北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年07月09日 | 日記
15:59 from web
Hello ! There was orientation for summer camp at my son's pre-school.
Parents were explained the outline of the camp.
16:07 from web
I hope my son will have a good time.
It's his first -time camping out.
They are going to camp on 2nd September.
16:08 from web
Ok I have to pick up my son earlier than usual.
My housekeeper is leaving here 5PM.
19:45 from web
We have finished dinner.
As my kids asked me to make cream stew, I made it.
Although I don't feel like eating such food on this hot day!
19:47 from web
Wow, my hubby has come back.
It's very rare that he is at home around 8PM.
He usually comes back home very late.
19:54 from web
Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.
Good words!!
I want to remember it and keep on making effort.
23:23 from web
The best is often the enemy of the good.
I should know my position where I stand now.
I want to accept everything myself.
23:28 from web
Even a tiny step will be a big step someday.
For me now is most important.
I don't want to worry about future too much.<cont>
23:34 from web
I try not to look back past thing.
All I have to do is what I can do now.
I'm walking toward future step by step everyday.
23:35 from web
OK. It's time to say good night !
by comadam on Twitter