On Saturday, December 17th, I went to Gongenyama 1,223m JA/NN-164 in Omachi City for SOTA activation. There is a lot of snow here near the Northern Alps, but will we be able to go there safely?
↓権現山 山頂

↑Mt.Gongen Summit
There was a lot of snow on the approach road to the mountain trail, but it was fresh snow and not so deep, so I was able to drive up to the open space near the mountain trail safely.

↑Park my car in the open space near the trailhead. Still dark.

↑ The temperature is about -4°C.
I put on my shoes and got ready before it got bright, and when I checked the amount of snow from the edge of the square, it was about 15 to 20 cm.

↑I'm going with Kanjiki today.

↑When it gets light, put on Kanjiki and start.

↑Go down from the square once.

↑After walking for a while, we join a place that looks like a mountain trail.

↑There was a fallen tree when I walked a little.

↑Furthermore, I found a large footprint at the place where I entered the ridge.
Smaller than a bear? Footprints of the cub class? ?

↑Climb the ridge and arrive at the summit.

↑The triangular point is also in the snow.

↑Preparing the radio.
First, S2S-QSO with BOK-san. After that, ATU stopped working well.
It seems that the symptoms that were present before have reappeared.
I can't help it, so I set the ATU to bypass and connect the elements directly.
14/18/21MHz is made to have a length of 1/4λ, but the VSWR is not adjust.
Still, at 14MHz VSWR was 1.5 , and called from North America and Taiwan.
QSY to 18MHz, but the VSWR is bad, and even if I use a short element for 21MHz and insert the RHM8B coil, I can't tune well.
After all, I gave up on 18MHz and QSY on 21MHz.

↑At 21MHz, VSWR is about 1.5 or less, but Pow is only about half.
Somehow, I feel that one side of the power system that combines the two is in trouble.
21MHz was still called from the usual New Zealand, Taiwan.

↑ 7MHz is tuned by inserting a coil of RHM8B with wire about 7m.
7MHz domestic CONDEX looks good and called from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 area.
It's been a while since I've been called from Hokkaido at 7MHz?
After this, I borrowed FT-817 and S2S-QSO with RYE-san on 144/CW.

↑The antenna is tied to a low tree.
Sometimes the wind blows and the snow on the trees is falling like it's snowing.
Since the equipment will also get wet, I will hang the sheet on the equipment.
As for XYL, it seems that V/U successfully achieved the required number of QSOs.
I decided to withdraw and go down the mountain without eating lunch and XYL's 7/CW because the radio was not working well and it was cold without the sun.

↑Start descent.

↑Return to the car.
The radio was not working well today, and it was quite a tough operation in the cold weather.
本日の結果 Today's result
14MHz/CW 5-QSO W=1 BV=1 S2S=1(JA) include
21MHz/CW 5-QSO ZL=1 BV=1 include
7MHz/CW 26-QSO
7MHz/SSB 1-QSO S2S=1(JA)
144MHz/CW 1-QSO S2S=1(JA)
合計 Total 38-QSO
TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!
2022.12.17 (12/19 UP)