

Research Geothermal Energy

2020-06-19 15:41:25 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Research Geothermal Energy,文章讲述鉴于日益严重的环境污染,科学家正在寻找许多新的回收能源以减轻环境压力。地热能是值得勘探的能源之一。通过研究,可以发现地热能的许多优缺点。充分利用地热能可以为我们的环境做出良好的贡献。

Research Geothermal Energy

Given by the deteriorating environmental pollution, scientists are searching for many new recycle energies to relieve the environmental pressure. Geothermal energy is one of the energy resources that deserve exploration. Through research, many advantages and disadvantages of geothermal energy can be discovered. Being taken good use of, geothermal energy can make a good contribution to our environment.

As an alternative resources, geothermal energy has many distinctive advantages. It can be concluded as the following five points.
●Cost Saving
Fossil fuel is not the means by which geothermal energy use to make power. Therefore, far less money is used in purchasing, transporting and cleaning up plants. It brings forth a remarkable cost saving.
●Less Reliance on Fossil Fuels
It is well known that fossil fuels will do harm to environment. Moreover, as oil price climbs, more companies prefer to utilize clean and alternative energies. Geothermal energy turns out to be a good choice. Therefore, to some extent, geothermal energy help to decrease the dependence n fossil fuels.
●No Pollution
Due to the fact that geothermal energy is to extract gas from deep, it creates no pollution and it helps to maintain a healthy environment. As a renewable resources, it plays an important role in curbing global warming and pollution.
●Direct Use
Dating back to the old time, geothermal energy has been directly utilized in taking bath, heating homes, and preparing food. Given that this energy comes from nature, it is cheaper and more available to many people.
●More Jobs and Economic Benefits
Exploring and taking use of geothermal energy is so huge a project that it needs a large scale of man power, thus many job positions can be created. Therefore, many people can benefit from this project and earn money to support their family.

Although geothermal energy makes great contribution in saving money and protecting environment, it still has some disadvantages.
●Not Widespread
Due to the lack of professional equipment, staff, infrastructure and training, the establishment of geothermal plants come across difficulties. It deeply needs skilled man power and suitable locations. Therefore, it is not easy for geothermal energy to become a ubiquitous energy.
●Hard to transport
Different from wood, coal and oil, geothermal energy is difficult to transport. It is always used around areas where it is extracted. Therefore, it pose hinderance to the further use of geothermal energy.
Not all the places are suitable for the installation of geothermal plants. It requires a place to have hot rocks under the earth and can produce steam. Therefore, it needs a lot of efforts to choose a suitable location.

Geothermal energy is an alternative, simple and clean energy that deserve attention. It has both advantages and disadvantages. In future days when building a healthy environment is a main task of our world, geothermal energy will catch more attention and result in more study. Therefore, what we need to do is to take full use of its advantages and overcome its disadvantage.


Advantages of Geothermal Energy. Converse Energy Future. Retrieved July 20, 2014 from
Disadvantages of Geothermal Energy. Converse Energy Future. Retrieved July 20, 2014 from


Please make room for the girl

2020-06-19 15:37:05 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- ,文章讲述Please make room for the girl在本周的印刷版中,我们着眼于发展经济学中的一个重要问题:如何缩小贫穷国家受教育的男孩和女孩之间的差距。

Please make room for the girl

IN THIS week's print edition we look at an important issue in development economics: how to reduce the gap between the number of girls and boys being educated in poor countries.
Economists see reducing sexual inequality in education as a vital part of promoting development. The failure to educate girls limits economic growth in the developing world by wasting human capital. As a result, the UN set itself the target of eliminating gender disparity in education at all levels by 2015, as one of its Millennium Development Goals.
Although places like China, Bangladesh and Indonesia look likely to achieve the target, Africa, in particular, will not. For every 100 boys in secondary school on the continent in 2010, there were only 82 girls. The most common response is to channel more money to girls’ education. UN schemes finance school places for girls in 15 sub-Saharan countries. NGOs have got involved too. Camfed, a charity, now pays for almost 100,000 girls to be educated in Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Looking at recently-published UN statistics on gender inequality in education, one observes that the overall picture has improved dramatically over the last decade, but progress has not been even (see chart). Although the developing world on average looks likely to hit the UN’s gender-inequality target, many parts of Africa are lagging behind. While progress is being made in sub-Saharan Africa in primary education, gender inequality is in fact widening among older children. The ratio of girls enrolled in primary school rose from 85 to 93 per 100 boys between 1999 and 2010, whereas it fell from 83 to 82 and from 67 to 63 at the secondary and tertiary levels.

In some places there has been little or no progress whatsoever. For instance, the enrolment ratio in Chad and the Central African Republic appears to be flat-lining at under 70 girls per 100 boys. These two countries look soon to be overtaken by Afghanistan, up to now the worst performing country in the world on this metric. There is also great variation within countries. The situation appears to be much worse in rural areas in Africa, where getting to school takes longer and may be more dangerous. For instance, in rural areas of Niger, UN estimates puts the number of girls per 100 boys at school as low as 41.
This is in contrast to dramatic improvements in gender equality in schooling seen in the rest of the world. South Asia, which lagged behind sub-Saharan Africa in 1999 at the primary school level, hit the UN’s 2015 target in 2010. Even the Middle East, where traditional religious prejudices often prevent girls going to school, has made substantial progress. Only Afghanistan, Pakistan and Yemen now have less than 90 girls per 100 boys at school, in contrast to over 14 sub-Saharan African countries.
Yet it is important to note that gender inequality is not the only problem in Africa. In many places there are not enough school places to go around for the boys alone. In Niger just 15% of both boys and girls were enrolled in secondary school last year. In the very poorest of African countries, simply funding more school places for boys or girls may end up boosting equality as girls may stop having to compete with boys for the few available spaces.
But other problems prevent girls going to school too. Some are kept away by the religious qualms of their families. Others are needed as child labour to prop up household incomes when times are tough, due to the lack of developed insurance or saving systems in these countries. Either way, gender inequality in Africa is a complex problem—and one which will need several different policy responses if the UN’s goals are ever to be reached.


Page Design Concept

2020-06-19 15:37:05 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Page Design Concept,文章讲述本文将是一个方便的检查表,向我们的行政助理介绍页面设计。页面设计是文本在页面上的显示方式。注意页面设计非常重要,因为它不仅使文本更漂亮,而且更清晰,简洁和更具吸引力。此外,还有三个需要高度重视的重要元素:组织,顺序,多样性以及迅速为读者提供所需的信息。

Page Design Concept

This paper will be a handy check sheet introducing page design to our administrative assistant. Page design is how a text appears on a page. Paying attention to page design is of great importance for that it not only makes the text more beautiful, but also clearer, conciser and more attractive. Furthermore, there are three important elements needing high attention: organization, order, variety and rapidly offering readers the information they need.

Proper page design has two main functions which benefit both the sender and receiver.
● Sender
The document is the representation of the company or the institution that send it. Therefore, how the document looks like directly links to the image of the company or the institution. If the page is designed clearly and reasonably, it will leave a remarkable impression on the receivers. Furthermore, besides conveying message, it can rouse readers’ emotional responses.
● Receiver
Facing a well-organized page, busy readers can rapidly know about the message that the document is conveying and extract the valid ones they need.

Important Aspects
There are four important aspects needing to be considered when we are designing a page. A page must be well organized, ordered, allow readers to quickly get information, and be variety.
● Organization
Designers should arrange the text in small, easily accessible chunks. In order to achieve this goal, the followings can be used.
· Headings: usually summaries expressed in one to three words
· White Space
· Rules: horizontal lines that separate
· Section dividers: usually used in long documents
● Order
Order plays an important role in page design. Designers always arrange the text in order of importance and chronically. Through the headings and outlines which are visual clues, we can figure out the relationship of the ideas. A good order usually needs the following methods.
· Typefaces(Fonts): Serif typefaces are more used in text given that they are easier to read for audience. As for headings, we more use sans serif typefaces.
· Type Size: When ordering, we choose smaller sizes for sub-points to make the text clearer.
· Density: We often use bolding or italics.
· Space: It means the amount of space left around headings.
· Position of headings: It is used for effectiveness, including centered one, left-margined one, indented one, or out-dented one.
● Allow readers to quickly get information
Eye-catching techniques may be used, but be careful that too much razzle-dazzle should be got rid of. Following methods can be used to achieve this goal.
· Vertical white space: It can break up the density of the text.
· Bullet: Help to keep parallel structure.
· Number
· Capital letters: Its use should be limited.
· Italics: Its use should be limited.
· Window: To put information in boxes.
· Fills: It means the shading or patterning included in windows.
· Colors: It should be suitable for the purpose of the message.
· Inverse Type
· Headers/Footers
● Variety
Consider different possible print production options so as to meet the different needs of different readers.
· Varying paper size
· Paper stock weight
· In landscape format instead of portrait format
· Columns
· Varying gutter width
· Ragged right margins
· Inserting graphics: It can add clarity.

In conclusion, page design is important and it should be attached high attention to. A proper and reasonable page design can benefit both sender and receivers. Hope that this instruction can help our administrative assistant a lot.


Microwave fire accident

2020-06-19 15:37:05 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Microwave fire accident,文章讲述我写这封信是为了报告昨天我们公司发生的火灾。我是在微波炉中发现大火并将其扑灭的人。这是由鲍勃·史密斯(Bob Smith)造成的,他将爆米花加班了。该事件并未造成死亡,但据报道我们的两名同事呼吸困难,并被救护车送往综合医院。

Microwave fire accident

I am writing this letter to report the fire incident that happened yesterday in our company. I am the one who found the fire in the microwave and extinguished it. It was caused by Bob Smith who kept the popcorn in the oven overtime. The incident did not cause death, but two of our colleagues were reported to have difficulty in breathing and were sent to General Hospital by ambulance.

What Happened
At 2:34 p.m. yesterday, when I walked into the shared break area of our company, I found a fire inside the microwave. However, the microwave was still working with 14 minutes left. I was deeply frightened. I quickly turned off the microwave and caught a fire extinguisher on the wall to put out the flames. The smokes dissipated and the charred remained in the microwave with its smell enveloping the building. After that, I found a bag of popcorn inside the microwave, with its open box on the counter next to the microwave. It was a Generic Brand popcorn.
Fire fighters was called by our employee at 2:38 and they arrived five minutes later from the fire station which was one block away from our company. Nothing important was destroyed. Nobody was seriously hurt by the fire except Alan Martin and Dennis Alcott from our Programming Department. Given by the smokes, they two had difficulty in breathing and were sent to General hospital by ambulance at 3:00 p.m..

Why Happened
Person who should bear the main responsibility is Bob Smith from the Accounting Department of our company. It is well known that he has a habit to make popcorn when he is having breaks at 2:25 p.m.. His carelessness resulted in the incident yesterday. The Generic Brand popcorn was recommended to have a two minutes’ popping time. Bob Smith thought that he had set the timer for two minutes, so he went outside to smoke a cigarette when the popcorn was popped. However, in fact, he had set the timer wrongly. When I saw the fire, it was 2:34 p.m. according to the clock on the wall and there were still 14 minutes left for the microwave to work. Therefore, obviously it was the additional time set by Bob Smith caused the popcorn to explode and catch fire.

I write this fire incident record to state the whole process of the event. Given by Bob Smith’s carelessness, the pop caught fire and exploded. Though there is no heavy loss, our two employees got hurt and all stuff was frightened. Furthermore, the smell of the charred also affect other people in our building. Therefore, through this incident, all people in our company should learn to be careful. I also strongly recommend some new rules to be established. For example, when using electrical appliances such as microwave, users should stay to make sure the appliance works normally and safely. If something unsafe happens, the responsible person should be punished. Creating a safe working environment needs the efforts of all people. Therefore, all of us should take the responsibility.


Merrill and Lynch Bank of America

2020-06-19 15:37:05 | 日記
下面为大家整理一篇优秀的essay代写范文 -- Merrill and Lynch Bank of America,文章讲述在2008年的金融危机中,美林面临巨大损失,并于9月14日被美国银行合并。由于此次并购,美国银行转而求助于雷曼兄弟公司,后者于第二天立即宣布破产。但是,这种合并对美国银行没有好处。

Merrill and Lynch Bank of America
In 2008 financial crisis, Merrill Lynch faced great loss and was merged by Bank of America in September, 14. Because of this M&A, Bank of America had turned back to Lehman Brothers, which immediately declared bankruptcy the next day. However, this merging was not benefit for Bank of America.
After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, this merging was thought to be wise, but it was still criticized by some analysts.
The truth is, Egan-Jones, an independent rating company had issued an announcement to investors, indicating that Bank of America would be the next bank after City Bank that needed the US government fund. Of course, this opinion was strongly objected by Bank of America.
However, after one year, Bank of America’s profitability is getting worse and worse. S& P had downgraded Bank of America’s rate to degree “A” twice in three months. Therefore, Kenneth Lewis, the CEO of Bank of America, expecting the US government to invest 20 billion dollars to offset the loss of Bank of America when interviewed by British newspaper The Financial Times. He also defined this merging was a “technical failure”.
So here comes the question: how the firms become “too big to fail”?
This transaction was very important. Bank of America is the biggest bank and the biggest deposit-taking institution in America, while Merrill Lynch is the third biggest investment bank and the biggest securities broker in America. Someone thought a giant in the global banking industry would be formed by this merging, and Merrill was prevented from becoming the next bankruptcy victim of the global financial crisis, while after this transaction, Bank of America became the largest bank in the USA.
The negative influence of this merging was obvious. In 2008 financial crisis, many financial companies were facing the danger of bankruptcy. They financial situations were very bad and hoped the cash-rich companies or banks to merge them. However, because of the subprime crisis, the banks also had difficulty getting their loan back because many lenders had gone bankruptcy as well. Bank of America was facing a decline of profit because of the reduction of personal credit business.
In this time, Bank of America would take great effort, cost lots of money to merge another company which was influential but with tough financial situation, while Bank of America might also face tough financial situations. (So the CEO of Bank of America testified that the US government House Oversight and Government Reform Committee had threated the senior management to merge Merrill Lynch) Therefore, Merrill Lynch was saved, but Bank of America would not be happy for that, for his balance sheet would be awful with the liabilities of Merrill Lynch.
In 2009, after this merging, the U.S. government funded Bank of America 20 billion to support and after that, Bank of America began to sold its business to all part of the world to raise fund. It seems not a happy ending. For this means that the U.S. government had taken control of the bank industry and Bank of America still had difficulty in funding.
For how the firms “too big to fail”, the most important reason is the financial situation. If a firm merged another, this firm will have the ownership of the asset and the responsibility to shoulder the liability. However, most of time the firm which is merged will have a bad financial situation, so it need money to restart and begin to make profit. So the money is important after merging. In this case, Bank of America became “too big to fail” because of the shortage of fund, and it indeed made it hard to operate.
