


2014年04月29日 06時19分43秒 | 時事放談: 海外編



ポール・サイモン夫妻を逮捕 治安乱した容疑
朝日新聞 2014年4月29日00時44分






ポール・サイモン夫妻逮捕 自宅でけんかか 既に釈放、仲直り
スポーツニッポン 2014年4月29日 04:42




いくつか新聞をチェックしましたが、いちばん詳しいのはSan Francisco Chronicleの記事でした。記録しておきましょう。


Simon's attorney sheds light on alleged dispute
Nelson Oliveira
Updated 2:05 pm, Monday, April 28, 2014

NEW CANAAN, CONN. -- A judge declined to issue a protective order against Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Paul Simon and his musician wife, Edie Brickell, following an alleged domestic dispute Saturday night, because the couple said they aren't a threat to each other.

Simon, 72, and Brickell, 47, were both charged with disorderly conduct in connection with a domestic dispute at their New Canaan home Saturday night, according to police.

The couple appeared in Norwalk Superior Court Monday afternoon, where Judge William Wenzel considered issuing a limited protective order against the couple. He explained that the order would protect each of them and bind each of them not to have contact with the other.

Attorney Steve Hayes, who said he's represented the family for 20 years, said any type of protective order would be unnecessary because both Simon and Brickell don't feel like they're threatened by the other.

Simon spoke in court saying he and his wife are fine.

"We're going to go back home and watch our son play baseball," he said. "This argument was very atypical of us... I don't feel I need to be protected from her."

Brickell also spoke in court stating that Simon "is not a threat" to her.

Based on their testimony, Wenzel said the couple didn't pose a continued threat to each other and declined to issue the protective order as long as there are no acts or threats of violence.

Attorney Allan Cramer, who is representing the couple in this case, said the court assigned a mediator who will sit down with them to determine whether a problem exists. The mediator is expected to file a report with the judge before the couple returns to court May 16.

Outside of Norwalk Superior Court, Cramer said he didn't know what the argument was about or whether or not the couple had been drinking. He said there was some pushing.

"It was a normal husband and wife discussion, and Paul didn't want to discuss it, and she wanted to discuss it," Cramer said. "It's as simple as that. He kind of tried to leave, and she kind of blocked the door."

Cramer also said the argument was minor.

"Brickell is from Texas and he's from Queens," he said. "And you know what ... there are ways of settling things down in Texas and there are ways of settling things down in Queens."

Cramer said he believes Brickell's mother was in the house and she's the one who tried to call 9-1-1.

"They've never had anything but a happy marriage," Cramer said, adding that "on a scale of 1 to 10, the argument was a 1."

"I know a fair amount about celebrity marriages, and a lot of them are not so good," Cramer said. "This is one that is good. These are wonderful people."

Chief Leon Krolikowski said New Canaan police received a 9-1-1 hang-up call at around 8:20 p.m. "at a location in New Canaan." When officers arrived they determined that a physical altercation occurred between the couple.

Krolikowski refused to give the address of the altercation "to protect the privacy of the couple who are also victims." According to court documents, Simon and his wife live on Brookwood Lane. The couple has been married since 1992 and purchased the New Canaan home in 2002.

Krolikowski said the incident was "minor in nature" but "sufficient to require an arrest."

"It was a very common domestic incident that occurs all the time," Krolikowski said.

He added that there were "minor" injuries, but would not elaborate. New Canaan EMS wasn't dispatched.

Simon and Brickell were not taken into custody, Krowlikowski said, and were issued misdemeanor summonses. Since they were not processed at police headquarters, there are no mug shots.

The couple has three children, ranging in age from 16 to 21. Simon has a son from a previous marriage. Police are investigating whether or not the children were home during the incident.

The couple was allowed to return to the house, but Sgt. Peter Condos said Simon agreed to spend the night in his Manhattan residence. Officers left as soon as they determined the situation was under control and that both Simon and Brickell were safe.

Krolikowski said this was the first time police dealt with the couple regarding a domestic dispute. He said they're "quiet" and "great people."

"It's unfortunate that this incident occurred," Krolikowski said. "But we were obligated to make an arrest when it occurred."

Inside the courtroom on Monday, Cramer objected to a request to photograph the proceeding. Cramer said the media had an opportunity to photograph the couple outside the court and doing so inside the courtroom would be "overkill." However, Wenzel granted the request and said it is the policy of all Connecticut courts to allow media coverage. "Everyone is treated the same here," the judge said.

Simon, a 12-time Grammy winner, started his career with Simon & Garfunkel in 1964.

In September, he performed in a benefit honoring local first responders that raised money for Staying Put in New Canaan.

Brickell is best known for her 1988 hit "What I Am," with the band Edie Brickell & the New Bohemians.

Krolikowski said 32 family disputes have been reported in New Canaan this year, a 68 percent increase compared to this time last year. He said it is unclear whether more residents are reporting domestic violence or if the number of incidents is actually increasing.




なお、裁判の後のサイモンの映像が、Los Angeles Timesの次の記事で見ることができます。

Paul Simon, Edie Brickell arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct
By Randy Lewis
April 28, 2014, 8:52 a.m


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