最近、入れたSmartGo Kifuで古い碁から最近の棋譜まで観れますね。
英語版ですが動く絵本(例えば、"Little Mermaid"/"Alice")も映像が綺麗で楽しいですね!
"EGCC" これは何を意味するかご存知ですか?
After getting my iPad recently, it has already become a part of my life.
Few days ago, I downloaded SmartGo Kifu. It's really great that we can look at professional games from the past to today.
We can also study problems while listening to music.
Most of them are still in English but the picture books are beautiful and fun (like Little Mermaid and Alice in Wonderland)
There are so many things we can do just with iPad!
最近、入れたSmartGo Kifuで古い碁から最近の棋譜まで観れますね。
英語版ですが動く絵本(例えば、"Little Mermaid"/"Alice")も映像が綺麗で楽しいですね!

After getting my iPad recently, it has already become a part of my life.
Few days ago, I downloaded SmartGo Kifu. It's really great that we can look at professional games from the past to today.
We can also study problems while listening to music.
Most of them are still in English but the picture books are beautiful and fun (like Little Mermaid and Alice in Wonderland)
There are so many things we can do just with iPad!