


2015年04月20日 | 英検2級とセンター試験で出る英単語

(  )に入れるのに最も適当なものを、下の①~④のうちから一つ選べ。

 The Browns drove from Sapporo to Furano in a rental car. While they were driving, the four children kept talking and screaming because they were excited. Their laughter, giggles, and constant shouting bothered Mr. Brown. Several times, he asked them to be quiet. However, they did not listen to their father. Mr. Brown was becoming very angry, and finally he said to them, “You're asking for it!”

In this situation, “You’re asking for it!” means “(  )”

① Ask your brother if you want it!
② I'll pay you to be quiet!
③ Let's ask for directions!
④ This is the last warning!

 Are acts of altruism unique to human beings? From my experience I must say that they are also present in the animal world. I was raised on a farm and was brought up surrounded by animals. Once I was being attacked by a large dog and began yelling for help. A horse came running up from a distant field and chased away the dog. We also had a dog that protected our cat. When the cat was being attacked by other dogs, our dog drove them away by barking.

Here, altruism means (  ).

① acting bravely to protect one's own honor
② being true to oneself as well as to others
③ doing something for the sake of others
④ using your brain to understand a situation




1 普段から英英辞典を使うこと

2 未知語に出くわしたらいきなり辞書を引かず意味を類推すること



english x english

Verb(動詞)280 →(英英辞典の定義文に合う単語を例文を参考に選んでください)

① form a picture of something in your mind
② get pleasure from something
③ become a member of something such as a club, company, or other
④ get knowledge or skill in a new subject or activity
A enjoy ( 001. I enjoy fishing every weekend. )
B imagine ( 002 . Imagine that you are swimming in the ocean. )
C learn ( 003. I learned English from a Canadian teacher. ) 
D join ( 004. When did Japan join the United Nations? )

① rest your mind and body with your eyes closed, usually while lying down
② move closer to someone or something
③ stay on the surface of a liquid without sinking
④ stop and hold something that is moving, especially in the hands
A approach ( 005. A strange man approached our house. )
B sleep ( 006. I slept well last night. )
C float ( 007. Many leaves were floating on the lake. )
D catch ( 008. He caught the ball with one hand. )

① bring your hand against someone or something quickly and hard
② have something on your body
③ go from one place to another
④ take something to the requested place
A wear ( 009. She wears a ring on every finger. )
B travel ( 010. I traveled to Russia on business last week. )
C deliver ( 011. When would you like us to deliver your furniture? )
D hit ( 012. She suddenly hit me on the head. )

解答1①B②A③D④C 2①B②A③C④D 3①D②A③B④C
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