北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年07月13日 | 日記
14:37 from web
Hello! It's a pouring rain !!
Even in the house, I hear the sounds of rain.
Sooo noisy! I guess flood warning will be issued.
17:45 from web
Wow! It's clear up now.
The sun begins to shine !!
17:55 from web
Last night I saw a cockroach was running.
I wanted to ask my hubby to killed it, but he had fallen asleep.
Darn it !!
Do you know how <cont>
18:05 from web
...much I hate it !
I heard something moving in my room.
I knew it was a cockroach. I tried to find it out. But I failed to do it.<cont>
18:15 from web
So grooose ! Just imagine, you are in the room with a big cockroach.
Yuck !! Cockroaches are a great nuisance in summer.
18:24 from web
This morning my housekeeper found and killed it.
She was so brave that she could fight against with it !
Mmm, great !
18:28 from web
I asked her if she was scared of it .
She confessed me that she didn't recognize it was a cockroach.(haha)
She thought it was <cont>
18:31 from web
...a kind of a drone beetle.
Even if it were that insects, I couldn't face it.
Definitely she is a very strong woman!
23:37 from web
Tonight my hubby doesn't come back home.
He has duty.
I'm worried if his health will fail as a result of overwork.
23:43 from web
Nothing is more precious than anything else.
As he is an excellent doctor, I’m proud of him.
I hope him to stay healthy.
23:45 from web
It's time to say Good night !!
by comadam on Twitter