


2021年08月26日 | 共通テスト英語攻略のための整序&英英挟み撃ち問題

□In second-hand shops there are many works of art which are forgotten and gathering dust. Yet each one of them may have an interesting tale to tell if only we could ①dis---- 【to find out something that you didn't know before】it.
□Under one of Tokyo's thundering expressways in an ②exp---- 【costing a lot of money】night-life district, there used to be and may still be a little antique shop. The elderly owner kept a collection of various old wood-block prints and paintings and seemed content with his simple shop, although I never ③(anything / buy / anyone / saw) there.
□The first time I went in, an oil painting in the farthest corner of the shop caught my eye. For six months I watched ④(see / it / to / if) was still there. Eventually I asked the owner the price. He said ¥180,000. Bargaining is not usual in Japan, but in a shop with so few customers it seemed worth a try. So I offered ¥110,000. In the end, we agreed on ¥130,000.
□The picture was of an apple orchard with a small girl at the front. Painted with a free, confident hand, it had a fresh feeling of warmth and light. It was in the Impressionist style, signed with the name Bordes, which looked French. The name-plate on the frame ⑤(had / that / suggested / it) once hung in a gallery or a grand collection. I ⑥(whether / wondered / had / I) perhaps acquired a treasure.
□The picture, which became a ⑦fam---- 【well known to you】 object to me, moved with me from Tokyo to Hong Kong and then to England. It became an important part of my baggage during those years, and I very much wanted ⑧(its / to / identity / trace). The dictionary of painters ⑨inc---- 【to have someone or something as a part】 Léonard Bordes, a twentieth-century French ⑩lan---- 【all the visible features when you look across a large area of land】 painter of the group known as the Rouen School. So I wrote to the museum at Rouen and received a letter from the head of the museum. I learned that Léonard Bordes was born in 1898. Although a professional musician, his ⑪(activity / painting / principal / was). In particular, he preferred rather melancholy scenes of the countryside around Rouen. By the time he died in 1969, he had painted more than 10,000 scenes.
□At last I went to Rouen and visited the museum. There were no pictures by Bordes there, ⑫(given / I / but / was) a list of art shops in the city, some of which had paintings by Bordes for sale. Despite the price, I bought one. Afterwards, I walked back to my hotel and by chance came upon yet another art shop not on the list. I went in and was greeted by an elderly woman, ⑬(to / turned / who / out) have been a close friend of Bordes' family. Her shop had ⑭sup---- 【to provide someone with something that they need or want】 Bordes with his paint and brushes, and she was ⑮del---- 【to give someone a lot of pleasure】 that someone had traced him all the way from Japan.
□I promised to send the old lady a photograph of the original painting. After a time it was returned to me, signed on the back by Bordes' two daughters. The elder of the two, Giselle, ⑯(the girl / herself / identified / as) under the apple trees, aged eight, in the summer of 1930. They had no idea where the picture had been during the 61 years since then.
□So there it was. I had rescued the picture from the second-hand shop in Tokyo and had uncovered its history. It was simply a cheerful picture of a family picnic by a man who painted every day, but whose paintings were usually somewhat sad. The picture's story was not especially significant, but I ⑰(pleasure / had / telling / in) other people about it and how I discovered it.

解答)①discover②expensive③(saw anyone buy anything) ④(to see if it) ⑤(suggested that it had) ⑥(wondered whether I had) ⑦familiar ⑧(to trace its identity). The dictionary of painters ⑨included ⑩landscape ⑪(principal activity was painting) ⑫(but I was given)⑬(who turned out to) ⑭supplied ⑮delighted ⑯(identified herself as the girl)⑰(had pleasure in telling)


大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語で意味を確認すると英語力は飛躍的に向上します。


 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(1)~(16)

(1)to (      )something that is (      )=(       )

In (      ) a (      )(        ), it is important to (      ) appropriately.
(2)to (     ) something to someone or (     ) it (         ) to them=(         )

Our (       )(      ) our customers (      ) clothing at (        ) prices

(3)to(     )something in a (        ) place (       ) people can see it easily=(      )
He is an artist (     ) paintings are (        ) in a (       )in Paris.

(4)to (     ) a picture of something in your mind=(       )

In an (         )(      ) world, many people can't (        )life (      )the Internet.

(5)to (       )something that is needed=(        )

We cannot (      ) consumer (       ) without (      )(      )and services.

(6)to have a (       ) of great (      ) for someone=(      )

Helen Keller, (       ) for her work (    )(      )(    ) people (      ) disabilities, visited Japan three times.

(7)to (       ) the (      ) or (      )of something=(      )

Dad, if my grades (       ) by the end of the (      ), would you (     )(      ) my allowance?

(8)to (      )(      ) of someone or something=(      )

Have you ever (      )the different (       ) people use to (      )(      ) problems?

(9)a large mass of land (        ) by sea=(          )

In the 1930s, flights (     ) the (         )were not (        ).

(010)the place that someone is going to=(        )

(       )(    )the good (       ),
we arrived at our (      ) an our (      )of (         ).

(11)the (       )(        ) that you have in a particular place=(         )

Many cafes try to (      ) a (     )(       ) so that customers can enjoy their tea break.

(12)the (      ) of making or (       ) something for sale in large (      )=(        )

(       )(    )seasonable (          ) patterns, the (       )of Mexico's oranges arrive in the US market (      ) December (       )June.

(013)an (         ) to meet with someone at a particular time=(           )

Did you (      ) the dentist and make an (         ) for the (         )?

(14)someone who has a (       ) skill or who knows a lot about something=(      )

In the past, the old (      )to be(      )(      )as(       )in (      )(      ) problems in life.

(15)a person who lives near you=(        )

I saw a cat sneaking into my (        ) yard.
(16)the (      ) of building something (      )(     ) houses, bridges, roads etc.=(          )

The (        )(    ) the new building is (      )(       ).

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(17)~(32)

(17)feeling (        ) and (         )about something that you have done=(        )

Graduating from university is a (    )(          )and you should be (        )of yourself.

(18)(        ) a lot of money=(            )

Making (     )-saving changes in the home can be (            ), but it will (     ) your money in the long run.

(19)not (        )at a usual or (        ) place=(          )

In my school, when a (       ) teacher is (       ), another teacher teaches the class (       ).

(20)having the (        )to do something=(          )

(       ) (    ) the newspaper,
even a teenager is (          ) of sailing a yacht around the world (      ).

(21)to (      ) someone to do something=(         )

Children of six and under are not (      ) to use the swimming pool (      ) they are with an adult.

(22)to (     )(     )(    ) something=(            )

The most important thing in the Olympics is (    ) to win (    )to (              ).

(23)to be liked or wanted by someone=(         )

Benjamin Day is remembered as a revolutionary (        ) who showed
that newspapers could (        ) to a mass (             ).

(24)to move something quickly=(        )

We (     ) our heads up-and-down for “yes” and (         ) them left-and-right for “no”.

(25)to come near to someone or something=(           )

There were two (           ) on the road (          ) the signal.

(26)to (           ) how things or people are (          )or different=(           )

(            ) with the same period last year,
(         )(           )rose by one percent this year.

(27)to tell someone about something in a way that helps them understand it better=(        )

The engineer (         ) how to (          ) the sophisticated system.

(28)to (      )(      )someone or something in a particular way=(        )

I am extremely (     )of animals, and I can't (      )anyone(      )them with (       ).

(29)the (         ) that good things will happen in the future=(            )

It's quite hard for new companies to (    )(    )(    ) customers' (            ).

(30)a (        )or an (         ) for why something happens or why someone does something
=(       )

The (      ) I (   )(    )(    )(    ) my best friend
is that we have many things in (           ).

(31)difficult situations that make you (     )(        )=(          )

We've been working (      ) so much (           ) lately in our office that we all need a holiday.

(32)the area of a town that (          ) your home=(            )

The leaves in my (            ) have recently (      ) yellow.

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ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(49)~(64)

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