


2006年04月30日 13時49分07秒 | 時事放談: 中国編


米大学サイト 抗議で日清戦争の版画削除 (産経新聞) - goo ニュース

2006年 4月30日 (日) 02:26



 版画は日本軍の戦闘や進軍の情景を描いており、在米の中国語メディアなどが当初から反発していた。(ワシントン 山本秀也)




Statements on Visualizing Cultures
April 27, 2006

MIT's home page recently featured a research and educational project -- Visualizing Cultures -- that has generated a great deal of concern and debate. The following statements speak to these issues.

MIT statement

Visualizing Cultures is an interdisciplinary research project, history course and educational outreach program that uses historical images and texts of different cultures in order to learn from them. We deeply regret that a section of this web site has caused distress and pain to members of the Chinese community.

Visualizing Cultures is an important and pioneering undertaking by two esteemed members of our faculty, Professor John Dower of the history faculty and Professor Shigeru Miyagawa of linguistics and of foreign languages and literatures. Professors Dower and Miyagawa have MIT's strongest support.

One section of the web site -- Throwing Off Asia -- authored by Professor Dower, refers to the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and displays images of Japanese wood-block prints that were used as wartime propaganda. Some of these images show the atrocities of war and are examples of how societies use visual imagery as propaganda to further their political agendas. The use of these historical images is not an endorsement of the events depicted.

Many readers, however, have indicated that the purpose of the project is not sufficiently clear to counteract the negative messages within the historical images portrayed on the site. Professors Dower and Miyagawa have been meeting with members of the MIT Chinese community to discuss their concerns and have temporarily taken down the web site while these concerns are being addressed.

The response from some outside the community, on the other hand, has been inappropriate and antithetical to the mission and spirit of MIT and of any university. This is not only unfair to our colleagues, but contrary to the very essence of the university as a place for the free exploration of ideas and the embrace of intellectual and cultural diversity. In the spirit of collaboration, MIT encourages an open and constructive dialogue.

We need to preserve the ability to confront the difficult parts of human history if we are to learn from them.

Phillip L. Clay

Statement from Professors Dower and Miyagawa

We wish to express our deep regret over the emotional distress caused by some of the imagery and are genuinely sorry that the web site has caused pain within the Chinese community. This was completely contrary to our intention. Our purpose is to look at history in the broadest possible manner and to try to learn from this.

One section of the project displays images of Japanese wood-block prints that were used as propaganda during the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895 and are examples of how societies use visual imagery to further their political agendas. These historical images do not reflect our beliefs. To the contrary, our intent was to illuminate aspects of the human experience -- including imperialism, racism, violence and war -- that we must confront squarely if we are to create a better world. These complex issues are addressed in the long text that accompanies the images. We must learn from history if we are to have a better future.

Many people who have seen the web site, however, have indicated that the purpose of the project is not sufficiently clear to counteract the negative messages contained in the historical images portrayed on the site. Acknowledging this, we have been meeting with members of the Chinese community and others here at MIT to discuss how we might present these materials in a way that more effectively fosters understanding across cultures. In the meantime, we have temporarily taken down this web site while these community concerns are being addressed. We wish to make clear that this is a scholarly research project, and there is no art exhibition associated with it.

We are grateful to those members of the MIT Chinese community who have met with us to address this issue and help heal our community. In these discussions, we have been guided by the central values of the university: the free exploration of ideas and the embrace of intellectual and cultural diversity. We are committed to those ideals.

John W. Dower
Professor of History

Shigeru Miyagawa
Professor of Linguistics and of Foreign Languages and Literatures



それを「アジアを軽蔑する(Throwing Off Asia)」というジョン・ダウアー教授の文章とともにのせられていたのが、中国人(政府?)の癪に障ったのでしょう。


敗北を抱きしめて 上 増補版―第二次大戦後の日本人



敗北を抱きしめて〈下〉― 第二次大戦後の日本人











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Unknown (@板橋)
2006-05-11 01:04:12


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