Happy new year. Thank you for your continued support this year.
It's a little late, but this is the first update of the new year. Although it is a story at the end of last year,
On Sunday, December 25th, Christmas Day, I went to SOTA activation from 1,200m JA/NN-168 at Mt.Touge in Tenryu village.

↑Park my car on the side of the road near Mt.Touge
Roads are cleared of snow. See the road below where the fallen leaves.

↑Go back a little. Attach to the mountain from the lower place ahead.

↑Climb up a steep slope and reach the ridgeline.

↑Trace came up. The slope is surprisingly steep. Snowfall is about 15 cm.

↑Arrive at the summit. There were no landmarks before, but this year there was taping around the highest point.

↑Prepare a radio and start from 14MHz.
It's already past 10 o'clock, so I haven't been called from overseas.
When I QSY to 18MHz, it feels like ATU doesn't work well.
何とか同調が取れた所で出るが、送信中に何やらBEEP音が出るし、途中で「HI CUR」表示が出て送信しなくなる。
Transmits bypassing ATU. However, a BEEP sound is emitted during transmission. "HI CUR" appears on the way and it stops transmitting. I thought I had repaired it, but there was still something problem with it...

↑Instead, use FT-817 with RHM8B. CQ at 21MHz. But nobody called me.
A 1/4λ wire cannot be tuned with an RHM8B coil. Because it uses a wire of about 2m instead, it will be weak.
After that, make the wire about 7m, tune it with a coil, and go to 7MHz.
This one was called from all over the country.
For XYL, 4 stations were cleared with 7/SSB S2S and 2m/SSB.

↑After lunch, XYL was on air for practice on 7MHz/CW.
4-QSOs including members of the activity committee.

↑It's getting cold, so we were withdrawing.

↑Reverse the trace that came up and descend.

↑On the way back, the sign at the last branch of the trailhead of Togeyama.
After about 2km, it seemed to be completely closed to traffic, but it was about 1km to the trailhead, so there was no problem.
Today, I'm disappointed that the KX2, which I thought was alrady fixed, but it was still in trouble. And there was no DX. I have to fix it again,,,,
本日の結果 Today's result
14MHz/CW 6-QSO
18MHz/CW 1-QSO
21MHz/CW 0-QSO
7MHz/CW 25-QSO S2S=2(JA)
7MHz/SSB 1-QSO S2S=1(JA)
合計 Total 33-QSO
TNX for all stations who QSO with me or searching for me!
2022.12.25 (2023/1/4 UP)