


2014年07月07日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語

english x english

english x english

[問題](1) an amount of money needed to do something = e---

[解答]expense(費用) = an amount of money(ある額の金) needed(必要とされる) to do(するために) something(何かを)

[問題](2)a feeling of understanding and care for someone who is suffering = s---

[解答] sympathy(同情) = a feeling(感情) of understanding and care(理解と気遣い) for someone(誰かに対する) who is suffering(その人は苦しんでいる)

[問題](3)a situation when you lack something you need = s--- 

[解答]shortage(不足) = a situation(状況) when you lack(その時人は欠いている) something(何かを) you need(その人が必要としている) 

[問題](4) the state of being poor = p--- 

[解答] poverty(貧困) = the state(状態) of being poor(貧しい)

[問題](5) a prediction of weather conditions for the near future = f---

[解答]forecast(天気予報) = a prediction(予想) of weather conditions(気象状況の) for the near future(近い未来の)

[問題](6) the scientific study of living things = b---

[解答] biology(生物学) = the scientific study(科学的研究) of living things(生き物の)

[問題](7) a group of people who were born at about the same time = g---

[解答] generation(世代) = a group(集団) of people(人々の) who were born(その人たちは生まれた) at about the same time(ほぼ同時期に)

[問題](8) the process of repeating something many times so that you become good at it = p---

[解答]practice(練習) = the process(過程) of repeating(繰り返す) something(何かを) many times(何度も) so that you become good(人がうまくなるように) at it(それにおいて)

[問題](9)a very large round object that moves around the sun or another star = p---

[解答]planet(惑星) = a very large round object(非常に大きな球形の物体) that moves(それは動いている) around the sun or another star(太陽や他の恒星の周囲を)

[問題](10)money given to a student who needs financial support = s---

[解答] scholarship(奨学金) = money(お金) given(与えられる) to a student(学生に) who needs(その人は必要としている) financial support(金銭上の支援を) 

[問題](11)knowledge or skills that were obtained from doing something = e---

[解答]experience(経験) = knowledge or skills(知識や技能) that were obtained(それは得られた) from doing(することから) something(何かを)

[問題](12) objects that are for sale = g---

[解答]goods(商品) = objects(物) that are(それは存在する) for sale(売るために)

[問題](13)  the act of giving something to a person or an organization in order to help them = d---

[解答] donation(寄付) = the act(行為)of giving(与える) something(何かを) to a person or an organization(人や組織に) in order to help(助ける目的で) them(彼らを)

[問題](14) the official line that divides one country from another = b---

[解答]border(国境) = the official line(公式の線) that divides(それは分けている) one country(一つの国を) from another(別(の国)から)

[問題](15)something that is made or grown in large quantities to be sold = p--- 

[解答] product(製品) = something(何か) that is made or grown(それは作られたり育てられた) in large quantities(大量に) to be sold(売られるために)

[問題](16)something that is burned to provide power or heat = f--- 

[解答] fuel(燃料) = something(何か) that is burned(それは燃やされている) to provide(供給するために) power or heat(動力や熱を)

[問題](17) the place where passengers get on and off trains = p---

[解答]platform(プラットホーム) = the place(場所) where passengers get on and off(そこで旅客が乗り降りする) trains(列車を) 

[問題](18)a fight between armed forces = b---

[解答]battle(戦闘) = a fight(闘い) between armed forces(武装した勢力の間の) 

[問題](19)a building for keeping automobiles = g--- 

[解答] garage(車庫) = a building(建物) for keeping(保管するための) automobiles(車を)

[問題](20)a formal discussion of a question at a public meeting = d---

[解答] debate(ディベート) = a formal discussion(正式な議論) of a question(問題の) at a public meeting(公開の集まりにおける)

[問題](21)a way of behaving accepted among a group of people = c---

[解答] custom(慣習) = a way(やり方) of behaving(振る舞う) accepted(受け入れられた) among a group(集団の中で) of people(人々の)

[問題](22) the chance that something might happen = p---

[解答] possibility(可能性) = the chance(見込み) that(~という) something might happen(何かが起きるかもしれない)

[問題](23) money made from a business after paying all its expenses = p---

[解答] profit(利益) = money(お金) made(儲けられた) from a business(ビジネスから) after paying(払った後) all its expenses(すべてそれにかかる経費を)

[問題](24) the protection of someone or something from attack by an enemy = d---

[解答] defense(防御) = the protection(守ること) of someone or something(誰か,あるいは何かを) from attack(攻撃から) by an enemy(敵による)

[問題](25) a period of very bad weather with strong winds and rain or snow = s---

[解答] storm(嵐) = a period(ある期間) of very bad weather(非常に悪い天気の) with strong winds and rain or snow(強い風と,雨あるいは雪を伴った)

[問題](26)  something that prevents people from doing something = b---

[解答]  barrier(障壁) = something(何か) that prevents(それは妨げる) people(人々を) from doing(することから) something(何かを)

[問題](27) an exciting activity in which dangerous or unusual things happen = a---

[解答] adventure(冒険) = an exciting activity(わくわくするような活動) in which dangerous or unusual things happen(その中では危険な,あるいはまれな出来事が起きる)

[問題](28) a serious lack of food for a certain period of time = h---

[解答]hunger(飢餓) = a serious lack(深刻な不足) of food(食料の) for a certain period of time(一定の期間の間) 

[問題](29) businesses that produce goods or provide a service = i---

[解答] industry(産業) = businesses(会社(群)) that produce(それは生産する) goods(商品を) or provide(あるいは提供する) a service(サービスを)

[問題](30)an amount of money that a person, business, or country borrows from a bank, etc. = l--- 

[解答] loan(ローン) = an amount of money(ある額のお金) that a person, business, or country borrows(それを人や会社や国が借りている) from a bank, etc.(銀行などから)

[問題](31) the beliefs, way of life, and customs that are accepted by people in a society = c---

[解答]culture(文化) = the beliefs, way of life, and customs(信条と生活様式と慣習) that are accepted(それは受け入れられている) by people(人々によって) in a society(ある社会の

[問題](32) an event that causes great damage or suffering = d---

[解答]disaster(惨事) = an event(出来事) that causes(それは引き起こす) great damage or suffering(大きな損害や苦しみを) 

[問題](33)a condition that gives someone a greater chance of success = a---

[解答] advantage(有利) = a condition(状況) that gives(それは与える) someone(誰かに) a greater chance(より大きなチャンスを) of success(成功の)

[問題](34) a strong feeling of wanting something = d---

[解答] desire(欲望) = a strong feeling(強い感情) of wanting(望む) something(何かを)

[問題](35)a group whose members work together to achieve a particular purpose = o---

[解答]organization(組織) = a group(集団) whose members work(そのメンバーは働く) together(一緒に) to achieve(達成するために) a particular purpose(特定の目的を) 

[問題](36)a movement or sound that sends a particular message = s---

[解答]signal(合図) = a movement or sound(動きや音) that sends(それは送る) a particular message(特定のメッセージを)

[問題](37)measures taken to keep a person, country, etc. safe from danger = s---

[解答]security(警備,治安) = measures(手段) taken(取られる) to keep(状態にしておくために) a person, country, etc.(人や国などが) safe(安全な) from danger(危険から) 

[問題](38)the activity of buying and selling goods, usually between countries = t---

[解答]trade(貿易) = the activity(活動) of buying and selling(買ったり売ったりする) goods(商品を), usually between countries(通常は国の間で)

[問題](39) someone who suffers from a crime, accident, disaster, etc. = v---

[解答]victim(犠牲者) = someone(人) who suffers(その人は苦しんでいる) from a crime, accident, disaster, etc.(犯罪,事故,災害などの結果)

[問題](40)someone who has a high level of knowledge or skill in a particular subject = e---

[解答]expert(専門家) = someone(人) who has(その人は待っている) a high level(高いレベルを) of knowledge or skill(知識や技能の) in a particular subject(特定の対象において)

[問題](41)a person who buys goods or uses services = c---

[解答]consumer(消費者) = a person(人) who buys(その人は買う) goods(商品を) or uses(あるいは利用する) services(サービスを)

[問題](42)someone who offers to do something without payment = v---

[解答]volunteer(ボランティア) = someone(人) who offers(その人は申し出る) to do(することを) something(何かを) without payment(無報酬で)

[問題](43)an important system or custom that has existed for a long time = i---

[解答]institution(制度,慣例) = an important system or custom(重要な制度や慣習) that has existed(それは存在してきた) for a long time(長い間)

[問題](44)a formal public or religious event = c---

[解答]ceremony(儀式) = a formal public or religious event(正式な,公共のあるいは宗教の行事)

[問題](45)an occasion when people vote to choose someone for an official position = e---

[解答]election(選挙) = an occasion(行事) when people vote(その時人々は投票する) to choose(選ぶために) someone(誰かを) for an official position(公職に)

[問題](46)something that is carried by a person, vehicle, etc. = l---

[解答]load(積み荷) = something(何か) that is carried(それは運ばれる) by a person, vehicle, etc.(人や乗り物などによって)

[問題](47)power that is used to produce light, heat, motion, etc. = e---

[解答]energy(エネルギー) = power(動力源) that is used(それは使われる) to produce(生み出すために) light, heat, motion, etc.(光,熱,動きなどを)

[問題](48)an instrument for measuring temperature = t---

[解答]thermometer(温度計) = an instrument(道具) for measuring(計測するための) temperature(温度を)

[問題](49)a formal agreement between two or more countries = t---

[解答]treaty(条約) = a formal agreement(公式な合意) between two or more countries(二国かそれ以上の国々の間での)

[問題](50)the line in the distance where the land or sea seems to meet the sky = h---

[解答]horizon(地(水)平線) = the line(線) in the distance(遠くにある) where the land or sea seems(そこでは陸や海が思われる) to meet(接触するように) the sky(空と)

[問題](51)a tall tower with a light at the top to guide ships away from danger = l---

[解答]lighthouse(灯台) = a tall tower(高い塔) with a light(ライトがある) at the top(天辺に) to guide(導くための) ships(船を) away(離れた所へと) from danger(危険から)

[問題](52)a curved line of colors that appears in the sky when the sun shines through rain = r---

[解答]rainbow 虹= a curved line(湾曲した線) of colors(さまざまな色の) that appears(それは現れる) in the sky(空に) when the sun shines(太陽が照るとき) through rain(雨を通して

[問題](53)a promise or warning that something unpleasant will happen = t---

[解答]threat(脅し,脅迫) = a promise or warning(予告や警告) that(~という) something unpleasant will happen(何か嫌なことが起きるであろう)

[問題](54)an area of land controlled by a particular country = t---

[解答]territory(領土) = an area(区域) of land(土地の) controlled(支配された) by a particular country(特定の国によって)

[問題](55)a natural skill or ability to do something well = t---

[解答]talent(才能) = a natural skill or ability(生まれ持った技能や能力) to do(するための) something(何かを) well(うまく)

[問題](56)a loud or unpleasant sound = n---

[解答]noise(騒音,雑音) = a loud or unpleasant sound(騒々しい,あるいは不快な音)

[問題](57)an activity that someone does for pleasure in their free time = h---

[解答]hobby(趣味) = an activity(活動) that someone does(それを誰かがする) for pleasure(楽しみのために) in their free time(その人の自由時間に)

[問題](58)make someone do something against their will = f---

[解答]force(強いる) = make(させる) someone(誰かに) do(するように) something(何かを) against their will(その人の意志に反して)

[問題](59)admit that you have done something wrong or illegal = c---

[解答]confess(白状する) = admit(認める) that(~と) you have done(自分はしたと) something wrong or illegal(何か悪い,あるいは違法なことを)

[問題](60)move toward a particular place = h---

[解答]head(向かう) = move(移動する) toward a particular place(特定の場所に向かって)

[問題](61)show a strong feeling of respect for a higher being = w---

[解答]worship(崇拝する) = show(示す) a strong feeling(強い感情を) of respect(尊敬の) for a higher being(より高い存在に対して)

[問題](62)accept something annoying or unpleasant = s---

[解答]stand(我慢する) = accept(受け入れる) something(何かを) annoying or unpleasant(困った,あるいは不快な)

[問題](63)please someone by doing what they want = s---

[解答]satisfy(満足させる) = please(喜ばせる) someone(誰かを) by doing(することによって) what they want(その人が望むことを)

[問題](64)finish doing or making something = c---

[解答]complete(完成する) = finish(終える) doing or making(していること,あるいは作っていることを) something(何かを)

[問題](65)make someone believe something = c---

[解答]convince(確信[納得]させる) = make(させる) someone(誰かを) believe(信じるように) something(何かを)

[問題](66)give money or other help along with others = c---

[解答]contribute(寄付する) = give(与える) money or other help(お金やほかの支援を) along with others(他の人たちと同様に)

[問題](67)make someone feel afraid = f---

[解答]frighten(怖がらせる) = make(させる) someone(誰かを) feel(感じるように) afraid(恐れていると)

[問題](68)seize and hold somebody under the authority of law = a---

[解答]arrest(逮捕する) = seize and hold(捕らえて拘束する) somebody(誰かを) under the authority(権限のもとに) of law(法の)

[問題](69)defend an action by explanation = j---

[解答]justify(正当化する) = defend(擁護する) an action(行動を) by explanation(釈明によって)

[問題](70)officially govern a country or area = r---

[解答]rule(支配する) = officially(公式に) govern(統治する) a country or area(国や地域を)
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