't always tell.
You have to ask people, "Now are you conscious of what you say?"
Or, "Did you notice?"
And you discover suddenly that there are quite a number of things that he didn't know at all.
For instance, certain people have many reasons; everybody can see them. They themselves don't know it at all. ~Carl Jung, Evans Conversations, Page 23.

“[The neurotic] feels caught in a cellar with many doors, and whichever door he opens leads only into new darkness. And all the time he knows that others are walking outside in sunshine. I do not believe that one can understand any severe neurosis without recognizing the paralyzing hopelessness which it contains. … It may be difficult then to see that behind all the odd vanities, demands, hostilities, there is a human being who suffers, who feels forever excluded from all that makes life desirable, who knows that even if he gets what he wants he cannot enjoy it. When one recognizes the existence of all this hopelessness it should not be difficult to understand what appears to be an excessive aggressiveness or even meanness, unexplainable by the particular situation. A person so shut out from every possibility of happiness would have to be a veritable angel if he did not feel hatred toward a world he cannot belong to.“ ~Karen Horney, The Neurotic Personality of Our Time, pp. 227–228
