


2015年07月10日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語

※【 】内の定義を参考に文脈に合う単語を考えてください。

 With a little bit of care, your goldfish can live much longer than you might expect. First, choose the largest possible tank you can (1)aff… 【to have enough money to buy or to do something】and decorate it with objects such as small rocks and plants. However, be careful not to put sharp objects in the tank that could harm your fish. Second, feed them only as much as they can eat in a few minutes and immediately (2)rem…【to take something away from a place】 any leftover food. The most important thing is to clean the tank and change the water at least once every two weeks. To make it easier for the fish to (3)adj…【to gradually get used to a new situation】 to new water, partial water changes are much better than complete water changes. By doing all these things, you can be sure your fish will (4)sur…【to continue to live 】 into their "golden years."

解答(1)afford (2)remove (3)adjust (4)survive


※【 】内の定義を参考に文脈に合う単語を考えてください。

※英英式の定義文が読みにくければenglish x englishがおすすめで、苦労なく英英辞典を使えるようになります。

 Which do you (1)pr…【to like someone or something better than another】, living in the country or in the city? According to a United Nations survey, half of the seven billion people on this planet are living in the countryside. However, more and more people are moving into (2)ur…【relating to towns and cities 】 areas. It is (3)es…【to give a general idea of the cost, size, value etc. of something】 that about two thirds of the world's population will live in cities within the next 35 years. Cities are likely to be too crowded and become very difficult places to live. Having said that, due to recent population (4)tr…s【a general tendency in which a situation is changing or developing】, we soon may not have a choice about where to live.


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