


2011年07月20日 08時26分29秒 | 時事放談: 国内編

思いつきを語るだけで何もできないカンナオトに対して、Financial Timesが「日本の原発漂流を終わらせよ」という社説を書いて批判しています。


July 19, 2011 11:28 pm
Ending Japan’s nuclear drift

As it struggles to resolve the worst nuclear crisis in a quarter of a century, Japan faces hard policy choices that will have far-reaching implications for the world’s third- largest economy. In the longer term, it must decide what role atomic energy should play in powering an archipelago that lacks oil, coal and gas reserves, and is worryingly seismically active. More immediately, it must either bring many of the nation’s currently idled reactors back online or find ways to minimise the economic damage that could be caused by resulting capacity shortfalls.

Unfortunately, the Democratic party-led government has failed to address either issue convincingly. After weeks of frantic efforts to stave off disaster at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi power station, Naoto Kan, the prime minister, seems unsurprisingly sceptical about the industry. But his announcement last week that Japan should aim to be a “society that can manage fine without nuclear power” does not have the unambiguous support even of his own cabinet.

Mr Kan has also botched the near-term issue of whether to restart reactors that were offline for routine checks before the March 11 earthquake and tsunami, or shut down when they struck. Well under half of Japan’s 54 reactors are currently online, no small matter in a nation where nuclear power usually accounts for nearly a third of electricity generation. But turning them back on requires the consent of local leaders.

Earlier this month, the government appeared close to gaining such backing for two reactors in Genkai, but the process is now in doubt after Mr Kan suddenly announced that even reactors previously declared safe must pass ill-defined “stress tests”. With companies in the economically crucial Greater Tokyo and western Kansai regions already being told to cut peak electricity usage by 15 per cent this summer, the administrative chaos is deeply unhelpful. Uncertainty over power supplies can only suppress new business investment and accelerate the flow of industrial capacity overseas.

This is not to say that the government should blindly bow to the nuclear lobby and sign off on all reactor restarts, while abandoning efforts to develop long-term alternatives. An embrace of renewable energy and conservation will also bring business opportunities. But Mr Kan and his colleagues urgently need to minimise uncertainty by at least agreeing among themselves what should be done – and by communicating their decisions in a more convincing way.











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