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4月7日(水)のつぶやき 英語バージョン

2010年04月08日 | 日記
08:44 from web
Good morning ! Oh my !!The alarm clock didn't go off.
I jumped to my feet in surprise.
But it has worked out everything.
14:26 from web
It's so sad to say good-bye.
When one door shuts, another one opens.
I want to believe that.
14:48 from web
Open the door. You may find a new you.
I'm sure I can do that.
15:06 from web
Today my maid can't come.
So I have to clean up the kitchen.
I don't want to leave a lot of dirty dishes in the sink.
I can get a start.
23:41 from web
My kids are sleeping soundly.
When I see it , I feel very happy.
To me, family is the main thing. Without a family what would I have?
23:53 from web
I think I want to go to bed. I had many things that I have to think about.
Now I need just forget everything.
23:54 from web
I hope I'll have many nice dreams. Good night!
by comadam on Twitter



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