北摂あらため 芦屋エレママのひとりごと    -エレガントなマダムの部屋へようこそ- 



2010年07月12日 | 日記
08:17 from web
Good morning!
First thing in the morning, I drink a glass of water .
Next I have fruits.
It's my habit. I believe it's good for our health.
08:37 from web
I slept really well last night.
When you feel sleepy, you should go to bed immediately.
Then you get a good sleep!
16:46 from web
We are going for shopping and eating out.
I'd like to find costume for my son.
He will have costume party 16th July. Sounds fun !
19:12 from web
Back home...
We went to SUSHI reat
19:20 from web
Back home ...
We went to SUSHI restaurant.
Acutually it's revolving sushi. It's good for family with small kids.<cont>
19:28 from web
....But I hope to go classy sushi-bar with my hubby- leaving our kids with a babysitter !
Mmm good idea!
19:46 from web
In Singapore many people asked me why I'm so slendar.
I replyed ”Because I often ate sushi !"
What do you think?? <cont>
19:54 from web
Of course,no matter healthy food they are, overeating makes you fat.
I eat properly to stay in shape.
Traditional-Japanese diet is <cont>
19:59 from web
...well-balanced diet.
Eating habit decide your life expectancy.
I want to eat only foods that are good for my health.
20:04 from web
But I can't stop drinking....
and resist eating sweets.(haha)
I know it's not good for health although.
20:07 from web
OK. I'll take a bath.
After that I'll have a beer !! Nothing tastes better than it !!
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