
大松山JA/NN-109 SOTA運用

9月25日の日曜日に、上田市は菅平高原の大松山JA/NN-109 1,649mへSOTA運用に行ってきた。今回はXYLは会山行で四阿山に行っているので、一人での移動だ。
On Sunday, September 25th, I went to Omatsuyama JA/NN-109 1,649m at Sugadaira Kogen in Ueda City for SOTA activation. This time, XYL was going to Mt.Azumaya with her friends of the mountaineering club, so I climbed alone.


↑View of Omatsuyama from below. It's the top of the slope.


↑A lot of tape is stretched on the way and some kind of course is made.

It's like next week's "Pinebeak Freeride", an off-road bike race.

I'm glad it wasn't this week.


↑A white flower blooming in the middle of the slope. it's about to end...


↑A kind of red clover??


↑From the middle, enter the forest road from the slope.


↑It rained a lot last night and there are puddles.


↑The last section returns from the forest road to the slopes.

Because the slope is steep, you can only climb a little at a time. It seems that it was better to walk on the forest road.


↑Arrive at the summit. It took 65 min. Last year it was 55 min using a forest road.


↑The direction of Mt.Nekodake seen from the summit.


↑Prepare the radio.

However, today the KX2's ATU is acting weird. I can't tune.

When I wrote in TW, AWE-san suggested removing and inserting the battery once.

After removing and inserting the battery, I was able to tuning without any problem.

Hmmm, what was it? Is it CPU runaway? ? ?

After QSO for a while, an explosion sounded from below.


↑Apparently, a few motocrossers came up on the test run for next week's event.

After that, some bikes went up and down and it was quite noisy, but it can't be helped.


↑The antenna of this day was installed by tying it to the hut.

After the HF was over, I watched SPOT of SW3 while eating lunch and aimed at S2S.


↑At the V/U SPOT, walk to a triangulation point as high as possible and make a QSO.

After a while, the DJ-G7 battery for VU ran out, and I couldn't tune the KX2 again.


↑reluctantly withdrawn.


↑Pack my zack and start descending. Let's go back down using the forest road.


↑Mushrooms I saw on the forest road on the way down.


↑Arrive at car. The stock had been left outside the car, but it was still there.

My KX2 broke down today, so I was a little shocked. And the bike was too noisy...

本日の結果 Today's result

14MHz/CW 0-QSO
18MHz/CW 3-QSO W=1 included
21MHz/CW 2-QSO S2S=1(JA) ZL=1 included
7MHz/CW 18-QSO S2S=8(JA) included
7MHz/SSB 1-QSO S2S=1(JA)
144MHz/FM 2-QSO S2S=2(JA)
430MHz/FM 4-QSO S2S=4(JA)

合計 Total 30-QSO

TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!

2022.9.25 (10/01 UP)




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