


2019年12月14日 | センター英語の四か所整序問題(和訳ヒントつき)
  センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版には第一章、第二章1600問を収録し、有料版センター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人: 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版には第三章、第四章、第五章2400問を収録しました。

(351)*Located 30 km from Paris,
the theme park (*entertain / many *attractions / offers you / that will) your family.

(352)A meeting of the two nations' foreign (finally put / *ministers / to the *dispute / an end).

(353)A *conference was held to *discuss the (*insects / of using / as / *various *benefits)
an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)My grandmother always said you should sweat to (you / *reduce / when / the *fever) have the flu.

(355)The (made / for / *representatives / a plan) the school festival,
and the other (it / students / out / carried).

(356)To *improve business *performance,
(decided to / the *company / *drastic *measures / resort to).

(357)Trains in (*punctual / are / Japan / *incredibly).

(358)Bruce was terribly (his girlfriend / when / left him / *upset), but he soon got over it.

(359)The story was *outstanding, but his (was / acting / *excellent / anything but).

(360)*Thick eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like (the world / of / is / the *weight) on your nose.

(361)Some (their own / are apt to / people / consider) way of life as being the *normal one and to (life-styles / from it / look down on / that *differ).

(362)*Permanent (until / *remain *employed / they are / *employees) *fired or choose to *quit.

(363)Not even (today's *rainforests / one percent / in / of the *species) have been *investigated by researchers.

(364)It never occured (had *worried / to me / my actions / that) my parents.

(365)Watching TV programs can be good for the education
(it is / if / carefully *monitored / of children).

(366)This picture (a *method / *utilized / *illustrates / of *protection) by many animals.

(367)Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (the position of / for / full-time professor / *application ) was *rejected.

(368)Is it (for / child *abuse / to *spoil / parents) their children too much?

(369)Three of five people in the world still do not (the Internet / *access / have / to).

(370)Can (an *inborn *genius / *beat / and *sincere *effort / hard work)?

(371)*Fierce *competition between companies in the airline *industry
had (and *improved / lower prices / services / led to).

(372)Throughout history, many (have / *individuals / *justice / fought for) and *equality.

(373)He was a member of the (to choose / whose *duty / *committee / was) the winner of the *competition.

(374)Police are appealing for (after / *witnesses / *cash / a large *sum of) was stolen.

(375)He *struggled (*committed / he / with his *conscience / after) the *crime.

(376)The ozone *layer is (*protective *layer / gas / a *thin / of) 10km-50km above the earth.

(377)The detective thinks the man (is / he / *suspicious / *interviewed today).

(378)More and more companies have (*temporary workers / to / tried / *hire) lately.

(379)The (a *loyal dog / between / and / *bond) a caring owner is unbreakable,
(and death / between / even / life).

(380)The (became / *soldiers / in the heat / *desperately *thirsty).

(381)Michael (on a daily basis / *tough / *tackles / problems), but he always finds *solutions.

(382)Skin may (a person's / *reflect / *state / *mental).

(383)Of all *preserved foods, (*resemble / most / fresh foods / frozen foods) .

(384)He (*violent / for / was *punished / selling) video games to *minors.

(385)Video games may (children / make / *improper *behavior / *imitate).

(386)It is *common (and opinion / to *confuse / for people / fact) .

(387)She (the first woman / became / to / *appointed) the U.S. Supreme Court.

(388)The *ability (the signals / to / given by / *interpret) other people,
and to *respond *effectively, is clearly (for / in life / important / *success).

(389)Many *studies point to the (social media / *negative / on / *impacts of) mental health.

(390)Many (or see / *forbid / *religions / alcoholic *consumption) it sinful.

(391)Would (*prefer / in the city / you / living), *suburbs or country?

(392)Whether or not (the *individual / is *pleasant / a *task / depends on).

(393)As is often the case with *literature,
Herman Melville was (for his / *recognized / long after / best work) it was written.

(394)A job *interview can make
even the most (with / *confident person / *anxiety / *tremble).

(395)There is a large *movement (*race / against / on the basis of / *discrimination) in that country.
(396)International *trade (countries / what / to buy / *allows) we want from other countries.

(397)Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems
(*consumer *complaints / that *prompt / *conventional cars / about).

(398)*Despite *similarities, there are (cult and *religion / *subtle / between / *differences).

(399)Recent rise in the price of land have meant that
*ordinary people (to buy / *afford / houses / can no longer) of their own.

(400)Sailors from all around the world
have (ocean phenomena / *incredible / a variety of / *witnessed).

 和訳と解答は以下のようなセンター試験英語キーワード整序の鉄人(和訳ヒントつき): 整序で楽習センター試験キーワード1840語 Kindle版無料お試し版でご確認ください。

(351)*Located 30 km from Paris,
the theme park (*entertain / many *attractions / offers you / that will) your family.
*locate : 位置する *entertain : 楽しませる *attraction : アトラクション

*Located 30 km from Paris,
the theme park (offers you many *attractions that will *entertain) your family.

(352)A meeting of the two nations' foreign (finally put / *ministers / to the *dispute / an end).
minister : 大臣 *dispute : 紛争 put an end to : …を終わらせる

A meeting of the two nations' foreign (*ministers finally put an end to the *dispute).

(353)A *conference was held to *discuss the (*insects / of using / as / *various *benefits) an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.
*conference : 会議 *discuss : 議論する *insect : 昆虫 *various : さまざまな *benefit : 利点 *alternative : 代替の *source : 源

A *conference was held to *discuss the (*various *benefits of using *insects as) an *alternative *source of food to pigs, chickens, and cows.

(354)My grandmother always said you should sweat to (you / *reduce / when / the *fever) have the flu.
*reduce : 下げる *fever : 熱

My grandmother always said you should sweat to (*reduce the *fever when you) have the flu.

(355)The (made / for / *representatives / a plan) the school festival,
and the other (it / students / out / carried).
*representative : 代表 carry out : 実行する

The (*representatives made a plan for) the school festival,
and the other (students carried it out).

(356)To *improve business *performance,
(decided to / the *company / *drastic *measures / resort to).
*improve : 向上させる *performance : 実績 *company : 会社 *drastic : 劇的な resort to : 訴える *measure : 手段

To *improve business *performance,
(the *company decided to resort to *drastic *measures).

(357)Trains in (*punctual / are / Japan / *incredibly).
*punctual : 時間に正確な *incredibly : 信じられないほど

Trains in (Japan are *incredibly *punctual).

(358)Bruce was terribly (his girlfriend / when / left him / *upset), but he soon got over it.
*upset : 落ち込んだ get over : 克服する

Bruce was terribly (*upset when his girlfriend left him), but he soon got over it.

(359)The story was *outstanding, but his (was / acting / *excellent / anything but).
*outstanding : 傑出した *excellent : 素晴らしい anything but : 決して~ではない

The story was *outstanding, but his (acting was anything but *excellent).

(360)*Thick eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like (the world / of / is / the *weight) on your nose.
*thick : 厚い *weight : 重さ

*Thick eyeglasses sometimes make you feel like (the *weight of the world is) on your nose.

(361)Some (their own / are apt to / people / consider) way of life as being the *normal one and to (life-styles / from it / look down on / that *differ).
be apt to : ~する傾向がある *normal : 正常な look down on : 見下す *differ : 異なる

Some (people are apt to consider their own) way of life as being the *normal one
and to (look down on life-styles that *differ from it).

(362)*Permanent (until / *remain *employed / they are / *employees) *fired or choose to *quit.
*permanent : 常勤の *remain : とどまる *employ : 雇用する *employee : 従業員 *fire : 解雇する *quit : やめる

*Permanent (*employees *remain *employed until they are) *fired or choose to *quit.

(363)Not even (today's *rainforests / one percent / in / of the *species) have been *investigated by researchers.
*species : 種 *rainforest : 熱帯雨林 *investigate : 調査する

Not even (one percent of the *species in today's *rainforests) have been *investigated by researchers.

(364)It never occured (had *worried / to me / my actions / that) my parents.
*worry : 心配させる

It never occured (to me that my actions had *worried) my parents.

(365)Watching TV programs can be good for the education
(it is / if / carefully *monitored / of children).
*monitor : 監視する

Watching TV programs can be good for the education
(of children if it is carefully *monitored).

(366)This picture (a *method / *utilized / *illustrates / of *protection) by many animals.
*method : 方法 *utilize : 利用する *illustrate : 説明する *protection : 防御

This picture (*illustrates a *method of *protection *utilized) by many animals.

(367)Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (the position of / for / full-time professor / *application ) was *rejected.
*application : 応募 *reject : 拒絶する

Although he had a lot of experience in teaching,
John's (*application for the position of full-time professor) was *rejected.

(368)Is it (for / child *abuse / to *spoil / parents) their children too much?
*abuse : 虐待 *spoil : 甘やかす

Is it (child *abuse for parents to *spoil) their children too much?

(369)Three of five people in the world still do not (the Internet / *access / have / to).
*access : アクセス

Three of five people in the world still do not (have *access to the Internet).

(370)Can (an *inborn *genius / *beat / and *sincere *effort / hard work)?
*inborn : 生まれついての *genius : 天才 *beat : 打ち負かす *sincere : 誠実な *effort : 努力

Can (hard work and *sincere *effort *beat an *inborn *genius)?

(371)*Fierce *competition between companies in the airline *industry
had (and *improved / lower prices / services / led to).
*fierce : 激しい *competition : 競争 *industry : 産業 *improve : 改善する

*Fierce *competition between companies in the airline *industry
had (led to lower prices and *improved services).

(372)Throughout history, many (have / *individuals / *justice / fought for) and *equality.
*individual : 個人 *justice : 正義 *equality : 平等

Throughout history, many (*individuals have fought for *justice) and *equality.

(373)He was a member of the (to choose / whose *duty / *committee / was) the winner of the *competition.
*duty : 任務 *committee : 委員会 *competition : 競争

He was a member of the (*committee whose *duty was to choose) the winner of the *competition.

(374)Police are appealing for (after / *witnesses / *cash / a large *sum of) was stolen.
*witnesses : 目撃者 *cash : 現金 *sum : 額

Police are appealing for (*witnesses after a large *sum of *cash) was stolen.

(375)He *struggled (*committed / he / with his *conscience / after) the *crime.
*struggle : 苦しむ *commit : 犯す *conscience : 良心 *crime : 犯罪

He *struggled (with his *conscience after he *committed) the *crime.

(376)The ozone *layer is a (*protective *layer / gas / *thin / of) 10km-50km above the earth.
*layer : 層 *protective : 保護の *thin : 薄い

The ozone *layer is a (*thin *protective *layer of gas) 10km-50km above the earth.

(377)The detective thinks the man (is / he / *suspicious / *interviewed today).
*suspicious : 疑わしい *interview : 面接する

The detective thinks the man (he *interviewed today is *suspicious).

(378)More and more companies have (*temporary workers / to / tried / *hire) lately.
*temporary : 臨時の *hire : 雇用する

More and more companies have (tried to *hire *temporary workers) lately.

(379)The (a *loyal dog / between / and / *bond) a caring owner is unbreakable,
(and death / between / even / life).
*loyal : 忠実な *bond : 絆

The (*bond between a *loyal dog and) a caring owner is unbreakable,
(even between life and death).

(380)The (became / *soldiers / in the heat / *desperately *thirsty).
*soldier : 兵士 *desperately : ひどく *thirsty : 喉が渇いた

The (*soldiers became *desperately *thirsty in the heat).

(381)Michael (on a daily basis / *tough / *tackles / problems), but he always finds *solutions.
on a daily basis : 日常的に *tough : 難しい *tackle : 取り組む *solution : 解決策

Michael (*tackles *tough problems on a daily basis), but he always finds *solutions.

(382)Skin may (a person's / *reflect / *state / *mental).
*reflect : 反映する *state : 状態 *mental : 心理の

Skin may (*reflect a person's *mental *state).

(383)Of all *preserved foods, (*resemble / most / fresh foods / frozen foods) .
*preserve : 保存する *resemble : 似ている

Of all *preserved foods, (frozen foods most *resemble fresh foods).

(384)He (*violent / for / was *punished / selling) video games to *minors.
*violent : 暴力的な *punish : 罰する *minors : 未成年者

He (was *punished for selling *violent) video games to *minors.

(385)Video games may (children / make / *improper *behavior / *imitate).
*improper : 不適切な *behavior : 行動 *imitate : 真似する

Video games may (make children *imitate *improper *behavior).

(386)It is *common (and opinion / to *confuse / for people / fact) .
*confuse : 混同する *common : よくある

It is *common (for people to *confuse fact and opinion).

(387)She (the first woman / became / to / *appointed) the U.S. Supreme Court.
*appoint : 任命する

She (became the first woman *appointed to) the U.S. Supreme Court.

(388)The *ability (the signals / to / given by / *interpret) other people,
and to *respond *effectively, is clearly (for / in life / important / *success).
*ability : 能力 *interpret : 解釈する *respond : 反応する *effectively : 効果的に *success : 成功

The *ability (to *interpret the signals given by) other people,
and to *respond *effectively, is clearly (important for *success in life).

(389)Many *studies point to the (social media / *negative / on / *impacts of) mental health.
*study : 研究 *negative : 悪い *impact : 影響

Many *studies point to the (*negative *impacts of social media on) mental health.

(390)Many (or see / *forbid / *religions / alcoholic *consumption) it sinful.
*forbid : 禁止する *religion : 宗教 *consumption : 消費

Many (*religions *forbid alcoholic *consumption or see) it sinful.

(391)Would (*prefer / in the city / you / living), *suburbs or country?
*prefer : 好む *suburb : 郊外

Would (you *prefer living in the city), *suburbs or country?

(392)Whether or not (the *individual / is *pleasant / a *task / depends on).
*individual : 個人 *pleasant : 楽しい *task : 仕事 depend on : …次第である

Whether or not (a *task is *pleasant depends on the *individual).

(393)As is often the case with *literature,
Herman Melville was (for his / *recognized / long after / best work) it was written.
as is often the case with : …によくあることだが *literature : 文学 *recognize : 認める

As is often the case with *literature,
Herman Melville was (*recognized for his best work long after) it was written.

(394)A job *interview can make
even the most (with / *confident person / *anxiety / *tremble).
*interview : 面接 *confident : 自信のある *anxiety : 不安 *tremble : 震える

A job *interview can make
even the most (*confident person *tremble with *anxiety).

(395)There is a large *movement (*race / against / on the basis of / *discrimination) in that country.
*movement : 運動 *race : 人種 on the basis of : …に基づく*discrimination : 差別

There is a large *movement (against *discrimination on the basis of *race) in that country.

(396)International *trade (countries / what / to buy / *allows) we want from other countries.
*trade : 貿易 *allow : 可能にする

International *trade (*allows countries to buy what) we want from other countries.

(397)Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems
(*consumer *complaints / that *prompt / *conventional cars / about).
do away with : …を廃止する *prompt : 引き起こす *consumer : 消費者 *complaint : 苦情 *conventional : 従来の

Electric cars do away with many of the mechanical systems
(that *prompt *consumer *complaints about *conventional cars).

(398)*Despite *similarities, there are (cult and *religion / *subtle / between / *differences).
*despite : かかわらず *similarity : 類似性 *religion : 宗教 *subtle : 微妙な *difference : 相違

*Despite *similarities, there are (*subtle *differences between cult and *religion).

(399)Recent rise in the price of land have meant
that *ordinary people (to buy / *afford / houses / can no longer) of their own.
*ordinary : 普通の *afford : 余裕がある no longer : もはや~でない

Recent rise in the price of land have meant
that *ordinary people (can no longer *afford to buy houses) of their own.

(400)Sailors from all around the world
have (ocean phenomena / *incredible / a variety of / *witnessed).
*incredible : 信じられない a variety of : さまざまな *witness : 目撃する

Sailors from all around the world
have (*witnessed a variety of *incredible ocean phenomena).

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6 コメント

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Unknown (kid yama)
2020-01-09 08:34:48
Unknown (鈴木康)
2020-01-10 10:27:20
Unknown (kid yama)
2020-01-10 11:07:23
Unknown (鈴木康)
2020-01-17 09:29:32
Unknown (kid yama)
2020-01-17 20:53:33
Unknown (kid yama)
2020-02-09 07:29:46


