Car Inspection in the US(アメリカの車検)
Me My car is due for shaken this month. I am in the dumps because it costs so much. By t...
Labor Day(レイバー・デイ)
Me Hey, Dali. What do you think about Labor Day?私 ねえダリちゃん。レイバー・デーについてどう思う?Dali...
Veterans Day(退役軍人の日)
Me Today, I want you to talk about a particular US federal holiday. I think there is pro...
Stores are Busy After Christmas(クリスマス後のお店は忙しい)
Me There are many US sales that include the name of federal holidays. For example, Indep...
Hot Dogs(ホットドック)
Me Hey Dali! Do you like hot dogs?私 ねえダリちゃん! ホットドックは好き?Dali Of cou...
Kentucky Fried Chicken(ケンタッキー・フライド・チキン)
Me You know something? In KFC, you can choose white meat or red meat.私 あのね。ケンタッキー・フライド・チ...
Me I saw on television that there is a large number of American athletes and celebrities...
Dali When I was a young child, our image of margarine compared to butter was that margar...
Strawberry Shortcakes(イチゴショートケーキ)
Dali In Japan, there is something called the strawberry shortcake, which is basically a ...
Cake Should Be Sweet!(甘くなければケーキじゃない!)
Dali When we compare a Japanese food with an American food, there is one thing that many...