

Several major components of the green / agricultural revolution

2020-05-20 15:31:36 | 日記
Several major components of the green / agricultural revolution
When it comes to the green/agricultural revolution, several major components of it have to be mentioned, which mainly include the below ones: agricultural universities, consolidation of holdings, command area development (CAD), farm mechanization, fertilizers and pesticides, irrigation surface and ground, land under cultivation, high-yielding varieties (HYV) of plants, machinery, rural electrification, supply of agricultural credit and rural roads and marketing.
After listing the various primary components of the green/agricultural revolution, the environmental costs and concerns of them will follow. Detailed speaking, those major components are inter-related with one another and they depend heavily on each other. For instance, high-yielding varieties (HYV) of plants will be determined by the use of fertilizers and it will also be detrimentally influenced by pest attacks and growth of useless weeds. And they have to grow with the prerequisite of ample supply of water. Moreover, the shorter maturing periods allows the farmers to gain more than one crop from the same piece of land within a year, which calls for the necessity to speed up the harvesting operations. At the same time, it requires mechanism of farming. If the farmers would like to make the optimum use of the farm inputs, they need to know what, when, where, why and how much of each for which there is enough scope.
As for the major human impacts on the carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen cycles, what has to be pointed out is that human will really exert significant impacts on the carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen cycles. To put it more specifically, we all know that we humans will inhale oxygen and then exhale carbon dioxide in our process of breathing and plants will inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, which can be regarded as the main part of the carbon cycle. And it is obvious that humans can easily impact the carbon cycle because of their burning coal, gas and oil, leading to the increase emissions of carbon dioxide in the due time.
It is known that plants take in phosphorus from the soil for nutrition so that humans have them for meals or eat some other animals whose chemical makeup includes phosphorus will influence the phosphorus cycle. The fact that phosphorus is identified in the sediment of human urine can be an effective example of humans’ impacts on the phosphorus cycle.
The nitrogen cycle will be affected by humans whenever fertilizer is used to farmland for the growth of crops, which will add nitrates to the soil. And the nitrates will be deposited and transported in the nearest body of water when the soil erodes. In addition, humans can influence the nitrogen cycle when they either have them for meals or they consume other animals that whose chemical makeup includes nitrogen.

The Effects Global Warming Have on Temperate Forests in Northern Asia

2020-05-20 14:56:26 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- The Effects Global Warming Have on Temperate Forests in Northern Asia,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是随着时间的推移,全球变暖越来越明显,已成为当今世界各国人民普遍关注的问题。全球变暖将以某种方式对世界上许多事物产生影响,最终影响这些事物的生活。绝大多数人都知道,全球变暖是经济发展的结果,应该加以应对,以免在适当的时候给人们带来太多的不利影响。因此,以下将探讨全球变暖对北亚温带森林的影响,希望能为如何更好地处理全球变暖问题提供一些有见地的建议。
The Effects Global Warming Have on Temperate Forests in Northern Asia
It is common sense that global warming is increasingly apparent as time goes by and it has developed to be an issue that has aroused the attention of people from all over the world nowadays. Global warming will exert impacts on many things in the world in one way or another so as to influence the life of those things in the end. The great majority of human beings know that global warming is the result of economic development and it should be dealt with in order not to bring too many detrimental effects toward people in the due time. Therefore the following will explore the effects global warming have on temperate forests in northern Asia, hoping that it can give some insightful suggestions as for how to better handle global warming for the sake of those temperate forests.
The Effects Global Warming Have on Temperate Forests in Northern Asia
When it comes to the effects global warming will have on temperate forests in northern Asia, what is a must to mention is that global warming will have both positive and negative effects on temperate forests in northern Asia at the same time. Or maybe it can be put in another way that global warming can be deemed as a double-edged sword toward temperate forests in northern Asia. Generally speaking, increased greenhouse gases and warmer temperatures can promote the growth in plant life, especially for those tolerant climate shifts (Christopher Caseio. 2017), which can be considered as the main positive effects that global warming can bring to the temperate forests.
To put the positive effects of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia more specifically, first and foremost comes that global warming will lead to higher temperate which can promote the growth of some kinds of plants. That is to say, some kinds of plants can grow faster in the higher temperature and their growth won’t be influenced much by the increase of temperature. The case is that if some plants can not grow better under the higher temperature, they can still grow the same regardless of the increase of temperature. The deciduous trees in the temperate forests in northern Asia are right one example that can react neutrally or positively toward the increase of temperature so that their growth won’t be affected by it. According to the 13-year research conducted by the U.S. Forest Service toward northern Asia, it has found that the growth of red cedar tree had increased by four percent out of the increase of temperature while shore pine had decreased by almost five percent (Gregor, H.D. 1998).
The second positive effect as can be brought by global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia is the effect of carbon dioxide surplus. It is known to all of us that the increased carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere are the most obvious phenomenon that is coinstantaneous with global warming. As a matter of fact, the increased carbon dioxide levels are conducive to the growth of trees because trees can absorb carbon dioxide at the first place and then transfer it to carbohydrates, which can help feed and become part of the trees in the end (Gregor, H.D. 1998). From this sense, we can say that the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is beneficial toward the growth of trees so that the trees can be able to grow better and better with the increasing carbon dioxide emissions. Apart from that, Gregor further explains that the increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can benefit the growth of trees that are in the areas where there are fertile soil and sufficient water supplies (Gregor, H.D. 1998). It can be understood in this way that the fertile soil and sufficient water supplies are the precondition for trees to fully absorb carbon dioxide for growth. Otherwise trees can not take advantage of the carbon dioxide at all, let alone benefitting their growth afterwards. In this case, carbon dioxide may be useless and it won’t bring any benefit toward the trees at all.
In the paper about the impacts of climate change toward temperate forests, Ronald Mahoney has talked about his idea that the forests’ ability to store carbon lies in the overall ecosystem’s competence in responding to the changes of environmental conditions (Ronald Mahoney. 2011). In our mind, forests can play a significant part in carbon storage and it can help reduce greenhouse gases to large extent. But we do not know is that different forests have varying ability in storing carbon from one another and the ability of different forests depends on the forests’ ability in adapting to the environmental changes. To put it more specifically, the forest’s ability in adapting to the environmental changes will be determined by the below factors: disturbance regimes, species life cycle and species range (Ronald Mahoney. 2011). Therefore we can learn that the positive and negative effects as will be brought by global warming toward temperate forests may be different from one another and the detailed conditions will vary from one another in the reality. Also, Ronald Mahoney has put forward that species that call for very specific ecological conditions to succeed and those that can adjust themselves to a wide range of conditions and are at the fringes of their tolerance will represent the first and most dramatic climate change impacts (Ronald Mahoney. 2011). According to this, the impacts of global warming toward different species in the forests will as well differ from each other, which results from the species’ ability in adapting to the environment.
At the same time, the droughts led by the effect of precipitation shifts out of global warming can also be regarded as one positive effect of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia. Maybe some people may hold that it is quite impossible that draughts can relate to positive effects in that droughts are supposed to be closely connected with a series of negative effects. However, what Box Elgene O proposes is that draughts can play a role in hindering the ability of the trees to produce sap so that trees can be prevented from being hurt by the harmful insects, like pine beetles (Box Elgene O. 2015). It can be frequently seen that trees are corroded by many insects because the insects will absorb the sap of those trees so as to contribute to their own growth. In this sense, once the trees lose the ability to produce sap, then the trees may be safeguarded from being depraved by those harmful insects. Though the trees’ being unable to produce sap may be a big trouble for the trees’ growth, it may be trivial when compared with the great harm as will be bought by the harm caused by those unfavorable insects. And that is right why such effect of droughts can be deemed as a positive effect toward the temperate forests.
Besides, the glaciers’ melting caused by global warming can potentially contribute to larger space for opening up as temperate forests, which can be seen as a piece of good news toward the long-term development of temperate forests. It can be understood in this way that new real estate will be developed as temperate forests after the glaciers melt so as to provide habitats for more species within the forests. In this way, more and more species can be protected from becoming homeless in the due time. And what is reassuring to say is that the climatic conditions in northern Asia is hospitable for developing temperate forests and it can help contain more species, leading to the higher population dynamic in the final. Obviously, the growth and productivity of forests can be guaranteed and it is really an ideal state.
With the positive effects of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia being stated at length in the above, what follows is the negative effects of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia. Detailed speaking, climate change will alter the habitats to a large extent so as to result in disturbances and shifts which will make forest environments unlivable for the native animals and plants (Christopher Caseio. 2017).
The most obvious negative effect of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia is the effect of higher temperatures, which is the inadaptability of those species to the changing climate and the higher and higher temperate. It can be understood in this way that species that live in temperate forests are able to live well and thrive in temperate climates in that they are accustomed to living in them all the time. The aforementioned temperate climates refer to the climates that will not generally subject to sustained extremes in temperature and it is always mild in temperature (Christopher Caseio. 2017). So a fair knowledge can be obtained that those species have to adapt themselves to the changing climate or to migrate to other areas that can still provide them temperate climates once the climate changes in their living region. It can be readily predicted that those species may be confronted with the destiny to die off if they can not successfully fit in with the changing climate. As a result, some species may be put into the situation of becoming extinct and they may forever disappear in the end. And the increase of temperature will generally increase the length of the growing season of some tree species. In order to better illustrate his opinion, Christopher Caseio also adds the example that conifers really suffer much due to the appearance of extreme temperate and many have died due to the changing climate. Just as what has been stated in the above, the growth of shore pine had decreased by almost five percent, which can be well indicative of the negative effects of global warming toward the growth of plants (Virginal Gewin. 2007).
In addition, the increased carbon dioxide can as well bring negative effects toward the growth of trees to a certain extent. For trees that grow in the areas where there is no sufficient water, trees can not absorb the increasing carbon dioxide brought by global warming. What is worse, the increasing carbon dioxide may further make the trees dying and many trees will die out due to the nonstop carbon dioxide increase. In the meantime, when the trees are dying, they tend to produce more carbon dioxide than they can absorb, leading to greater and greater carbon dioxide emissions at last. Thus we can easily imagine that it will form a vicious circle because of the increase of carbon dioxide all the time and the larger number of trees become dying. In the meanwhile, what has to be pointed out is that the carbon dioxide that emitted by the dying trees will counter the existent carbon dioxide that absorbed by surrounding trees. Consequently, the forest’s death rate and population dynamic will both be negatively impacted by the increase of carbon dioxide to great degree. That is to say, the forest’s death rate will aggrandize because of the increase of carbon dioxide make most trees die, resulting in lower and lower population dynamic of the forest in the end. It can be interpreted in this way that the increasing forest’s death rate will result in larger number of trees dying, which necessarily mean lower population dynamic in the forests. The larger number of species within the forest, the higher population dynamic will be for the forest.
Moreover, the effect of precipitation shifts accounts for one major negative effect of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia. The Environmental Protection Agency of the United States, EPA has specified that global warming will result in the precipitation shifts which will cause catastrophic destruction toward forest habitats (EPA. 2016). The destroy that precipitation shifts will make toward the forest habitats can primarily be embodied via the incidence of droughts to some places on the one hand and flooding and severe rain toward other areas on the other hand. What is a pity to say is that both droughts and flooding will lead to severe damage toward the forest habitats. For one part, the dry conditions brought by droughts will naturally increase the risk of forest wildfires and higher temperatures will add up to such risk. Once the forest wildfires occur, all the species within the forest may turn to dust and ashes, leaving nothing in the forest finally. Actually, both the dry conditions and higher temperatures are the consequences of global warming, from which we can quickly detect the severity of it. The fact that forest wildfires are hard to be controlled because dry shrubs and trees can be offered as fuels to fires will as well aggravate the severity of it to a large extent and the natural periodic forest fires can always be seen as one kind of suppressions of the forests. If some trees are not resilient to the great degree of drought, then their growth will be hindered more or less. For another, flooding may rinse the nutrients in the soil completely so that the plants can not absorb the nutrition they need. At the same time, flooding may also potentially add nutrient pollutants or overloads, which depends on the water’s source. Thus we can readily predict that flooding will influence quite much toward the growth of those plants, or even directly determine whether a certain species can live or not.
Another negative effect of global warming toward temperate forests in northern Asia is the effect of forest disturbance as is one kind of indirect effect of global warming on temperate forests. Just as what has been mentioned in the above, some species have no choice but to migrate to other areas that can provide them the most appropriate living conditions, namely the temperate forests they come from. So these species will accordingly become invasive species toward the temperate forests in other places. Later on, what will appear is that some of these invasive species, like the mountain pine beetle, may cause damage toward the temperate trees because they are able to infest the whole region of the temperate forests step by step. Under such situation, the species that are originally living in the temperate forests may lose the dominance of the forests and they may be put to the edge of extinction. Besides, the emigration and dying off of some species within the temperate forests will naturally lead to the transformation of biological dynamic of the forests out of the residence taken up by some new species (Kauwe, Martin G. 2013). In the due time, the entire temperate forests may develop to be distinct and it is not the one as the past at all.
The same as Kauwe, Martin G, Morgan Erickson- Davis has also conducted a research on the impacts of global warming toward temperate forests. In his study, he has firstly explained that temperate forests are different from tropic forests and he defines the temperate forests as being made up of “dense stands of forest with canopies covering most of the sky, occur in areas with high annual rates of rainfall, and are composed mainly of tree species that don’t need fire to reproduce” (Morgan Erickson- Davis. 2015). Afterwards, he quickly elaborates on the negative effects of global warming toward temperate forests and he identifies global warming as a new threat for temperate forests. What he specifically states is that temperate forests can not be immune from climate change and they will all be influenced by the appearance of global warming more or less. The statistics he gives is that the coast redwoods may lose 23 percent of their current distribution, which can well suggest that the negative effects toward plants are really numerous and serious (Morgan Erickson- Davis. 2015). And the negative impacts that have exerted on temperate forests referred to by Morgan Erickson- Davis mainly include two aspects and those two are respectively climate change and land disturbances, resulting in harder and harder living conditions for all those species within the forests. After giving all the relevant information, he strongly suggests people to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to the best of their ability before it is too late so as to guarantee that temperate forests can keep benefitting human kind all the same, including clean air and water, carbon storage, climate regulation, recreation, wildlife habitat together with plenty of forest products (EPA. 2016).
Last but not the least comes that pest outbreak will also be led to by global warming and it will influence badly toward temperate forests. The pest outbreak will surely influence the growth and productivity of temperate forests in that the trees species in the forests are unable to grow well out of the harm caused by a large number of pests during their different growth period. Also, what is a must to point out is that air pollution is the most apparent negative effect as will be felt by temperate forests because those forests are in touch with the air all the time. The polluted air in the atmosphere will make the trees species grow worth and they are unable to thrive in the polluted air at all.
To sum up, a naturally conclusion can be drawn that global warming will have both positive and negative effects on the temperate forests in northern Asia and the negative effects outweigh the positive effects of it. Based on this, it is obvious that people should take necessary measures toward how to better deal with global warming so as not to cause too many detrimental effects toward the temperate forests in the due time. The growth of temperate forests will also closely relate to the life of the great majority of us human beings because we rely on the environment to live, which indicates that we should spare no efforts to protect our environment for the sake of our personal interest in approaching days. Only in this way can we realize the goal of sustainable development in the long run.

A discussion of music of "African American"

2020-05-20 14:56:26 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- A discussion of music of "African American",供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是我选的“非洲裔美国人”的音乐唱片是阿瑞莎·富兰克林的《尊敬》。这引起了富兰克林的名声。而这首歌在进入黑人世界后不久,在20世纪60年代末种族问题激化之际,也成为黑人的心声,此外,“非裔美国人”音乐特有的音乐元素也为其音乐身份做出了贡献。本文就“非裔美国人”的音乐元素进行探讨。

A discussion of music of "African American"
A recording of music of "African American" chosen by me is "Respect" by Aretha Franklin. It gave rise to Franklin’s fame. And soon after the launch of the song into the black world, it has also become a voice of the black people when the racial problems was heated in the late 1960s. In addition, the specific musical elements unique to music of "African American" also contribute to its musical identity. In this article, it is to have a discussion of music elements of "African American".

Soul songs of African American has its own unique feature of American original music. African continent has dozens of countries, hundreds of languages and countless ethnic groups and tribes. Due to the numerous complicated tribes and various external influences, African music culture is different, rich and varied. Because of the diverse culture and music creations, the rhythmic system of African music is rather complex in terms of instruments, tones, and vocal features(Chernoff, 40). When African blacks were trafficked to North America in the 17th and 18th centuries, black slaves maintained the tradition of African music, and at the same time, they were influenced by European music, and produced many African American musical forms such as souls. These melodies are generally lively and cheerful, but the soul song always expresses sadness. Thus, there is the use of slightly lower notes as singing method by blacks in the singing of the song, making the song have a nature of minor. For soul Music, the most striking feature is the rhythm. And the black’s good sense of rhythm is well-known. There are at least two rhythms at the same time without an unifying or main beat(Chernoff, 42). The early souls use major or pentatonic scales. Most of the soul has two beats, and the most prominent rhythm is characterized by syncope which cuts the entire song, and upbeat used in 2/4 beat to strengthen the sense of rhythm, which is more exciting compared with the white song. They are referred as “genius of rhythm”(Chernoff, 42). In the small group performance, the lead singer is singing the main song, and make an improvisation of the lyrics and tunes. Other people sing chorus or refrain. The music only shows the general trend of the melody, but they randomly raise and lower a sound, with an arbitrary use of syncopation. The audience clap, and nod to the rhythm to show the active participation in the performance. Just as Kyra Gaunt remarked, music of "African American" is natural, which provides a new source of national pride(Gaunt, 37). Each singing of it is not exactly the same. With its subtle changes, there is no way to use the music score to write and express a song of the musicians.

The black soul is characterized by the integration of the European hymn melody and the rhythm of the African music. The unique tone and harmony is to create a unique,complex and sophisticated form of music.


Giant Panda

2020-05-20 14:55:43 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Giant Panda,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是大熊猫,科学上称为大熊猫,是世界上最可爱的动物之一。黑白相间的皮毛,圆脸,大黑边是该物种最显著的特征。大熊猫的中文直译是“大熊猫”,它的大小和熊差不多。大熊猫的体型从1.3米到1.9米不等,体重从80公斤到180公斤不等。通常,雌性和人工饲养的大熊猫比雄性和野生的大。
Giant Panda
Giant panda, scientifically known as Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is one of the most adored animals in the world. The black and white fur, with round face and big black rims are the most distinctive features of the species. The literal translation of giant panda from Chinese is “big bear cat”, showing approximation of its size to bears. The body size of a panda ranges from 1.3 to 1.9 meters, weighing from 80 to 180 kilograms. Usually, the size of females and artificially raised pandas are larger than that of male and wild ones.

Most of the wild pandas are found in the mountainous areas in Sichuan and Shaanxi province, southwest and middle of China. Its black and white fur serves as a natural camouflage in bamboo trees and on the snow-covered grounds. Its sharp claws enable it to crawl up the trees in seconds when in danger. As a bamboo eating creature, it is strange that pandas still maintain the digestive system of a carnivore, which are not optimal for digesting bamboo leaves. Without dedicated cecum for storage and germs that help discompose the bamboo fibers, a panda must spend over ten hours daily chewing up to 40% its body weight of bamboo to maintain metabolism. Extended periods of chewing have altered its bone structure after millions of years of evolution, making its head round and adorable.

Due to excessive hunting and loss of natural habitat, giant panda was once endangered. In 1961, giant panda was chosen as a symbol for WWF. Soon the government of China became aware of the importance of protecting the creature. They set up nature reserves in Sichuan province to restore the number of pandas, which has been a success after decades of effort. There have been debates about whether it is ethical to save beautiful and adorable creatures only, which it still ongoing. However, there is no doubt that as the nation’s most precious treasure, pandas are safe from distinction in the foreseeable future.


2020-05-20 14:55:27 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- JETBLUE AIRWAYS CORPORATION,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是捷蓝航空公司是一家规模相对较小的航空公司,以其坚韧不拔的精神,在实现深度折扣的同时,恢复人性化的飞行而闻名。几位商业上非正统的创始人曾经受雇于西南航空公司,西南航空是一家航空巨头,从低价机票和高效的航班安排开始。这家经验丰富的老牌航空公司就像一个高速运转的机器人,迫使其他航空公司完全或部分仿效其模式,这可以解释捷蓝航空创始人在近几十年的发展中打破世界航空公司所追求的惯例的决心

1. Introduction and problem definition
JetBlue Airways Corporation is a relatively small-size airline renowned for its perseverance to achieve the deep discount meantime to restore humanity to flying. Several commercially unorthodox founders were once employed by Southwest Airlines—an aviation giant starting off with low-price tickets and high efficient flight arrangement. This seasoned veteran airline works like a robot in high gear and forces other airlines to fully or partly copy its mode, which can explain the determination of JetBlue’s founders to break the conventions pursued by the world-wide airways during the recent decades’ development. JetBlue consistently insists on an enjoyable aircraft inner circumstance and continuously introduces a greater variety of services and promotion activities (Dodds, 2011). JetBlue’s positive and delightful image attracts giants from other fields, for instance, Amazon, to lend it a hand for a win-win development.
1.1 Target market
National-wide recognition and compliments about JetBlue cannot be totally listed. According to the recent aviation industrial development in the U.S., severe competition in this industry will render the chance of JetBlue fleeting. Therefore, JetBlue should choose a direction early—segmenting current markets or expanding more lines and foreign destinations. Currently, JetBlue governs its unique market. JetBlue predominantly avails Airbus 320 because of its availability of 156 seats. Secondly, JetBlue provides airlines covering domestic and foreign destinations within North and South America. Compared with the most successful low-cost airline- southwest, JetBlue is committed to every flight's profit which is almost the three times of the single flight profit in Southwest Airlines (Wu, 2012). Therefore, in case JetBlue would prefer to maintain its current superiorities in the future, it is essential to identify the most vital features that benefit this energetic most.
1.2 Relevance of research
In order to deeply and comprehensively analyze the expansion of core business during JetBlue’s growth stage, this research will build on a SWOT analysis. This analysis will initially mention the status quo of the U.S. civic aviation industry including the complete description of this market and JetBlue’s market share. Then this research will concentrate on the current services and successful sales history which assist this company to survive in the severe competition and keep its own territory. Finally, this research will learn lessons from the existing promotional strategies to improve the future business development plans.
2. Situation analysis (SWOT)
2.1. Strengths
The U.S. civic aviation industry, in fact, is already fully explored by those giants. Different aviation corporations all do their utmost to compete for domestic even overseas customers. Southwest Airlines, as the forerunner of low-price airways, concentrates on the routes between domestic second-tier cities to avoid the direct competition from United Airlines, Delta Airlines and American Airlines. Virgin Airways, another powerful competitor, seeks the mid-range market and get ground between millstones. JetBlue insists on the domestic market and overseas market in America. Low-priced tickets and enjoyable flights can be achieved at the same time. Although in recent years, the market share of JetBlue maintains 5.5% or so. Compared with those giant companies, JetBlue succeeds in the efficiency of its planes and employees. Small-size companies can dedicate more attention to make the most of its resources. The load factors keep above 83%, meantime the airplane daily working time reaches 12hours or higher (Lohmann & Koo, 2013). High efficiency ensures the low-cost business mode, but most low-price airlines should accomplish this goal. The high-level services win JetBlue the favor of its increasing loyal customers and serve the success mostly. JetBlue’s free Wi-Fi service and streaming service assist this company conquer the headlines in the worldwide, which can be deemed as a free advertisement to gain more reputations and recognition from the inside and outside market. During its seventeen-year history, due to JetBlue’s proactive attitude and its outstanding tradition to place itself as one of customers, people can hardly discover negative news about this corporation. In case a company can harvest the confidence from its market, this company has only to avoid straying from its initial concepts and insistence.
2.2. Weaknesses
Recently more and more companies in this industry eagerly would prefer to dispute for JetBlue’s market share and copy its business concept. Therefore, several companies establish its subsidiaries to threaten the current place that JetBlue gains. Actually, it is obvious that although JetBlue is committed to provide increasing kinds of services and promotional activities, the target market and consumers are relatively stable. Therefore, sometimes if there are some external shocks emerging, JetBlue may be easily influenced and have little room to adjust its business. Moreover, David Neeleman, the founder of JetBlue, once frankly admits that due to the expansion sometimes this corporation cannot be completely under his thumb (Wynbrandt, 2010). He cannot easily adjust the development route and communicate with clients to obtain more first-hand information about their needs and the company’s inferiorities. Furthermore, Dave Barger, the previous CEO of JetBlue, once confirms his worries about the acquisition and merge mode during JetBlue’s growth period. He holds the viewpoint that this rapid expansion mode may shake the stably increasing corporate finance and consequently weaken the power to deal with some emergencies perfectly (Kawamori & Lin, 2013). Therefore, the weakness of JetBlue is that a competitive expansion plan insisting on its initial concept is still in a mist. Applying and increasing more course will overlap the current business of Southwest Airlines, which may cause this giant to compete on price. Therefore, segmenting the current market and providing different-level flights may be more promising and well-advised.
2.3. Opportunities
Airbus 321 fully equipped by premium flatbeds may be another promising service that can assist JetBlue to discover another developing pattern. Because the Generation Y or the Millennials gradually become the backbone of consumption, JetBlue’s concepts and market slogan may conquer the preference once belonging to the top four airline corporations, especially in the domestic and short-distance foreign flights. More and more business travelers and small business owners would prefer to take a more enjoyable flight during their business trip (Sunday & Awara, 2014).
2.4. Threats
The most possible external threat comes from the oil price fluctuation. Therefore, JetBlue should start its arrangement to cope with the possible fuel shock and start a research on new energy resources or how to share the possible burden with customers or how to leave a portion of money to deal with these emergencies.
3. Research plan/design
3.1. Hypotheses and research questions
Airbus 321 fully equipped by premium flatbeds may be another promising service that can assist JetBlue to discover another developing pattern. Therefore how many courses should be arranged to use Airbus 321? Then the timetable about this relatively luxury flights including both time and seasons should be discussed, which depends on the questionnaires from those business travelers and small enterprise owners who belong to the Generation Y. Surveys should cover JetBlue’s current customers and potential customers.
3.3. Recruitment strategy
Initially about 10 participants should be particularly employed to accomplish this research and draw up a feasible program. 4 participants should be good at market survey and statistics. These four participants should be respectively responsible for existed customers and potential customers. 4 participants will assume the responsibility to investigate other companies’ related programs about Airbus 321, for instance Virgin has started its premium services. The last 2 participants should do well in the technological arrangement and questions when the group draws up a plan with details and concrete data. They are pointed to test the feasibility of this program.
All the participants will be awarded by the corresponding company shares. Finally this group will shoulder the responsibilities to continuously adjust the problem according to the feedbacks from the target market and consumers.
3.4. Timeline
2 weeks to recruit 10 participants.
3 weeks to accomplish the survey about existed customers and potential customers’ feedbacks and preferences, including time schedule and services.
to accomplish the investigation about competitors’ programs and their current operation.
1 week to analyze the first-hand data and second-hand data then summarize.
2 weeks to draw up an initial project
1 weeks to technically adjust the project and ensure its feasibility.
