


2021年08月28日 | 共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題
 センター試験の過去問から共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題をお届けします。整序問題は文意が通じるように並べて、英英挟み撃ち問題は青字の英英定義を参照して単語を文脈に合う形に完成させてください。青字の英英定義はすべて大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に収録されたものです。

□One autumn afternoon a friend of mine, Captain Baker, returned from a trip to Washington and found his wife, Jane, ①(for / waiting / at / him) the station in New York. She had gone to meet him because she had suddenly been given tickets for the opera that night. She was afraid they would ②(they / be / if / late) didn't go there directly from the station.
□She told him about something that she had found while she was waiting for the train to arrive. In a corner of the station she had ③not---- 【to become aware of someone or something】 a telephone booth with a sign on its door, “Out of Order.” Glancing into the booth, she had seen a small object beneath the telephone.
□“Look!” she said, holding out to him a small blue wooden cat. They smiled over the curious toy, and she ④(it / her / pushed / into) bag as they left the station.
□Later, they were sitting in the back row in the ⑤cro---- 【containing a lot of people or too many people】 opera house enjoying the wonderful music. Some of the audience were standing just behind them. Suddenly ⑥(fingers / Jane / touching / felt) her lightly on the back of her arm. She shivered a little, and tried to keep her attention on the music.
□When the touch was repeated a moment later, she whispered to her husband about it, but he only replied that people do not bother you at the opera on purpose. However, the touch was repeated and ⑦(was / seemed / it / there) a reason for it. Yet the touch was so slight that she ⑧hes---- 【to pause before doing something, usually because you are not sure that it is appropriate】 to turn round and glance back.
□At the end of the first part they left their seats. Jane said, “Those fingers brushing lightly against me felt so strange, like the fingers of a ghost.” She felt so ⑨ner---- 【worried and anxious about something that might happen】 that she could not return to her seat and the Captain reluctantly agreed that they should leave the opera and go home. But on the way home Jane ⑩(doubt / to / that / began) anything had touched her at all. She admitted it might have been merely her imagination.
□After they reached home, she remembered the little cat and got her bag to have another look at it. She noticed the bag felt heavier. When she opened it and looked inside, she ⑪(amazed / see / was / to) a pile of diamonds, sapphires and pearls.
□Not surprisingly, they could hardly sleep at all that night. Both were now ⑫con---- 【to make someone believe that something is true】 that those ghostlike fingers had put the jewels in her bag during the opera. The next morning they went to the police. At first the police could not understand this strange situation. It was only after Jane ⑬(finding / to / happened / mention) the little wooden cat that they could give an explanation.
□“Thieves had stolen the jewels and were going to pass them over to a woman. In order to ⑭ide---- 【to recognize someone or something and say who or what they are】 her, they placed the cat in the booth and told her to pick it up. They would be watching her, and afterwards would pass the stolen objects to her. The woman arrived late, however, and you found the cat by chance. They followed you and found a clever way to pass the jewelry to you.”
□Much of the jewelry was returned to the owners, but a considerable amount was not and ⑮(Jane's / into / possession / came). She also kept the small wooden cat, which she had grown to like.

解答)①(waiting for him at)②(be late if they)③noticed④(pushed it into her)⑤crowded ⑥(Jane felt fingers touching) ⑦(it seemed there was) ⑧hesitated⑨nervous⑩(began to doubt that)⑪(was amazed to see)⑫convinced⑬(happened to mention finding)⑭identify⑮(came into Jane's possession)


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語は、800の例文と大学受験生向けに新作した800の英英定義文の中に2000語以上の共通テストのキーワードになる英単語・熟語を網羅的に組み込み、以下のような四択問題200問と英英挟み撃ち問題800問からなる練習問題にしました。

①obey【oubéi】(Ex:Should soldiers always *obey orders?)
②pray【préi】(Ex:We *prayed for peace.)
③melt【mélt】(Ex:What is the best way to *melt snow?)
④select【silékt】(Ex:He was *selected for the Japan National Team.)
(A)to cause something to change from solid to liquid
(B)to do what you are told to do
(C)to speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help
(D)to choose someone or something carefully from among others



①Should soldiers always obe------- orders?
【to do what you are told to do】

②We pra------- for peace.
【to speak to a higher being in order to give thanks or to ask for help】

③What is the best way to mel------- snow?
【to cause something to change from solid to liquid】

④He was sel------- for the Japan National Team.
【to choose someone or something carefully from among others】

解答)①obey ②prayed ③melt ④selected

 予備校の授業で採用したところ、共通テスト試行 調査問題の正解率が5割以下だった受験生が半年弱で8~9割正解できるまでの 成果が出ています。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に準拠した共通テストキーワード800語を定義→単語→例文の順で英語字幕を見ながら書き取る穴埋め式ディクテーション用紙は無料提供しています。
大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語で意味を確認すると英語力は飛躍的に向上します。


ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(785)~(800)

(785)to (      ) that something is (         ) true=(        )
Freud (           ) that laughter releases (        )
and (          ) mental frustration.

(786)to (        ) someone ( ) doing something (        ),
especially something that is not very (         )=(          )
Some have (        ) that lying can never be (         ) under any circumstances.

(787)to (       ) that you have been (         )
and will (        ) fighting=(           )
The robber finally (           ) and (         ) his hostage.

(788)to (    ) an action or a process (      ) or more (        )
to happen=(           )
The role of the interpreter is to (           )
(           ) communication between people who use different languages.

(789)actions or opinions that (    ) your strong (           )
with a plan or (       )=(            )
(             ) to United States (            ) in the Vietnam War began with demonstrations in 1964.

(790)one half of the (     ) or (     )=(            )
People in mild climates in the northern (            ) sometimes experience periods of very hot and (       ) weather.

(791)a (           ) service or other (            ) that is always performed in the same way=(        )
Shinto festivals generally (        )(        )(        )
with joyful celebration.

(792)a (        )(     )(      ) you look at something=(        )
Whether it's a still shot or a movie, camera (        )(           )
the look, feel and mood of that story.

(793)an idea which (         ) to (        ) something
but has yet to be (        ) to be (         )=(            )
Conducting an experiment without a (             ) is like starting a road trip just (   ) the (    ) of driving.

(794)the (        ) made by many people (       ) their hands to (    ) their (          ) or enjoyment=(           )
It was such an (           ) movie
that the director received thunderous (           ) from the audience.

(795)the (           ) that something will happen=(          )
No matter how security (           ) you are, the (          ) of
thieves (          )(    ) your home is always a worrying possibility.

(796)a situation that is strange, funny, or sad because things (       )
in the (           )(    ) to what you would expect=(       )
The White House Press Secretary described the (           ) of people buying guns after shooting attacks as a“(        )(    ).”

(797) (        ) of doing something
in an (          ) or (           ) way=(           )
Candidates whose faces look (          ) enjoy an electoral advantage.

(798)not (       ) to (          ) your ideas=(          )
When your elderly parents need help but become (          ), it can be a difficult situation.

(799) (          ) but able to be (          )=(           )
The room is spacious and comfortable, (    ) the air-conditioning is a bit noisy
but is (           ).

(800) (            ) or (           ) to a particular situation
or person=(           )
Students must be able to select (            ) information from a lecture or text.


※以下は大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語の最終章で全体の1/50です。


①assert【əsə'ːrt】(Ex:Freud *asserted that laughter *releases *tension and *liberates *mental *frustration.)(785)
②excuse【ekskjúːz】(Ex:Some have *argued that *lying can never be *excused under any *circumstances.)(786)
③surrender【səréndər】(Ex:The *robber *finally *surrendered and *released his *hostage.)(787)
④facilitate【fəsílətèit】(Ex:The *role of the *interpreter is to *facilitate *accurate *communication between people who use different *languages.)(788)
(A)to *admit that you have been *defeated and will stop fighting
(B)to *forgive someone for doing something wrong, especially something that is not very *serious
(C)to make an *action or a *process easier or more likely to happen
(D)to *state that something is *certainly true

①opposition【ɑ`pəzíʃən】(Ex:*Opposition to United States *involvement in the Vietnam War began with *demonstrations in 1964.)(789)
②hemisphere【hémisfìər】(Ex:People in mild *climates in the northern *hemisphere sometimes experience *periods of very hot and *humid *weather.)(790)
③ritual【rítʃuəl】(Ex:Shinto festivals *generally *combine *solemn *rituals with joyful *celebration.)(791)
④angle【ǽŋgl】(Ex:Whether it's a still shot or a movie, camera *angles *influence the look, feel and mood of that story.)(792)
(A)a *position from which you look at something
(B)one half of the *globe or *brain
(C)*actions or opinions that show your strong *disagreement with a plan or *policy
(D)a *religious service or other *ceremony that is always *performed in the same way



①hypothesis【haipɑ'θəsis】(Ex:*Conducting an *experiment without a *hypothesis is like starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.)(793)
②applause【əplɔ'ːz】(Ex:It was such an *excellent movie that the director received thunderous *applause from the *audience.)(794)
③prospect【prɑ'spekt】(Ex:No matter how *security *conscious you are, the *prospect of *thieves breaking into your home is always a *worrying *possibility.(795)
④irony【áiərəni】(Ex:White House Press Secretary *described the *phenomenon of people buying guns after shooting *attacks as a“*tragic *irony.”)(796)
(A)the *possibility that something will happen
(B)an idea which *attempts to *explain something but has yet to be *proved to be *correct
(C)a *situation that is strange, funny, or sad because things happen in the *opposite way to what you would *expect
(D)the sound made by many people hitting their hands to show their *approval or enjoyment

①competent【kɑ'mpətənt】(Ex:*Candidates whose faces look *competent enjoy an *electoral *advantage. )(797)
②stubborn【stʌ'bərn】(Ex:When your elderly parents need help but become *stubborn, it can be a difficult situation.)(798)
③tolerable【tɑ'lərəbl】(Ex:The room is *spacious and *comfortable, though the air-conditioning is a bit *noisy but is *tolerable.)(799)
④relevant【réləvənt】(Ex:Students must be able to *select *relevant information from a *lecture or text.)(800)
(A)*unpleasant but able to be *accepted
(B)important or *necessary to a *particular situation or person
(C)not willing to change your ideas
(D)*capable of doing something in an *efficient or *effective way



(785)Freud ass------ that laughter releases tension and liberates mental frustration.
【to state that something is certainly true】

(786)Some have argued that lying can never be exc------ under any circumstances.
【to forgive someone for doing something wrong, especially something that is not very serious】

(787)The robber finally sur------ and released his hostage.
【to admit that you have been defeated and will stop fighting】

(788)The role of the interpreter is to fac------ accurate communication between people who use different languages.
【to make an action or a process easier or more likely to happen】

(789)Opp------ to United States involvement in the Vietnam War began with demonstrations in 1964.
【actions or opinions that show your strong disagreement with a plan or policy】

(790)People in mild climates in the northern hem------ sometimes experience periods of very hot and humid weather.【one half of the globe or brain】

(791)Shinto festivals generally combine solemn rit------ with joyful celebration.
【a religious service or other ceremony that is always performed in the same way】

(792)Whether it's a still shot or a movie, camera ang------ influence the look, feel and mood of that story.
【a position from which you look at something】



(793)Conducting an experiment without a hyp------ is like starting a road trip just for the sake of driving.
【an idea which attempts to explain something but has yet to be proved to be correct】

(794)It was such an excellent movie that the director received thunderous app------ from the audience.
【the sound made by many people hitting their hands to show their approval or enjoyment】

(795)No matter how security conscious you are, the pro------ of thieves breaking into your home is always a worrying possibility.
【the possibility that something will happen】

(796)White House Press Secretary described the phenomenon of people buying guns after shooting attacks as a“tragic iro------ .”
【a situation that is strange, funny, or sad because things happen in the opposite way to what you would expect】

(797)Candidates whose faces look com------ enjoy an electoral advantage.
【capable of doing something in an efficient or effective way】

(798)When your elderly parents need help but become stu------ , it can be a difficult situation.
【not willing to change your ideas】

(799)The room is spacious and comfortable, though the air-conditioning is a bit noisy but is tol------ .
【unpleasant but able to be accepted】

(800)Students must be able to select rel------ information from a lecture or text.
【important or necessary to a particular situation or person】


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