

Cultural Moral Relativism

2020-05-20 14:55:07 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Cultural Moral Relativism
Cultural Moral Relativism
Cultural moral relativism means the phenomenon that moral values are right or wrong only relative to some particular standpoint from the perspective of culture and that no standpoint is uniquely privileged over all others. Or maybe it can be put in another way that no moral values are absolutely right or wrong and the same moral values will be evaluated as right and wrong from the point of view of people from different cultures. Just take the moral values in the United States and in China as an example, one night stand in the United States is quite popular and acceptable while it will be condemned and blamed in China according to the Chinese law. That is to say, people from different cultures will have different opinions toward one night stand and it can not be directly judged as right or wrong.
When it comes to the given scenario, I have to say that I won’t accept my colleague’s decision that no injection should be done to the family of four with me. The rationale why I would choose to oppose my colleague’s decision lies in that the moral relativism should be dealt with in a different way based on the different situations in the reality, especially when it is a matter of life and death. To put it more specifically, relativism refers to different things to different “academic cultures” (Sommers and Sommers, p. 97), from which we can get that different things can have different interpretations when they are in different cultural backgrounds. Therefore even though it is thought to be morally wrong to be injected with medications that do not come from their own healing traditions in that particular culture which are bound up with their religion, it should not be regarded as morally wrong when seen from my culture. In the opposite, it will be morally wrong for me if I do not try my best to save the life of those four people with me and I will get my conscience smitten afterwards. It can be understood in this way that the culture I am from determines that I have to spare no efforts to rescue others no matter how hard it might be.
Also, Herodotus has illustrated that people prefer the customs of their own country over those of all other countries (Sommers and Sommers, p. 78), which can well indicate that one’s own culture surpasses that of other countries. Taking Herodotus’ view into consideration, it can be readily predicted that when one’s own culture is in conflict with other cultures, one will tend to do as what is specified by one’s own culture without taking any regard of other cultures. So a fair knowledge can be obtained that I would choose to inject the entire family even if I have to give it to them against their will. As for me, the most important thing is to obey the requirements put forward by the culture I am from so that I won’t have the feeling that I have done something wrong. In this way, I can save the life of the family of four without violating my own culture so that I won’t feel regretful later on.
Just as what has been stated by Ruth Benedict, “What one society approves may be disgraceful and unacceptable to another. Moral rules, like rules of etiquette or styles of dress, vary from society to society. Morality is culturally relative.” (Sommers and Sommers, p. 79). It is obvious that Ruth Benedict as well suggests the differences in the moral values among different societies and moral values are culturally relative, which helps justify the view that the same moral value may produce completely different understandings when seen by people from different cultural backgrounds. Blankly speaking, it is thought to be morally wrong to be injected with medications that do not come from their own healing traditions in that particular culture which are bound up with their religion, but it does not matter at all in other cultures. Thus I can perform my own responsibility to vaccinate those people so as to stop them from dying of that deadly disease.
The reason why I would like to inject the entire family but not only children is that both the adults and the children should be equally handled when life is concerned. It is known that the children should definitely be vaccinated in that they are not deeply influenced by their own culture so that they may not hold that it is morally wrong for them to be injected with medications that do not come from their own healing traditions. At the same time, the infant is the one that has not formed the awareness toward culture, leading to no cultural violation when being injected. However, many relativists deem that the adults should not be injected because they may desire for death rather than survival out of the injection of medications that do not come from their own healing traditions. For the adults, they will suffer much inside due to the violation of their own culture and it can be more miserable than death.
Loretta Kopelman has opposed the view of some relativists that “an action is right if it is approved in a personal culture and wrong if it is disapproved” and she puts forward that each and every one can engage themselves in meaningful intercultural discussions about right and wrong (Sommers and Sommers, p. 94). Here we can find that people from a foreign culture can also play a role in judging whether the moral values in a certain culture is true or false, which can powerfully negate the relativist theory of morality. In addition, it further states that as long as people from a foreign culture hold that morality of a culture is not appropriately judged, they can involve themselves in discussing about it and even change it in the end. Therefore if I am not in favor of the regulation of this particular culture, I can as well propose my own dissenting opinion and do what I should do. That is why I would choose not to accept my colleague’s decision and inject the entire family at last to save their life even if it is against their will.

Analysis and Comparison of Two Classic Paintings

2020-05-20 00:13:34 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Analysis and Comparison of Two Classic Paintings,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是梵高和马列维奇都被认为是绘画大师,风格迥异。本文将对两位艺术家的代表作品进行分析,以探讨这幅画在历史背景下的意义。此外,将进行更深入的分析,以解密每幅画中结构,线条和颜色的使用及其对绘画主题表达的贡献。最后,将对绘画进行比较,以找出伟大艺术家之间的联系和区别。
Essay: Analysis and Comparison of Two Classic Paintings


Van Gogh and Malevich are both considered masters of painting, with entirely different styles. In this essay, an analysis of the representative works of both artists will be made, to explore the meaning of the painting under the historical context. Furthermore, a more in-depth analysis will be made to decipher the use of structure, lines and colors in each painting, as well as their contributions to the expression of the painting themes. Finally, a comparison between the paintings will be made, to find out the connections and distinctions between the great artists.

Starry Night, Van Gogh

In 1889, Van Gogh cut his left ear off after a quarrel with Gauguin. After this incident, he went to Saint Paul de Mausole, a mental home in Arles for treatment, and spent 108 days there. During his time at the mental home, Van Gogh created large amounts of paintings, including over 150 oil paintings on canvas and over 100 sketches (Rapelli). It was during this time when the style of Van Gogh was growing towards expressionism. His works was full of dejected emotions and illusions. Starry Night is the representative of his work during that time. Despite the name of the painting, it was created before dawn, when the doctor allowed Van Gogh to go out to paint. Van Gogh wrote from France to his brother Theo (MoMA): "This morning I saw the country from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big." Obviously, the Starry Night was not a faithful representation of the nature. Instead, it showed the subjective impression of Van Gogh when he looked at the sky before sunrise. It showed the inner frustrations and disturbances of the artist.

There are two interfering style of lines used in the painting, one is the swirled long lines, the other the shattered short ones. The combination of the two has created a dazzling visual effect, which is far from reality and takes the viewer into another dimension (Lovett, 28). In addition to the pure imagination of the sky by Van Gogh, there are also elements from the real world, which is the village at the bottom. The image is constructed in a way that the swirling and spinning sky night and the peaceful village form a contrast. Horizontally, the trees and the mountains form a balance with the sky. Van Gogh used almost wave-like strokes to express the stars and the trees, which are also like globes of burning fire, leaving a lasting impression for anyone who views it. The main color used for the painting is greenish-blue, and the entire picture is covered with the heavy use of color. The use of paint this way has also help Van Gogh express the motion in his painting. All elements in the painting have been dramatized: the huge, spinning stars, the incredible orange moon and the trees like burning fire. All the elements combine to show the inner struggles of Van Gogh, from his perspective, the world was like a turbulent wave trying to swallow him. The motion in the picture also indicates his struggles with his mental illness and the reality.

Morning in the Village after Snowstorm, Kazimir Malevich

Morning in the Village after Snowstorm by Kazimir Malevich was created during the period between 1911 and 1913, when most of the work by Malevich was of the subject of rural life in Russia. There are often two ways to interpret the works of Malevich, the one that focuses on techniques and painting style, and the one that incorporate social and political factors of the painter (Lauf). There tend to be less expressions of political point in the early paintings of Malevich, including Morning in the Village after Snowstorm. Looking at the painting, a mastery of colors and shapes form the perfect example of the Russian style, Cubo-Futurism. From the social perspective and combining the subject of painting with Malevich himself, Malevich are rooted in the rural areas and have an emotional bonding with it. Perhaps childhood memories in the village have helped Malevich construct the image. There are also distinctive senses of ethnicity from the painting. Looking at the use of color and the arrangement of element, one can immediately tell that it depicts a scene from eastern Europe. Thus, the painting is also culturally rooted which carry the identity and memories of Malevich.

Malevich was the first to use a geometric way of expression in paintings. After all these years, the simplicity in his works is still incredible for the viewers. As one of the pioneers of the abstract painting in the 20th century, Malevich opened new doors for future artists and inspired important movements in modern art (Somerville, 76). Morning in the Village after Snowstorm completely abandoned the traditional way of showing a 3D space. Instead, the most distinctive feature of the painting is the dominant use of 2D shapes, which should not possess any sense of weight and volume. There are the triangular shapes used for house; trapezoid shapes on the two women center of the image; round shapes for trees and curvy triangles for the snow-covered ground. Despite the use of the 2D shapes, they are all filled with gradually changing color, which has given the picture a third dimension. The balanced use of red, yellow and blue gives the picture the warmth it needs out of the white background. Instead of being swallowed in the coldness of white that dominates the image, the three primary colors pop out and bring liveliness to the painting. The color use also shows the identity of Malevich, which has distinctive ethnic features of Russia, or eastern Europe.


Comparing the works analyzed above, there are obviously much more rationality in the work of Malevich. Using geometric shapes, the world under Malevich’s brush is simplified to the extreme. There are glimpses of emotion shown from the carefully arranged shapes, which is deeply rooted in his childhood memories and cultural background. In comparison, Van Gogh showed intense emotions about the world and himself in the Starry Night. Different from the simple and straight lines in Morning in the Village after Snowstorm, the lines in Starry Night are all curved. The use of color also shows the differences in the emotional level. Based on the white background, Morning in the Village after Snowstorm shows restrained yet smart use of color. On the other hand, Starry Night is bold in color use, almost like squeezing the paint onto the canvas, which successfully showed the intensity of emotions of Van Gogh and his inner struggles. Despite the differences, there is no deny that both artists are pioneers in their own field. Both work have shown us approaches to create a third dimension with the use of 2D elements: Malevich achieved it by the careful arrangement of shapes and gradually changing colors, while Van Gogh did it by the bold use of color and dramatization of lines into curves to create the sense of motion in a still picture. One from the approach of simplicity, and the other of dramatization, both artists demonstrate the application of techniques for emotional responses to the perfection.

Measures after Portuguese occupation of Brazil

2020-05-20 00:13:34 | 日記
Measures after Portuguese occupation of Brazil
Initially in 1500 the earliest Portuguese sailors were appointed by King of Portugal to conquer India and to monopoly spice trade. And they accidentally discovered Brazil, explored the coast and expected it to be the transfer station of the fleets sailing to India, ignoring its interior resources and assuming Brazil as an island. Portugal’s king announced that Brazil was owned by Portugal because Portugal must expand outward through sailing to solve the domestic economic and social problems.
In the first few decades of Portuguese occupation on Brazil, the main economic activity was the exploitation of the Brazilian wood. Later, in order to prevent the invasion of other countries into Brazil, Portugal began to organize immigrants to move to Brazil, bringing the seeds of sugar cane and some slaves with them. Portugal royal family gave the immigrants Sesmaria and as immigrants continued to increase and the scope of cultivation expanded, the slave labor-based sugar cane plantation was gradually produced, using slaves to work in sugar plantation. The strengths include Huge wealth and economic development, the appearance of typical classes plant owners, slaves and tenants, new developed cities of Brazil resulting from the expansion of sugar cultivation and etc,. The weaknesses are mainly the exploitation on Brazilians and the evil slave trade behind.
Sugar cane plantation and production required a large number of labor. The colonists had used violence to force native Brazilians to work, causing much death and flight and exacerbating the Brazilian social labor shortage. Since the early introduction and training of African slaves in Portugal, planters soon took Africa as the most likely source of labor. Also Angola opened up the trade traffic.
The ideological consequences of these conditions were frequent and close cultural and custom exchanges, condemnation of the unethical slavery of blacks and the later rebellion movement of black slaves.
In 1695,bandeirantes found gold in Minas Gerais. Bandeirantes refers to the armed expeditions composed of São Paulo people who sought treasure in the mountains and searched for slaves for the sugarcane plantation owners. They unexpectedly found gold in Minas Gerais, which then set off the gold heat to attract people from all over the country and abroad. The sugar competition with the Caribbean European colonies plunged Brazil's sugar economy into a panic, and gold discovery and gold mining opened a new round of Brazilian production cycles, which was the relationship of the interior mining to the coast plantation agriculture. Both of them were typical colonial economy too dependent on foreign market needs which means the external demand determined the colonial prosperity. But the per capita income from the zones of plantation agriculture along the coast is much higher than the per capita income of the mining communities. Both their development were stuck on the surface, but the plantation agriculture was equipped with at least machine, technology, transportation, plantation system and process while the technology, equipment and process were backward for mining.
The gold rush began from late 17th century and Minas Gerais was its epicenter. Compared with São Paulo, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso and other cities, as the influx of people and the rise of the city, Minas Gerais developed into a city society, where a small group of senior officials and successful miners and businessmen dressed, decorating their houses with European luxury goods and watching the show in the local theaters.
Antônio Francisco Lisboa was an excellent Brazilian artist who lived and worked in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. He developed a powerful artistic language – sculpture and architecture blend masterfully in his work. Ouro Preto was one of the important mining towns of that time with rich buildings and colorful cultural life with many painters, composers and poets, developing a small city with modern features filled with art atmosphere.
Portuguese colonists lack mining knowledge and technology to accumulate much wealth from underground mining. Portugal's own economic independence is reduced, depending on the UK. In the Portuguese Empire, the influx of gold led to rising prices, the miners were obviously at all to buy slaves, agricultural products and European products, therefore the inflation threatened the imperial economy. We could say gold did not let the Portuguese become rich and otherwise exacerbated their poverty.
Sebastião José de Carvalho e Mello was an 18th-century Portuguese statesman once served as Secretary of the State of Internal Affairs of the Kingdom. He focused both on Brazilian colonies and Portugal by putting forward a series of state policies called Pombaline Reforms such as streamlining the administration of colonial Brazil and fiscal and economic reforms.
Inconfidência Mineira was an unsuccessful Brazilian separatist movement in 1789 leaded by the white upper class of minerals-rich. We could find that after a period of accumulation of wealth and cultural integration and under the influence of liberalism, Brazil by the late 18th century also sought to build a democratic and free society, rather than rule and the system of exploitation. Despite the failure, we saw the faint signs of modernization in Brazil in the 18th century.


President Obama’s New Tax Reform Could Be A Pill To American Economy

2020-05-20 00:13:34 | 日記
President Obama’s New Tax Reform Could Be A Pill To American Economy
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的paper代写范文-President Obama’s New Tax Reform Could Be A Pill To American Economy。在奥巴马总统公布2016财年预算时,“没有代表就不征税”这句老话可能和“有决议就征税”一样,我们在预算中看到了重大的税收改革。白宫表示,这是一项“促进增长和机遇的税收改革”(2016财年:预算,2015年)。更具体地说,4万亿美元拟议预算的财政计划$1.7条在未来十年内,将征收数万亿新税,目的是提振中产阶级经济,并在全国范围内建设基础设施。这将主要通过两种方式实现:一是提高最高收入家庭的资本利得和股息税率,从23.5条对于28%,2%是对海外高达2万亿美元的收入一次性征收14%的税,约为2800亿美元。

The old saying of “No Taxation Without Representation” might just as well put as “Taxation with a resolution” as President Obama released his fiscal 2016 budget, in which we see a significant tax reform. The White House says it is a “Tax reform that promotes growth and opportunity” (Fiscal Year 2016:Budget, 2015). More specifically, the fiscal plan of a total $4 trillion proposed budget would collect $1.7 trillion in new taxes over the next ten years in aim to boost the Middle Class economy and to build infrastructure work across the nation. This will achieve mainly through two ways: one is raising the tax rate on capital gains and dividends for the highest-income households, from 23.5 to 28 percent, two is a one-time 14 percent tax on the up to $2 trillion earnings abroad, which is about $280 billion. (8)
Like every other reform, there are opposite opinions on the new tax reform. For example, the Wall Street Journal’s “Obama Unchained” called this act will fall short in the long run highlighting the impact with listing many numbers to suggest the amount of added tax is simply too much. The article is not without a point. That is, “The White House budget office expects federal outlays and revenues to rise to altitudes well above historical norms, yet the average estimated deficit over 10 years of $567 billion is higher than any Administration since World War II” (Obama Unchained, 2015). While the figures might be true, it is noticeable that the article gave no credits to those that get a tax cut and the areas that badly need investments, such as infrastructure and child care. Instead, it focuses on the growing budget plan, creating an illusion that the President only knows and cares about collecting cash while neglecting the greater good the tax reform will bring to the overall public, not just the Wall Street itself.
Thus, although I am aware of the knowledge I gained from reading is far from a comprehensive understanding, I am more hopeful than doubtful toward the Obama’s new tax reform and I will explain with more details in the essay ahead.
The U.S. has the world’s most complex tax system that involves hundreds of tax authorities. However, it is the President’s job to make sure the tax is spent efficiently in areas that need it the most, especially when it requires a tax increase. In this case, President Obama indeed did his job in the sense that the reform will benefit the big chunk of working class, the middle-and lower-income class. “The President is committed to continuing the manufacturing sector’s growth in order to attract the kind of well-paying jobs that will help drive middle class economic security.”(Fiscal Year 2016:Budget, 2015, p.17). Tax cuts made available will expand access to affordable child care, provide free two-year community college education as well as expand income tax credit for workers without children and continue EITC improvements, which will benefit 16 million working families with children (Fiscal Year 2016:Budget, 2015, p54). These tax provisions will reward the word force and “help at-risk families stay above the poverty line.” (Citizens for Tax Justice, 2015). Like The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities suggests, “These policies would also help to ease the enormous and growing income and wealth disparities and ensure that the benefits of the economic recovery are somewhat more widely shared.” (2015).
Not surprisingly, the money that will fund the policies comes from the hands of the most wealthy: from collecting a tax increase on capital gains and ending the “carried interest loophole that allows hedge fund managers to characterize income as capital gains”. (5) Noticeably, such increase will most likely not affect middle-class families while the “first $100,000 of unrealized capital gains per individual-$200,000 per couple-would be exempt.” (6) As a matter of fact, the wealthiest top 1 percent of tax filers are paying for the cost of 99 percent of these reform while the wealthiest 0.1 percent of Americans are responsible for 80 percent. (7) We know that the economy react to incentives instead of still assets that are held in hand by the rich, the tax act will boost economic growth by strengthening the workforce.
Now an interesting topic arises, how does the U.S. corporations feel about it? They seem to be the biggest loser in the new tax reform. Not only do they have to face paying taxes for abroad earnings for the first time, but also, the capital gains also raise a whooping 4.5 percent to 28 percent. It is interesting, therefore, to look at the two contradictory articles by WSJ’s “Letting Tax ‘Extenders’ Die”(2015) and John Miller (2015)’s “The Wall Street Journal’s Yankee Swap”.
While WSJ is suggesting the “real Republican goal should be a change in law that locks in lower rates and eliminates as many special tax breaks as possible-and doesn’t expire,” (Letting Tax ‘Extenders’ Die, 2015) Miller argues U.S. corporations are the last ones that need a tax relief, which is in line with Obama’s new tax reform. The so-called “punishing” corporate tax, as Miller points out, is not punishing at all if a fair comparison is made, which is through comparing “effective tax rates”, that counts in income in all forms averagely that is more meaningful. In that case, the effective U.S. corporate tax rate in 2008 (27.1 percent) was actually lower than the other Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries. (Miller, 2015).
Miller also points out that the reasons why the effective U.S. corporate tax is lower while its statutory tax is significantly higher: three loopholes of foreign income, accelerated depreciation and domestic production activities. (2015) Under The President’s new tax reform, these loopholes will finally be fixed and give incentives to give up holding the profits overseas while instead, rejuvenate the domestic economy by bringing in more jobs.
Moreover, while both WSJ’s articles (“Obama Unchained” and “Letting Tax ‘Extenders’ Die”) push for a permanent lower rate on corporations, neither of them has enough evidence to back up their claim. In fact, they offered no evidence at all: all they did was to reiterate what they want and stress the deficit that is born into Obama’s administration and list numbers that don’t mean much, especially to the general well-being of the American people. The article “Obama Unchained” ended with “…On the evidence of this budget, they’re unlikely to get even the back of his hand.” It is obvious to see what the republicans truly care about: not the American people but their own concerns. Thus, their arguments against the new tax reform are weak and not progressive for the nation to move forward because they seem to speak favorably only for the corporations and politics.
The word “family” appears 19 times in The President’s new budget plan while the word “middle class” appears 22 times and the word “infrastructure” has 83. We can see clearly where The President is standing. Under the new tax reform, more jobs will be created from infrastructure work and fewer concerns from the middle-class and underprivileged families will be made possible. Although there are mixed views toward the new tax reform, suggesting primarily from conservative publications, we can tell after an educated reading that the reform could indeed be the pill to American’s economy.


Policies addressing multilingualism promoting English in Malaysia

2020-05-20 00:13:34 | 日記
Policies addressing multilingualism promoting English in Malaysia

下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文-Policies addressing multilingualism promoting English in Malaysia。约书亚·A·菲什曼在《新语言秩序》一书中写道,人类社会在一种语言(除了半口语之外)被“如此广泛和如此众多的人”使用之前,从未发生过这种情况。

Joshua A. Fishman wrote in The New Linguistic Order that it has never happened in human society before that one language (besides semi-spoken) is spoken “so widely and by so many.”[ Fishman, J. A. “The New Linguistic Order.” Foreign Policy. Washington: Newsweek Interactive, LLC 1998-1999: No. 113. 26-32, 34-40. Accessed March 26, 2015. .
]Here, this language refers to English, which is the mother tongue of around 380 million people and is the language of the lion share of academic and books, news, and magazines in the world. Moreover, it is also estimated that English-speaking countries produce 40% of the world’s GDP. Though its influence is still at its peak, some linguists already warn that this predominant language will be finally fell from the top back to an ordinary dialect at the corner of the world. What causes a language’s rise and fall is the economy and politics. The expansion of the use of English is closely linked with the colonization of Britain. After the colonization period, many countries started supporting their own nations’ language to grow. However, the transition of the dominant language takes a long time, which is best exempted by the situation of Malaysia. Despite the fact that now Malay is the official language in Malaysia, some policies promoted by the government affect the spread of English positively in multicultural society, education, and tourism.
The overwhelming status of English originated from the policies the British rulers adopted in colonial Malaysia where is a melting pot of cultures including Malay, Chinese, and Indian. Malaysia was ruled by the British rule since the 1980s till the twentieth centuries. The British administration, as Bailey, Platt, and Weber revealed in their book, English in Singapore and Malaysia, had doubts with Malaysian’s working efficiency and used policies to create a “network of multi-ethnic, multilingual speech communities, introducing Indian and Chinese into Malaysia.[ Bailey R W. John Platt and Heidi Weber. “English in Singapore and Malaysia: Status, Features, Functions.” English World-Wide, 1982. Vol. 3. No.2: 260-262.] According to professor Anthony Reid of Australian National University, there were in total around 10 million Chinese and 3 million of Indians arriving in Malaysia during 1880 - 1939.[ Reid, A. 2010. Malaysia/Singapore as Immigrant Societies. P17] In an sociolinguistic context, Lowenberg[ Lowenberg, P. H. 1986. “Sociolinguistic Context and Second-Language Acquisition: Acculturation and Creativity in Malaysian English.” World Englishes, 5(1), 71-83.] recorded his observation in the article Acculturation and Creativity in Malaysian English, and pointed out that since at the time, English language enjoys prestige status and since in the multi-cultural society, it is ethnically neutral, the colonial administrators saw English, this language’s potential and created an education system in Malaysia where at the beginning private and mission schools began taking English as medium, and later on the local teachers started teaching the language. The policy laid the foundation of later education design. In the survey of Thirusanku and Yunus in 2014 on the status of English in Malaysia, they find that as this system evolved, English was continually used by the mixed society (Indians, Malays, and Chinese) and became the primary language in transportation, commerce, the mass media, and entertainments.[ Thirusanku, J and Yunus, M. 2014. Status of English in Malaysia. Asian Social Science; Vol. 10, No. 14: 23-29
] Therefore, this background has laid the foundation for English’s continuous usage in this country.
The education system of Malaysia conveniences the continuity of English in Malaysia as although Malay was adopted as the national language, English was not discarded because of practical concerns. Start with the background, the Federation Malaysia attained its independence from Britain in 1957, and since then it has gone through vast changes in various fields, among which were the implementation of a new education system. The 3rd Malaysia Plan (1976-1980) states that “Bshasa Malaysia (Malay)” is the base for national integration, but the plan also underlines English’s usage, stressing that measures must be taken to ensure its status as second language.[ Thirusanku, J and Yunus, M. 2014. “Status of English in Malaysia.” Asian Social Science. Vol. 10, No. 14: 23-29] From 1970 till 1983, Malaysia educational policies were implemented gradually in primary and secondary level of education. It was until 1983, all English medium schools were replaced by Malay medium schools, and before it, there are three teaching syllabus separately for primary schools, secondary schools, and upper secondary schools. The Malaysian education system consists of primary schools, secondary schools, upper secondary schools, Chinese schools, and Tamil schools, whose development is too complex to be declared in one article, but the different teaching strategies adopted showed Malaysian authority’s practical concern for certain practical reason. For example, firstly, the secondary school syllabus was developed accordingly to the country’s immediate needs—providing “united, disciplined and well-trained workforce.”[ Darus, S. 2010. “The Current Situation and Issues of the Teaching of English in Malaysia.” Ritsumeikan linguistic and culture studies. Vol. 22, No. 1: 19-27] Secondly, the Malay language has a problem of relating to modern science, because it has never been associated with this field before.[ Z Zaaba,and K Umemoto. 2009. “Teaching Science and Technology in English: Language-in-Education Policy in Malaysia.” Recent Technological Advances in Education. 131-135

Both as the result of the language education system which lasts for two centuries, and as the medium of further influence, Malaysia tourism employs English and still relies on this language. Tourism industry is projected as a major source of income to Malaysia. Every year, increasing tourists come to visit Malaysia, and consequently, more jobs are created, especially in service sector where one of the most important components is the frontline work where workers serve and interact continuously with the tourists. As tourists do not just come for the facilities and attractions, what they want is also to be treated right and well. Since they do not speak Bahasa Melayu, the national language, a good command of English is viewed as an asset for human resources. According to a statistic done by Rao and Abdullah on the origin of tourists visiting Malaysia, 45.2% tourists are Europeans, and following are Australia (including New Zealand), 11.9%[ R Rao, S Abdullah . 2007. The Role of the English Language in the Tourism Industry. Accessed March 28, 2015.
]. Furthermore, though those advertisements for tourism produced in English, one can also see the emphasis of this overwhelming language. Just as what is written above, English enjoys its status in Malaysia due to pragmatism concerns, and tourism is one example of it.
All in all, language is a tool and so is English. Therefore, policies addressing multilingualism in Malaysia at the end help promote English since Malaysia has a multi-cultural society, education systems closely connected to English, and the tourism heavily relying on English.
