文化交流使(文化庁)で欧州囲碁普及をしていた頃に大変お世話になった門司健次郎・元大使(イラク・カタール・カナダの全権大使であり 『酒サムライ』の称号を持つ)のお誘いで、ブックカバーチャレンジ1日目に投稿しました。
Facebook で7日間、自分の好きな本を紹介し、次の方にバトンしていく企画です。
At the invitation of Mr Kenjiro Monji, a former Ambassador of Iraq, Qatar, and Canada, also with the title of "Sake Samurai", who was very supportive when I was promoting Go in Europe as a Cultural Ambassador, I posted the first day of the "book cover challenge".
During the challenge, you introduce your favourite book on Facebook for 7 days and tag the next person.
Today's book is Yasunari Kawabata's "Master of Go"
For me, the young player who challenges Honinbo Shusai (the last Honinbo of the hereditary system) is my teacher, Minoru Kitani sensei as a young man, so it is a novel that feels close to me.
It has been translated into 15 languages overseas and is read by many Go fans, but not as much in Japan sadly.
This novel is told as Kawabata Yasunari's spectator record, and has a documentary touch.
However, the challenger, Kitani sensei, is the only character in the novel whose name was changed from the real name...
Until now, I've read this novel several times at my milestones, but each time I notice new elements.
Yasunari Kawabata took 12 years to write this novel. It is also rare that the characters are mainly men.
It's a deeply interesting work in many ways.
I think it's an interesting book to read for non-Go players as well.
Someday, I would like to hold a discussion on the theme of this “Master of Go”.
Today, I tag my student, Antti Törmänen. I am looking forward to his book choices!

Facebook で7日間、自分の好きな本を紹介し、次の方にバトンしていく企画です。
At the invitation of Mr Kenjiro Monji, a former Ambassador of Iraq, Qatar, and Canada, also with the title of "Sake Samurai", who was very supportive when I was promoting Go in Europe as a Cultural Ambassador, I posted the first day of the "book cover challenge".
During the challenge, you introduce your favourite book on Facebook for 7 days and tag the next person.
Today's book is Yasunari Kawabata's "Master of Go"
For me, the young player who challenges Honinbo Shusai (the last Honinbo of the hereditary system) is my teacher, Minoru Kitani sensei as a young man, so it is a novel that feels close to me.
It has been translated into 15 languages overseas and is read by many Go fans, but not as much in Japan sadly.
This novel is told as Kawabata Yasunari's spectator record, and has a documentary touch.
However, the challenger, Kitani sensei, is the only character in the novel whose name was changed from the real name...
Until now, I've read this novel several times at my milestones, but each time I notice new elements.
Yasunari Kawabata took 12 years to write this novel. It is also rare that the characters are mainly men.
It's a deeply interesting work in many ways.
I think it's an interesting book to read for non-Go players as well.
Someday, I would like to hold a discussion on the theme of this “Master of Go”.
Today, I tag my student, Antti Törmänen. I am looking forward to his book choices!