

Savonarola’s General Disposition Towards Art

2020-05-20 00:13:34 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Savonarola’s General Disposition Towards Art,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是萨沃纳罗拉(Savonarola)对艺术有不同的感受:一方面,他能够感知某些艺术品的美;另一方面,他鄙视没有如实地描绘世界的艺术品。在威尼斯的穆拉诺(Murano),玻璃制造商生产玻璃器皿和水晶花瓶,萨沃纳罗拉(Savonarola)惊讶于这些艺术品的美丽和典雅。他写道:“当今世界上已经找不到每天在这里制造的珍贵玻璃制品了”,“它们的外观最优雅,最漂亮可见(154)。”这些评论表明,萨沃纳罗拉确实具有美感。
Savonarola’s General Disposition Towards Art

Savonarola has mixed feelings towards art: on the one hand, he is able to perceive the beauty of some of the artworks, on the other hand, he despises the art that do not faithfully depict the world as it naturally is. In Murano, Venice, where glassmakers make the glass instruments and crystal vases, Savonarola marveled at how beautiful and elegant these artworks looked. He wrote: “there are not to be found in the world today such precious glass objects as are made here daily”, “they are most elegant in appearance, most beautiful to see (154).” These comments show that Savonarola do have a sense of beauty. However, his appreciation of art is extremely limited as he relates gold, silver and even sculptures with corruption. In his descriptions of some of the tombs he saw, he commented, “the whole surface of the wall is decorated with varied marble, and sculptures in gold and silver, and ornamented beyond the bounds of propriety (155).” The extravagancy of the riches drove Savonarola away from appreciation of art and as he began to detest any art that didn’t serve religious purposes in a humble manner.

Despite the obvious opposition against extravagant art, there are multiple mentions of how the nature is imitated through paintings in Savonarola’s sermons. The superiority of nature is established in such remarks: “works of nature are more beautiful than man’s artificial works, so the latter try to imitate nature (156).” In general, Savonarola thinks that the imitation of nature by the painters is a good thing, not in the deed itself, but in how it is used to prove his point: the divinity of nature and the God: “we find that those please more which imitate nature more (157)”. Comparing the works of man and works of God, he wrote: “there are certain painters who make figures that appear alive; a person who has good judgement and good imagination judges as soon as he sees this figure that is dead, not alive (158).” He again Savonarola simplifies art to a mere tool for celebration of nature, which is a superficial way to understand art. Failing to see the function of art as refinement and essence of the real world, Savonarola is indeed biased in this issue.

Savonarola believes that all vanity in the art, especially paintings in Florence, should be abandoned immediately. The depiction of the stories from the bible must be the most faithful representation of the origin of truth: “do you believe that the Virgin Mary went dressed this way, as you paint her? I tell you she went dressed as a poor woman, simply, and so covered that her face could hardly be seen (157).” These statements sound rather opinionated as they do not allow the artistic way to process these stories, or any alternative interpretations of the scenario other than his own. He wrote further, “You would do well to cancel these figures that are painted so unchastely. You make the Virgin Mary seem dressed like a whore (158).” Savonarola fails to see that all divinity originates from humanity, which is the life of the common people. Humans just shouldn’t be simplified according to what they do. There may be more element of divinity in a whore than there are in many priests. Therefore, the pictures that decorate Florentine churches originate from the men and women who walk the streets of Florence, and only through the capturing and imitation of the latter can the form get closer to divinity.

Another term used by Savonarola is “artifice.” The word artifice itself carries negative meanings, but in art it should be views as the display of the intelligence of the artists in creating their works. However, Savonarola has a different point. He views artifice as a bad thing which represent the clumsiness of human trying to imitate nature: “nature does all things simply, and has no need of human artifice, yet the latter hopes to imitate nature (156).” He further categorizes those painters who do not faithfully imitate nature as “artificers.” In a somewhat disgusted tone, he commented: “we say those things are ‘art’ which artificers do, and they do not actually imitate nature (156).” Finally, he relates the issue back to religion again, trying to prove how superior nature is: “Orators, and likewise painters, try to conceal art, so that their works will seem natural (157).” Human is the work of nature as well, and Savonarola refuses to see this by belittling what human imagination and creativity is capable of, which is a typical way to control people’s mind through religion.

Both Savonarola and Cristoforo Landino’s works show sign of the tragic fatalism and prophesy of the destiny of humans. While Cristoforo Landino sees the problems from a humanistic approach, with a somewhat nuanced disposition toward art, Savonarola is more radical and he took a firmer ground in opposition of the art that didn’t celebrate divinity in a humble way. In response to the artist that “profaned the churches”, he remarked, “but what am I to say of you, Christian painters, who make those shameless figures there, which is not proper? Make them no more!” Another famous proof is the “bonfire of the vanities” in 1494, when he organized the burning of trinkets, cosmetics, luxury items, and obscene books in the public square of Florence. Overall, the disposition of Savonarola towards art is in alignment with his religious and political ambitions.


Human Sexuality

2020-05-20 00:10:04 | 日記
Human Sexuality
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文-Human Sexuality。“科学美国人”网站上的文章“对夫妻来说,工作上的成功受伴侣性格的影响”主要讲述了伴侣的性格对彼此工作上的成功有多重要。一项相当令人惊讶的新研究表明,在这五种性格特征中,责任心对于工作满意度较高、晋升频率较高、四年内工资较高的伴侣来说是很受欢迎的:外向、随和、责任心、神经质和开放性。虽然有些人认为浪漫的伴侣要么是性感的,要么是性格随和的人,但事实告诉人们,一个有责任心的伴侣有着巨大的好处。似乎有责任心的夫妇可以提供重要的支持,无论他们在家里还是在外面工作,并在家里有一致的帮助,以提高彼此的工作生活,而不分性别。此外,有责任心的夫妇不仅可以创造条件,使他们更容易成功,他们也是伟大的榜样,以鼓励更大的可靠性和生产力在工作场所,以及提高工作绩效。

The article “For Couples, Success at Work is Affected by Partner’s Personality” on the website “SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN” mainly tells about how important each partner’s personality can affected each other’s success at work. A quite surprising new study shows that conscientiousness is of great acceptance for the partner having higher job satisfaction, promoting more often and reporting higher wages over a four year period among these five personality traits: extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism and openness. Although some people think that romantic partners should be either sexually attractive or the person who have an agreeable personality, the fact shows people that there are a tremendous amount of benefits for a conscientious spouse. It seems that conscientious couples can provide significant support whether they work in or outside the home, and having consistent help around the house to enhance each other’s work life regardless of the gender. Moreover, conscientious couple can not only create conditions that make them success easier, they are also great role models to encourage greater reliability and productivity in the workplace as well as enhancing job performance.
The article “Calling It Sex When They Mean Love” on the website “SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN” mainly tells about how the so called “hookup culture” (uncommitted sexual encounter) affects young people and how they feel about this kind of phenomenon. The data shows that 51 percent of women and 42 percent of men said they openly discussed that possibility with their lover after hookup despite its supposedly casual nature. However, among 681 college-aged adults, in which 63percent of the men and 83percent of the women said they would prefer to be in a traditional romantic relationship instead of a sexual relationship without commitment. Even though sexuality is very seductive to both young men and women, in reality, during those sporadic encounters something more than simply sex is desired. Overall, Garcia believes that hookups tend to have a more positive than negative effect by improving one’s sense of well-being and level of satisfaction. Nevertheless, with string attached, the love will be lasted longer and more stable.
The reason why I choose these two articles is because it is related to the topic of human relationship and human sexuality. Compared to these two articles, they both tells people about the relationships between a couple. One of the differences is that the article “For Couples, Success at Work is Affected by Partner’s Personality” mainly talks about couple’s personality affects each other in a great amount of way in a relationship. Even though some people consider that sexual appeal plays an important role in a relationship, the partner’s personality affect each other’s success at work in a tremendous amount of way. However, in the article “Calling It Sex When They Mean Love”, sex is quite crucial among young people, especially those college students. In this article, some data is listed that mainly tells people that even a survey once said that among 500 college students, in which 64 percent of women and 45 percent of men confessed that during their last hookup, they were actually hoping the encounter would lead to a steady relationship, in fact, 51 percent of women and 42 percent of men said they openly discussed that possibility with their lover after the hookup despite its supposedly casual nature. As far as I am concerned, no matter how casual a person is, all he/she wants is a steady relationship that can finally get married and live happily ever after.
In the article “For Couples, Success at Work is Affected by Partner’s Personality”, even though the whole article focus on the aspect of couple’s personality, it shows people that if one couple only has sex in their lives, they will not be improved nor truly have a happiness live. Thus, there is no doubt that sexuality plays a very important role in a couple’s live, if a couple want both their love and work balance well as well as they can be success, personality is even more crucial than the sex appeal. As for the article “Calling It Sex When They Mean Love”, it obviously has something to do with human sexuality. After reading this article, it turns out my instinct is right. 63 percent of the men and 83 percent of the women said they’d prefer to be in a traditional romantic relationship instead of a sexual relationship without commitment.
In the book “A Love Book for Couples: Building a Healthy Relationship” by Michael Lillibridge, it says: Couples often think that “falling in love” is enough, that this feeling of love will hold them together forever and through think and thin. In reality, most people have little knowledge about the makeup of this kind of relationship and what knowledge and skills are needed to maintain a satisfying relationship. If couples are to stay in love and be happy with each other, they must understand three important areas of relating to other. Take the first area for example. There are six aspects of couple relationships that need to be understood and experienced if a happy relationship is to be achieved, which are the feeling of love, interpersonal skills, sexual compatibility, interpersonal conflicts, and the emotional intimacy. As the article said, the personality can affect couple’s family and their work. Moreover, in the book “Relationship Advice For Women And Men: A Deep Love” it also conveys a concept that if people want their relationship be steady and happiness, they need to learn to love themselves. Only can they take care of themselves, they can love their partners in the right position for the right attitude.
Among the many difficulties parents encounter today, despite different social contexts, one certainly stands out: giving children an adequate preparation for adult life, particularly with regard to education in the true meaning of sexuality. There are many reasons for this difficulty and not all of them are new. In the past, even when the family did not provide specific sexual education, the general culture was permeated by respect for fundamental values and hence served to protect and maintain them. In the greater part of society, both in developed and developing countries, the decline of traditional models has left children deprived of consistent and positive guidance, while parents find themselves unprepared to provide adequate answers. This new context is made worse by what we observe: an eclipse of the truth about man which, among other things, exerts pressure to reduce sex to something commonplace. In this area, society and the mass media most of the time provide depersonalized, recreational and often pessimistic information. Moreover, this information does not take into account the different stages of formation and development of children and young people, and it is influenced by a distorted individualistic concept of freedom, in an ambience lacking the basic values of life, human love and the family. Thus, from these two articles that I have read, I have noticed that it is quite common that young people’s love is based on the sexuality at first in our society. Even though most women and men prefer the true love that can be communicated with each other’s heart, it is nearly impossible without sexuality.
When I first look at these two articles, I was a little bit uncomfortable, because that is the topic I seldom talk about. When I read the first article about sex and love, I have no idea that there are so many college students feels that they prefer to be in a traditional romantic relationship instead of a sexual relationship without commitment. Before I read this article, I have a stereo type thinking that most young couple love the sexual relationship because they think it is so exciting as well as do not need to be responsible to someone or to her family. But now this article have a great influence to me. The real romantic relationship is the communication between heart and heart. Although sexuality is important in a relationship, if one couple do not have the same value and the good personality that can affect each other in a good way, they will not be as happy as other great couples are. Romantic relationships can provide people with some of the most wonderful feelings they will ever experience. They can also be extremely confusing, make people feel paralyzed and helpless and bring people to their “emotional knees“. As for me, if I can create an arsenal of words to describe a loving relationship, then I can build a healthy environment where love can thrive. Thus, if I have to choose, I would love to use descriptive songs that showcase the positive aspects of a loving relationship. Such as “I’ll make love to you” by Boyz II Men, “When a Man Loves a Woman” by Percy Sledge. As far as I am concerned, the sex appeal is not the only thing in a romantic relationship, people should care about each other and improve their personality in a good way as well as create something cozy and sweet.


Review of Children of Syria

2020-05-20 00:10:04 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- Review of Children of Syria,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是这部纪录片通过一个有四个孩子的家庭,萨拉和其他三个兄弟姐妹,他们和父母一起生活,通过跟踪生活的变化,展示了叙利亚儿童如何挣扎着生活。我个人认为叙利亚前线的儿童没有机会在学校接受正常教育。正如父亲所说,他现在要为破坏孩子们的未来负责,他为革命牺牲了孩子们。
Review of Children of Syria
The documentary shows how the Syrian Children struggle to live by tracking the changing lives through a family with four children, Sara and other three siblings, who live together with their parents together. Personally, I think
Children in the frontline in Syria have no opportunity to accept normal education in school. As the father says, he is responsible for destroying children’s future right now and he has sacrificed his children for the revolution.
The younger children just follow the elder ones to learn some knowledge. One thing is that when the Sara explores the abandoned houses for toys, her elder sister educates her not to take other’s things. Thus it can be seen, the children are still well educated to be in accordance with Syrian culture. Being a part of culture, children education is still highly valued by the Syrian parents, but they are just seriously affected by the civil war.
When Sara is asked how she loves Syria, she describes her love as “so much” and makes an extremely large circle. When they have to leave Syria for safety reasons. They express their love for this country and culture. It is not an easy thing for Syria refugees to move away. But the family are lucky immigrants with their refugee passports. After flying to Germany, Sara has begun her new life. The cross-cultural awareness with cultural emergence has been reflected in this documentary this way. Sara’s mother has concerns and fears initially, especially the religious intolerance, worrying themselves to be treated as Muslim terrorists. In contrast, the children show more expectations and excitements. Fortunately, children feel good as they are welcomed by classmates, enjoying their totally new life in Germany.
Personally, I think the war is the pushing factor to their changeable life. Although Sara and her siblings used to miss good chances to accept education and had to live in the war, they are absorbing in Syrian culture and accepting new culture in Germany. Therefore, this is an impressive documentary enabling to reflect on different aspects during the Syrian war.

A Discussion of Criminality and Race of African Americans

2020-05-20 00:10:04 | 日記
下面51due教员组为大家整理一篇优秀的代写范文- A Discussion of Criminality and Race of African Americans,供大家参考学习。这篇文章讲述的是在美国,被贩毒者囚禁的黑人人数远高于白人。因此,在美国,显示出司法制度和严格的化身政策的非洲裔美国囚犯人数大大增加,这有利于白人。尽管非裔美国人仅占该国总人口的一小部分,但该国的许多罪犯是黑人。正如米歇尔·亚历山大(Michelle Alexander)所写,被定罪与毒品有关的有色人种的人数是不成比例的(《文化维度2正义》,2017年,第80页),这一结果被认为与对少数群体或弱势群体的不公平待遇密切相关。
A Discussion of Criminality and Race of African Americans
The high crime rate and high imprisonment rate of the colored people in the U.S. are very important and serious issues.

In Michelle Alexander’s The New Jim Crow and Ava DuVernay’s 13th , both of them discuss a central topic with : criminal justice system is not just at all but full of discrimination. More than 10 percent of the Americans violated the drug laws(Dimensions of Culture 2 Justice, 2017, 81). The number of blacks imprisoned by drug traffickers in the United States is much higher than that of whites. Thus, the fact of a significant increase in the number of African American prisoners in the United States shown justice system and strict incarnation policy is in favor of the white people. Although African Americans account for a small percent of the country's total population, however, a large number of the country's criminals are blacks. Just as Michelle Alexander wrote, the number of colored people who are convicted crimes related to drug are disproportional(Dimensions of Culture 2 JUSTICE, 2017, p. 80).This result is considered to be closely related to unfair treatment of minority or disadvantaged groups, especially blacks in the criminal justice system in terms of the enforcement, prosecution, conviction and sentencing of criminals. There are obvious racial discrimination in the drug offenses. In the case of law enforcement, the police are also more likely to like to ban drugs in black communities and black streets in the center of the city, but are reluctant or unable to ban suburban white drug traffickers. According to Amendment 13 of United States Constitution : Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction(Dimensions of Culture 2 JUSTICE, 2017. p.73). It means that everyone is equal, except for criminals. This could be a good example of historical master narratives about criminality and race. But in fact "criminals" have become an excuse for racial discrimination, and an new reason of slavery, by capturing colored people to deprive them of their rights, to limit their freedom.

Also, they have shown drawbacks of historical master narratives of criminality and race in the U.S. The article and film's argument is that this mass incarceration is caused by racial discrimination in the United States since the founding of the country. Both of them are about mass incarceration, in which the first half tells the story of imprisoned African Americans, the latter half exposes the prison industry, and at last settled on the 13th amendment, which is the main structure of them. But unfortunately, the author’s reasoning process is not rigorous. The lack of discussion of other factors in the argument, including the polarization between the rich and the poor, the proliferation of drugs, and the lack of cross-certification of international law.

Bilingualism should be the standard for all primary schools in the United States

2020-05-20 00:10:04 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Bilingualism should be the standard for all primary schools in the United States


Bilingualism should be the standard for all primary schools in the United States

America, as a melting pot, receives a variety of people around the world and consists of African Americans, Asian Americans, Hispanics and so on. Consequently, there are enormous children of immigrants. Then, although America is an English-dominant country, there are many languages, like Chinese, French, Spanish and Japanese, etc. America should take advantage of its particular multi-language environment and enrich the content of elementary schools in America. Therefore, from historic and modern perspectives, all elementary schools in America should be bilingual to make young children better adapt to the new environment and meet the new requirements.

Firstly, most of children are "heritage speakers". Kagan(2014) notes that most of young children of immigrants need to speak their parents' native language at home, though they speak in English at elementary schools. Based on the findings from the survey conducted by the Census Bureau, people can learn that there are 21 percent of people who speak a language other than English in America. In California, there are 44 percent of residents who speak another language other than English at home. In Los Angeles County, the number crest to almost 57%. However, people need to admit that the majority of young children gradually have no literacy in the language they speak. They are unable to speak their parents' language and just say English. As a result, American government needs to implement a far-reaching policy committed to maintaining and enhancing the skills of heritage speakers. Bilingual education in elementary schools is a beneficial way to safeguard diverse languages and make these children remember their cultural identity as well as traditional heritage.

Additionally, elementary education plays an essential role in promoting child's skills in language. Bilingual education in elementary schools is necessary for students to keep an open and inclusive attitude towards cultures and ethnics. Williams(2017) introduces what happens in Stephanie Lugardo's second-grade classroom where students chatter with each other in English and Spanish. According to a " dual-immersion" program, children can become fully bilingual in the process with enjoyment. At the same time, the needs from a linguistically diverse population will be met by various kinds of programs guided by bilingual eductions. Besides, the National Heritage Language Resource Center at UCLA has conducted a survey in the recent years and it finds that numerous students would choose to formally study their home language when they enter college with the aim to learn more heritage and culture as well as linguistic roots. Therefore, once elementary schools implement bilingual education, children can not only better communicate with their relatives, but also gain more knowledge of heritage as well as promote their formulation of their cultural identity. Thomas (2016) points out that, when people live in the 21 century, coupled with globalization, the boundary between nations, ethnics and cultures, is gradually broken. At the same time, the gap between people also be shortened. Children in elementary schools should have the opportunity to learn diverse languages to improve their language skills so that they will have more capacity to compete with others.

People need to admit that language skills need to be nurtured at home and in the classroom. Elementary schools should shoulder its responsibility to introduce diverse knowledge and cultures to students instead of teaching them in accordance with textbooks. Bilingual eduction in elementary schools is helpful for children to maintain and develop their own heritage and cultures. When children speak other languages other than English in elementary schools, they would share their particular cultures and perspectives with other children, which is beneficial for them to form a cultural identity and progress at a faster rate. Overall, all elementary schools in America should be bilingual.

Kagan, Olga.(2014). Schools should help the children of immigrants become truly bilingual. The
Los Angeles Times. Retrieved from
Thomas, P. (2016). The great convergence: information technology and the new globalization. Business Economics, 53, 1-3.
Williams, Conor. (2017). The Intrusion of White Families Into Bilingual Schools. The Atlantic.
Retrieved from
