

Essay代写:Network social governance

2019-09-20 17:25:20 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- Network social governance,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了网络社会治理。当前,政府对于网络社会治理的体制机制还不完善,主要表现于网络治理的意识不强、能力不足,相关部分权责不明,以及缺乏多元治理。当前网络社会治理主要是依靠政府部门发挥主导作用,但却缺乏相应的网络参与主体的合作治理,没有充分发掘社会组织、企业和个人等多元主体对网络治理的力量和资源。

In theory, network society is a kind of space without national boundaries, and Internet users all over the world can communicate through the network. Also, network problems with global characteristics, it is not restricted by geographical, time, and can be carried out on the earth where any network attack damage, if a person through the network for other users or national network crime, and at this time, he was in the thousands of miles away in another country, so it is difficult to punish and conviction to him, which requires all countries in the world, regional coordination, cooperation, and jointly cope with the challenge of network social problems. Due to the global characteristics of network social problems, countries have certain differences in the identification of network social problems. Due to the different historical background, development level and customs of different countries, their social values are also different, and in some respects even contradictory.

Network social problems arise from the network, which is composed of computer and communication technology, and is itself a representative of high technology. Network problems are often caused by the network user's network behavior anomie, which means that the network user must have mastered the Internet technology to be able to do whatever they want on the network. Just like network hacker, it is to use advanced Internet technology to carry out cybercrime. Because network hackers generally master the most advanced network technology, so their network crime is also a crime with high intelligence and high technology. Ordinary people often find it difficult to defend themselves against malicious attacks on the Internet, and even computer experts sometimes find it difficult to do anything but remedy them afterwards. When the government or organization maintains the network security, it is in the game of high technology with hacker organization, using network technology to restrict the illegal abuse of network technology.

Network social problems show various forms and characteristics of rapid development. Network problems, such as network pornography, network virus, network crime, hacker, Internet addiction and other diverse, including network crime including network fraud, network drug trafficking, network money laundering, network invasion and other manifestations. With the continuous progress of network technology, the following network social problems are constantly emerging and updating, also showing the trend of rapid development.

In China, there are still many deficiencies in network legislation, such as lagging behind, poor operability and inadaptability. We still need to constantly improve and improve the quality and effectiveness of network legislation. The level of network legislation is uneven. At present, China has issued a large number of laws and regulations on network governance, but on the whole, there are more "regulations" and "laws" than "laws", which makes it difficult to achieve the expected effect of network legislation and solve network problems. In the absence of democratic participation, the current network legislation is basically legislated by departments, while the participation of Internet users as the main participants in the network is less, and the promulgation and implementation of laws and regulations on the network are often far from the actual needs of the current society. The operation is poor. The laws and regulations stipulated in the current network legislation are too general, mostly some thematic content, and the specific network behavior is not clear enough, and the specific network problems rarely have clear and clear provisions. The global network legislation is faced with many difficulties, the long-term stable international exchange mechanism has not been formed, and more efforts are needed to realize the global network legislation.

The frequent occurrence of network problems is the malicious abuse of network technology, in the face of a number of forms of diverse, rapid development of the network problems are often at a loss, can only be in the problem or after the occurrence of some remedial measures. Lack of professional technical personnel, China's network technical personnel training and reserve mechanism is not perfect, the government to network talents, especially high-tech talent team is weak attraction, it is difficult to compete with social demand. Network core technology research and development lag behind, although now the state encourages and advocates technology innovation driven, but in network services, chip research and development, search engine and other network core technology and advanced technology in the world. Network management technology is not perfect, network problems can not be found and solved in a timely manner, the technical aspect is not fully supported, often lead to the problem processing lag. It is difficult to collect evidence and investigate relevant cyber crimes, the technology of collecting evidence and preserving evidence of relevant cyber crimes is still defective, and the development of network management technology in various regions is uneven.

As the main body of social management, the government should also be the main body in network social management, and use government agencies and resources to coordinate all parties, so as to realize the orderly development of network society. However, the current government for the network system of social governance mechanism is not perfect, performance is: the lack of consciousness is not strong, the ability of network governance, exist in large Numbers in the current social governance network "do not know the network to manage network" phenomenon, in the face of network problems, tend to "talk about net color change", at the same time in the network governance into relatively few resources, seriously enough. The rights and responsibilities of relevant departments are unclear, and there are many network management departments with few exchanges and cooperation between them. There is often a phenomenon of overlapping and conflicting powers and responsibilities, and a phenomenon of "anyone can manage or ignore" the governance of network society. There is a lack of pluralistic governance. Currently, China's network social governance mainly relies on government departments to play a leading role, lacks the cooperative governance of corresponding network participants, and fails to fully explore the power and resources of social organizations, enterprises, individuals and other pluralistic subjects on network governance.

The law clearly stipulates what ACTS can and cannot be done, and once the illegal ACTS are carried out, they must be punished by law. Therefore, network legislation must also be improved, clear network behavior norms. The establishment of a scientific and complete legislative system, network society is different from the traditional society, network legislation can not be fully applied to the traditional legislative procedures, should establish a special network legislature, end the current chaos of network legislation of various departments, to achieve the authority of the enactment and implementation of relevant laws. We should innovate online legislation procedures, do a good job in coordinating various departments, realize unified leadership, strengthen research before legislation, and improve the scientific nature of online legislation. To strengthen the popularization of network laws and regulations, the government must lead the popularization of network laws and regulations, strengthen the publicity and education, improve the publicity mechanism of legal education, and mobilize the enthusiasm of all parties to fully learn network laws and regulations. Strengthen the construction of professional network law enforcement team, strengthen the training of network law enforcement personnel, improve the professional level and comprehensive quality of network law enforcement personnel. At the same time, an effective supervision mechanism should be established to strengthen the professional ethics consciousness of cyber law enforcement personnel.

Network management is in the game of network technology with illegal element, this asks network management branch to strengthen the construction of network technology necessarily. To strengthen the training and reserve of network technical talents, the number of network high-tech talents is small and the training is difficult. Therefore, the government should increase the investment in the training of network technical talents, improve the treatment of network high-tech talents, improve the incentive and training mechanism of network high-tech talents, and train and reserve talents. Constantly update the network technology, strengthen the core technology research and development. To increase the network core technology research and development to the height of the country, to encourage enterprises to participate in the network technology research and development and opening up and application of products, formed by the design of our country independent research and development of the operating system and service system, network chip technology with independent intellectual property rights of network information system, and fully protect the safety of national network society. Further promote the application of network technology, through strengthening the construction and application of the official network platform, opening weibo, WeChat platform, etc., to facilitate the people to fully understand the government information, also conducive to the government to listen to people's livelihood, and realize the benign interaction between the government and the people. In case of emergencies, we should make full use of the Internet, actively respond to people's questions, maintain the social order of the Internet, and improve the administrative transparency and governance capacity of the government.

The country should do top-level design well in network management while strengthening the professional training that leads to each branch and education even, government of all levels branch should update idea, strengthen understanding. Strengthen the network concept and skill training, improve the network quality and ability of the network governance subject, so that it can flexibly analyze and deal with the existing network problems. Establish the emergency plan of network emergent incident, normative the network management behavior of branch of all levels of government, strengthen the ideological consciousness that network administrator manages lawfully, science manages, agile management. Establish a division of labor and collaboration mechanism, clear authority. Governments at all levels should deepen the reform of the existing network governance departments, carry out institutional integration, clarify the power and responsibility of the network governance departments, implement it to everyone, and realize the efficient operation of network governance. We will extensively mobilize social forces to realize the mechanism of government-enterprise cooperation through cooperation with enterprises with advanced network technologies, strengthen the government's capacity of network governance, and quickly discover and effectively respond to network problems. At the same time, we should make full use of the power of the vast number of Internet users, expand public opinion channels, strengthen Internet users' supervision and reporting, fill in the gaps in the government's internal supervision and reflect the lagging phenomenon, and improve the government's network social governance mechanism.


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Assignment代写:The community care

2019-09-20 17:23:54 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的assignment代写范文- The community care,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了社区护理。社区护理是面向于社区内每个团体、每个家庭以及每个个体的健康服务工作,其主要工作内容包括如健康教育与指导、康复指导、妇幼及老年人的保健与健康心理咨询等方面。社区护理既是公共卫生服务体系的重要形成与组成部分,同时也在其中重要的基础性作用。随着人口老龄化,老年人口数量持续增多,加之人们普遍物质条件的提升等等,都对于社区护理工作提出了新的更高层次的要求。

Community nursing is a health service for every group, family and individual in the community. Its main work includes health education and guidance, rehabilitation guidance, health care and psychological counseling for women, children and the elderly. Community nursing is not only an important part of public health service system, but also an important basic role. However, it is undeniable that there are still many problems in community nursing in China due to the restriction and influence of many factors. Nowadays, with the aging of China's population, the number of the elderly population continues to increase, together with the improvement of people's general material conditions and so on, the community nursing work has put forward a new higher level of requirements.

Combined with the current actual situation, the organization and management of community nursing in China is mostly undertaken by major hospitals or health institutions in various regions. At the same time, although the ministry of health has issued documents on community nursing, relevant regulations and implementation plans are still lacking. It can be seen that there is no unified planning for community nursing in China, and there is no definite and fixed part to organize and manage it. This will cause a series of problems. To be specific, first of all, community nursing lacks unified standards and effective guidance. Various regions tend to pay more attention to clinical nursing and neglect community nursing, pay more attention to disease nursing and neglect rehabilitation nursing, pay more attention to hospital nursing and neglect family nursing. Moreover, community nursing is mostly operated in a spontaneous and non-standard state, and lack of clear and unified and scientific and feasible work quality evaluation standard, which affects the improvement of community nursing work quality. In addition, there is no sufficient legal guarantee for the development of community nursing in China. In addition, the relevant policies and financial support are less, and the policies, legal conditions and material conditions required for community nursing are insufficient, which seriously restrict the development of community nursing.

At present, there are still some deviations in the concept of community nursing in our country. In most cases, the concept of community nursing is still patient-centered, and the corresponding nursing concept is to copy the service thinking of hospital centered on disease, without forming the concept of community family nursing centered on health. At the same time, the nursing professional value and belief of community nursing service personnel are also relatively insufficient, and the personal quality needs to be improved urgently. Specific work, to measure blood pressure, intramuscular injection and physical examination, but less social health education, counseling and behavioral intervention, family care is also relatively inadequate.

Since the reform and opening up four decades of development, China's economic construction has achieved remarkable results, has become the world's second largest economy. However, our country is a populous country, social and economic development is not balanced, the per capita GDP is still behind the developed countries in the world level, and a low average level of education at the same time, the population overall quality is relatively insufficient, people to prevent disease and daily health care consciousness is weak, plus our country's community care as described above and a low degree of social recognition, lead to people or ignore the community care, or for community nursing service attitude and quality still owns larger sceptical. As a result, community nursing services cannot be promoted to promote people's physical and mental health and disease recovery.

In order to further improve and give play to the quality and function of community nursing service, it is necessary to strengthen regulation and perfect management. In this regard, first of all, for governments at all levels and relevant departments, should further strengthen the management of community nursing, through the introduction of relevant laws and regulations to give community nursing legal guarantee; In addition, it is also necessary to further strengthen the policy and economic support for community nursing, through the introduction of relevant support policies and increase financial investment, to ensure and promote the better development of community nursing; Finally, it is necessary to establish a clear and reasonable performance mechanism for community nursing staff, to promote and improve the quality and professional level of community nursing staff, and at the same time, to maximize the promotion of their work enthusiasm. Among them, the formulation of the performance mechanism can be carried out in accordance with the following three principles: first, it should be able to meet the requirements of health services in the community, have a higher sense of post responsibility and professional belonging, and ensure the effective play of nursing functions; Second, we should give enough care to the women, the young, the old and the weak in the community, take this vulnerable group as the priority service object, and carry out the nursing work with an equal and friendly working attitude. Thirdly, it is necessary to effectively organize and ensure that every group, family and individual in the community can participate in the health service planning and evaluation, so as to understand the health needs of the whole community on the basis of comprehensive assessment of their physical and mental development, and then effectively implement the community care plan.

On the one hand, in the community care process, a nurse may be responsible for more than one specialist disease; On the other hand, it is impossible to divide too much labor in the process of community service. As a result, community nursing staff need to master all nursing knowledge and skills, in order to provide better quality and more timely service. Therefore, it is necessary to strengthen the standardized training of community nursing staff, and to train them in clinical psychology, preventive medicine, health and rehabilitation medicine, ethics, instrument use and other aspects of knowledge and skills, so as to effectively improve their ability of general nursing. Of course, the effective implementation of standardized training and the realization of the final results depend on systematic design and practice. To this, on the one hand must carry on the training, we can cooperate with a local hospital, actively organize the community nursing staff to the hospital to carry on the study and practice, training and examination of the nurses in the hospital, community within and between community and community at the same time, also need to set the area community care seminars or workshops, make the community nurses in practice and practice constantly learning, constantly progress; On the other hand, talent introduction should be carried out to introduce some highly educated and high-quality general nursing talents through improving the standard of salary and selection and employment, so as to enrich the community nursing staff, build a highly professional and high-quality community nursing team, and finally output high-quality nursing services.

Based on the above discussion, it can be seen that there are deviations in the concept of community nursing at the present stage, which leads to insufficient cognition of community nursing at the present stage, relatively single service model and limited service objects. To this, we need to keep up with the development of The Times, actively promote the health management business, based on the Internet and related software to collect and organize health information, establish account of individual dynamic health management, real-time monitoring and management, personal health and for every resident, including sub-health population, provide health assessment and health guidance.

Community nursing is not only an important part of public health service system, but also an important basic role. In this regard, community nursing in the new era must re-examine its own problems and deficiencies, to effectively improve, actively explore effective countermeasures and methods, to achieve the improvement of nursing service and quality.


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2019-09-20 17:22:37 | 日記















Paper代写:Denisov's concerto

2019-09-20 17:19:50 | 日記
本篇paper代写- Denisov's concerto讨论了杰尼索夫的协奏曲创作。迪生·杰尼索夫是20世纪中叶以后苏俄最负盛名的作曲家,也是俄罗斯现代音乐“三杰”之一。杰尼索夫不仅是俄罗斯最先采用十二音技法创作的作曲家之一,同时他还采用各种实验性手段创作了一系列作品,作品所涉猎的体裁也十分广泛。杰尼索夫的协奏曲不仅仅是一首首个人风格鲜明的作品,同时也记录下了杰尼索夫在先锋音乐领域积极探索、勇于创新的心路历程。本篇paper代写由51due代写平台整理,供大家参考阅读。

The genre of denisov music is extensive. His works include ballets, symphonies, cantata, concerto, oratorio, opera, chamber music, and a large number of film scores, vocals and instrumental solos. Since the early 1970s, the concerto genre has become an important part of denisov's music creation. In the new grove dictionary of music and musicians in the collection of works, in addition to the department is considered a chamber music concerts in 1963 "the flute, oboe, piano, percussion concerto" and has the concerto in the form of the "Happy End" variations on a theme by Haydn, the viola, harpsichord, and chamber music of string music and for solo instrument and orchestra, outside of the Patty tower, etc by andrei denisov really works as concerto in the name of a total of 15 units. For the basic information of these 15 concertos, this article will be classified and elaborated from the following points.

From these works produced by s and related situation can be seen that although andrei denisov concerto quite adept at this style, but in addition to these two years 1977 and 1986 are in the same year two concertos, the rest of creation will be one to two years apart. It also reflects the composer of serious and careful attitude, each a concerto is over after a certain time of thinking and try the product of concentrated reflects his in the corresponding period idea and the technique progress and change. Perhaps he will continue to produce more concertos if he died in 1996 because of the damage and health of his car.

Throughout the history of music in the west, the concerto has a long history. 20th century onwards, solo concerto may still maintained a strong momentum of writing, at the same time, the more ancient the form of concerto grosso and multiple concerto again aroused the interest of some composers, modern music vocabulary and organic combination of traditional music genre been the composer's creation concept.

Can be seen from the chart, andrei denisov after every 67 about centralized creation will change the type of the concerto, so there will be a solo concerto alternating with multiple concerto with the phenomenon in the creation of his more than 20 years of music career.

1977 was a very unique year. This year he wrote the "violin concerto" for keegan and premiered in milan, Italy, the following year. The film received good response was affirmed andrei denisov on solo concerto composing techniques for years attempt and exploration, can be considered to be of the same type his works the summary of the technical and creative thinking. After such a climax, denisov began to change the way the concerto was written, and his eyes gradually shifted to the creation of multiple concertos. Therefore, the "four saxophone and percussion concerto", which was born in the same year, will undoubtedly become the watershed of denisov's solo concerto creation. From the title, although the work is responsible for the main message is four sacks, on the number of instruments have multiple concerto architecture, but in fact this 4 put the sacks are by the same musicians played, so the work from the auditory and has to the saxophone wind instruments are popular in solo and group of 6 kinds of percussion kanadeai.

Twice in 1986 and 1993, andrei denisov and adjusted his concerto type of artistic direction, highlight every time he wrote to the genre in ideas, techniques, instruments and music vocabulary and profound thinking on the bold attempt.

As one of the leading Russian contemporary music works, andrei denisov in the creation of the concerto in other modern composing techniques such as twelve-tone technique, differential, and is the result of modern music elements of jazz, etc. Have a try. For example, the dramatic conflict of the four movements of flute concerto and the development of motivation are accomplished through the twelve-tone sequence. The development of piano concerto in the final movement presents the composer's idea of the creation of jazz elements in the dominant position. In addition, denisov has repeatedly cited the famous music motifs and themes in his concerto creation. In the cello concerto, BACH's signature motivation is an important part of the whole melodramatic tone. This theme is greatly emphasized in the middle part of the movement. The motivational note itself is not the basis of the pitch organization in the composition, but as a pillar of pitch, or even a four-tone cluster. And as the second movement of the violin concerto, cites a schubert song morning greetings, its introduction methods reminiscent of the belgae "violin concerto" at the end of the movement in the way. The first appearance of schubert's music was punctuated by a violinist, turbulent short sentence, and then the quotation began to deform, gradually succumbing to the main material of the movement. The reference is played on the C major, but when repeated, it is pulled to the music of D major schubert, which illuminates the concerto in a special light. "Morning image" symbolizes the beginning, light, harmony and inner peace of the new life. The fourth movement of the violin concerto, as in the violin concerto, is also played by schubert's music, the theme variation of the bA major. This concerto in the finale of reference materials in the first part movement gradually appear to complete presentation - and then divided, fostered by the ministry of sound and deformation gradually -- reappearance of the theme of the complete regression is similar to the return of the stability and peace.

To sum up, the creation of the concerto through andrei denisov from fame to 33 years of end of life time, so the study of the concerto no doubt can be a understanding and the understanding andrei denisov an important point of music creation and music language. His concerto is not only a personal style of work, after also recorded the adheres to his own artistic ideal musician active exploration and innovation in the field of avant-garde music journey. As a for Russia made an important contribution to the development of modern music composer, his concerto composing various types of clever, and actively explore all the possibilities of tonal on writing, especially pay attention to the subtle details of process and the pursuit of sound dramatic colour of impressionism. The creative ideas of denisov concerto in the concept of timbre writing and music organization technique have positive guidance and reference significance for our modern music creation today.


Essay代写:The impact of technology on mankind

2019-09-20 17:16:57 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文- The impact of technology on mankind,供大家参考学习,这篇论文讨论了科技对人类的影响。如今,现代科技极大地方便了我们的生活,影响和改变着我们的生活和思维方式。人类作为追求新事物和尝试新生活的主体,与生俱来的求知欲和好奇心使得人们对生活中的科技发展愈加关注。科技也在不断影响着人们的未来发展状态。然而,当科技的发展超出人类智慧的驾驭范围和使用能力范围之外,可能会对人类产生巨大的影响,甚至会危害到人类的生存。

Nowadays, modern technology has greatly facilitated our life, influencing and changing our way of life and thinking. As the subject of pursuing new things and trying new life, human beings are naturally curious and curious, which makes people pay more attention to the development of science and technology in life. Technology is also influencing people's future development.

For thousands of years, especially for the last few hundred years, philosophers and scientists have been pursuing a certain knowledge, attempting to replace falsehood with truth and opinion with knowledge. This often results from two aspects: on the one hand, it leads to a shift in the focus of philosophy and scientific research, which inevitably leads to a shift in the focus of people's attention. On the other hand, it will lead to the change and innovation of research methods in cognition and practice. The result is a deepening of human understanding that leads to technological progress.

After the Renaissance and enlightenment, the rational thinking of modern science has been established. The vigorous development of modern science shows that some early philosophers and scientists are constantly challenged in the process of acquiring certain knowledge. In view of the rapid development of science and technology and the diversified development of culture, this paper attempts to analyze the dynamic development of human beings in the future and explore the interaction between science, society and human beings in the future.

About "human extinction", "the end of the world" to talk about has always been a hot topic, and widely circulated from 2012 mayan doomsday prediction, disaster films to emerge in endlessly, this topic has become a growing focus on content, also reflected people deep anxiety and panic. Recently, Oxford University institute for human future a team composed of mathematician and philosopher and scientist, said a growing body of evidence suggests that human dependence on high-tech to bring their own disaster, which is the fastest in the next century. Human future research institute at Oxford University, Nick bostrom said in an interview with the network "of human science and technology and human use the wisdom of these capabilities is a big game, I worry that the former may well ahead of the latter." Bostrom, according to the practical experience and scientific research shows that in a century of the future, an asteroid striking the earth, such as volcanic eruptions, nuclear disaster is not enough to threaten the survival of mankind, the biggest threat to the human from scientific and technological innovation "uncertainties". He explained that human knowledge of the latest technology is not perfect, and that it is the "unknown factors" that humans do not have that are most likely to lead to human extinction.

New technologies, such as synthetic biology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence, in modern science and technology, are likely to one day become enemies of human beings and bring destruction to people. Most scholars believe that reliance on high technology is highly likely to bring about extinction for human beings. The reasons are as follows:

On the one hand, the use of science and technology human wisdom always unable to keep up with the rapid development of science and technology ability, human after discovering and established the system of Newton's classical mechanics had a period of reasonable utilization, but after entering fields such as quantum mechanics, the human is unable to carry on the reasonable use. As things stand, the practical applications of cutting-edge technologies such as synthetic biology, nanotechnology and artificial intelligence are just the tip of the iceberg of their true capabilities. In synthetic biology, for example, synthetic biology, initially by Hobom b. in 1980 put forward the expression of gene recombination technology, with the development of molecular systems biology, 2000 e. Kool, again at the annual meeting of the American chemical 2003 international defined as systems biology based on genetic engineering and artificial biological systems engineering method, from the gene, artificial molecular bases of DNA synthetic biology research, gene regulatory network and signal transduction pathway to artificial design and synthesis of the cells, similar to modern integrated construction engineering, Engineering principle and method was applied to biological technology such as genetic engineering and cell engineering, synthetic biology, computational biology and chemical biology biotechnology methods together constitute a system. However, many people only see the benefits of this practice but have not found behind the hidden trouble, or even see behind the hidden danger, such as ethical controversy, but still move on in the name of science.

On the other hand, the scientific and technological level of human beings is constantly developing. However, the development of scientific and technological level does not take into account the abilities and wisdom of the users. Science and technology will continue to develop beyond the control and use of human intelligence. In the end, human beings cannot control science and technology and cannot cope with the problems brought by science and technology. There is a kind of situation is beyond human wisdom, wisdom of science and technology after synthetic biology combined with artificial intelligence, based on the powerful computation ability and there is no limit to the ethics of execution, the human is very difficult to compete with artificial intelligence, especially in human excessively relies on high-tech products, after entering the digital life, this gradually increased, it is hard to imagine that one day the world network collapse at the same time, the electronic product had broken down exactly what disaster, in the long-term dependence on electronic products and lost the ability of some basic life today, this problem has not been received enough attention.

Although this view is hard to disagree with, there are always some reasons for it. For example, some scholars believe that human can always manage science and technology, people will notice and effective measures to avoid these problems, artificial intelligence is not better than, the brain function, and so on. Other academics counter this view by arguing that the people in charge of technology development do not care whether users can manage it. As people who develop technology, it is difficult to limit their behavior except for having a basic moral ethic that limits their ability to use technology to create disasters. The case of poisoned roommates in a university dormitory in Shanghai is a good example of this problem. Some scholars even more doubt some scientific workers can be foreseen that science and technology can bring disaster to human beings, as well as the extreme doubt after the discovery of these hazards can terminate a science and technology research. For them, the development of technology means the achievement of their life. Imagine life would be better without an atomic bomb. Is the atom bomb necessary to us?

Compared with the daunting high-tech, maybe the natural landscape and vegetation will be more relaxing and pleasant, and the birds and flowers and fresh water will make people feel closer. For they are the companions of man, the eternal home of man.

