北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年07月16日 | 日記
14:12 from web
In the morning, it rained a little bit.
But the heavy rain warning was issued again.
So my daughter's school is closed. <cont>
14:17 from web
....For her 2 days holiday ! Lucky her !?
Although I'm not so happy.
I feel so strange as it's clear up now.
Why did the warning <cont>
14:24 from web
...have to be issued??
Very funny.
I don't want my daughter to fool around at home....
Frustrating weather warning!!
17:54 from web
When my house keeper was about to leave our home, it has started raining hardly.
18:05 from web
My hubby has called me.
He has asked me to pick him up by car.
It's absolutely pouring down.
What on earth is it ??
18:07 from web
The rain is even harder.
Crazy !!
23:58 from web
I want to have sweet dream....
I wish to see Johnny Depp in it !
Good night !
by comadam on Twitter