After coming back from Korea 3 weeks ago, it was difficult getting back into practice. Especially I feel that my stamina is lacking and wish to improve in the coming days before the competition against Kyoto University. Unfortunately, however, I became injured on Monday and my knee had become quite swollen.

I went to the Tokai hospital with Nimura-shihan's introduction and had it examined. Thankfully there was no damage to the bone but the damage on cartilage in my knee seemed to have been the cause of the swelling. However, the doctor informed me that it should heal naturally in a few months and I should be able to function fine after some rest, but the pain will remain for quite a while. The thing is, I have a Tsukinami competition on Sunday and it will probably be the last since I just need 3.25 points more, but the Suzuki-sensei and Hayakawa-senpai explained it might be better to rest and attend the next month's competition. Suzuki-sensei and Hayakawa-senpai's advice is probably right but I think if I feel better by Sunday, I will try to attend this month's competition so that I can wear my black belt during the OB competition.
Additionally, many new members have shown interest in our Judo club and have even decided to join. These are Anand (アナンド)who was born in India but grew up in Canada, and Phong(フォン)who is Vietnamese. Today another new member has decided to join and his name is Aibar (アイバル)from Kazakhstan. Anand and Phong are both 1st year students in the G30 program like me, and Aibar is a 3rd year exchange student from a University in Kazakhstan. I think all of the new members have great potential as Anand is 190cm tall and has very long legs and Aibar has a lot of physical strength. Also Phong is very flexible and nimble unlike me so if he gains more muscle I'm sure he will become strong.

We are also working on recruiting Japanese students to the Judo club and are currently designing the Judo club's board and flag to place in areas around the campus. I want to thank the OB-senpais who have generously funded our club throughout the years to allow us to do these kinds of projects.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank the OB-senpais that have been coming to the dojo to help out with our practice and give us advice. From now on, I will try my best to write any updates of our club onto the blog more regularly.