


2022年03月03日 | 共通テスト英語超重要語彙英日ディクテーション
 大学入学共通テスト 時間内で解ける力がつく英英直読英単語・熟語に掲載された共通テスト英語キーワードを英英定義→単語→例文の順でネイティブが読み上げる無料youtubeを50分割したyoutube画像を公開しています。

 ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(97)~(112)

((97) (     ) a (       )欲求to (      ) more about something=(       )好奇心の強い
A *(       )(      )群衆(       )集まるat the site of the car accident and watched the (        )見事な(         ) 仕事ぶりof the rescue team.

(98) (    )(       ) too many words=(       )簡潔な
This *(     )(       )説明 will (      ) 役立つas an introduction to the book.

(99) (    ) physically (      )くつろいだ
without (       ) 不快なfeelings=(      )快適な
In the 21st century, we can expect scientific (      )進歩to give more people than ever
the (         ) 手段of (        )送るa *(       ) and easy life.

(100)not (      )依存した(    ) other people (    ) help or money
=(       )独立した
Jane was already (       )財政的に*(       ) of her parents before she finished university.

(101)to (    )(      )しっかりとthat something is true,
(       )(      )たとえ~でもother people think it may not be true=(       )
The 18th-century philosopher Immanual Kant *(      ) that all lies are (       )有害な.

(102)to (       )選ぶsomeone for an (       )公のposition by (     )投票=(      )選出する
It is (       )~しそうなthat the President will be *(       ) for another term.

(103)to (    )(      )at an event such as a meeting or a class=(         )出席する
All the students who are interested in studying (       )外国で should *(       ) next week's meeting.

(104)to (    )設計するor (       )制作するsomething (       )役に立つfor the first time=(        )
Who is (       ) 功績を認められたwith *(       ) the telephone?

(105)to (      )提案するthat someone (    ) something=(         )奨励する
Weather (      )天気が良ければ, we *(        ) outdoor play as often as possible.

(106)to (     ) something=(      )得る
(       )(    )…によれば the law, you must be 18 years old or over to *(     ) a driver's license in Japan.

(107)to (    ) people ( ) something (       )公式に=(       )発表する
To our surprise, the mayor suddenly *(       ) her (        )辞任 in spite of her high (        )人気.

(108)to (      ) something (    )(    ) a place=(       )取り除く
The company wants to sell its (       )能力 to *(      ) carbon dioxide from the (        )大気 and (     )貯蔵する it underground.

(109)something (     ) you (     )覚えている=(      )記憶
Before the exam I (       ) my *(       ) by reading some old notes.

(110)a special (      )権利or (       )利点that is (     ) only to one person or group=(        )特権
As a member, you have the *(       ) of (      )購入するbooks at a 20% (      )割引.

(111)something that you do often or (         )日常的に, often (    )(      ) about it=(      )習慣
Especially at the beginning of a new year, one question that
(         )頻繁にcomes up is how to (    )(    )(    )捨て去るbad *(        ).

(112)something that is (    )(    ) only a small (       ) of people and not told to others=(        )秘密
A *(        ) that you (       ) to the grave is something you never tell anyone during your (       )すべてのlifetime.

ー視聴するだけでみるみる語彙力が伸びるー大学入学共通テスト 英英直読英単語・熟語(113)~(128)

(113)something that (      ) you to (    ) more (      )成功した=(        )利点
Biotechnology could (      )もたらすgreat *(      ) to the whole world.

(114)the (       ) 能力to (    )=(       )視力
What does eating blueberries have to (      ) with good *(     )?

(115)the (   )行為of (       )離れるa place=(       )出発
We delayed our *(      )(     )(     )(    )…のためにbad weather.

(116)the (     )全体of (    )空間and everything (    ) it (      )…を含めてthe earth, the planets and the stars=(        )
Scientists are trying to (       )(     )解明する how the *(       )(      )(     )(     )出現する.

(117)(      ) 含んでいるa lot of people or (    ) many people=(       )混雑した
The museum was (        )信じられないほど *(     )(      ) tourists (         )奮闘するto see the Mona Lisa.

(118)as (    ) as it could (       )(    )=(      )完璧な
Use the (       )以下の(      )助言to (      )選ぶ the *(      ) roommate and (     )避けるuncomfortable living situations.

(119)not (       ) …しそうなto (      )=(      )安定した
We all know that friendships are (        ), but we also understand that friendships are not *(       ).

(120) (    ) very (      )=(      )急速な
The *(      ) growth of fresh-fruit (     ) has (     ) many (    ) of the US fresh-fruit market.

(121)to (    )(     )製品or (      )材料to another country=(       )輸出する
Four (      )種 of kangaroo are *(       ) commercially from Australia.

(122)to begin to use a new (      )態度, (      )方針, or (     )方法=(      )採用する
Some companies have *(      ) a new (     )of using English as the official inhouse language.

(123)to (    ) to (      ) a disease=(      )発症する
If George doesn't stop smoking, he will (    )(    )(      )(   ) …の危険を冒す *(       ) lung cancer.

(124)to (      )(     )手配(   ) something to happen at a (          )特定のtime=(        )予定する
Can I *(          ) a (         )配達 (   )(      )前もって?

(125)to (   )(   )(   ) a higher place to a lower place=(     )降りる
*(         ) a mountain is harder than (       )登る it.

(126)to (    )(    ) one place to (     )=(      )移動する
Sound *(      ) at different speeds, (      )(   )…に応じてthe temperature of the air.

(127)to (   ) someone by (     ) that you (     )同意するwith them=(      )支援する
The government (         )推進するlifelong learning for the general public by *(          ) a variety of programs and (        )提供するnecessary (     )施設.

(128)to (      ) something (    )=(      )含む
Scientists believe that the Milky Way galaxy *(      ) approximately 100 billion stars.

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