MOVIE レビュー


Gryffin & OneRepublic - コラボ曲「You Were Loved 」動画と歌詞です。

2022年04月02日 | OneRepublic
Gryffin & OneRepublic - You Were Loved [Official Video]

OneRepublic (ワンリパブリック)と、Gryffin (グリフィン)とのコラボ曲「 You Were Loved」の動画です。2022年4月1日リリースほやほやの曲です。今回のこの曲、メロディーの流れが綺麗で、歌詞が素敵でストーリーが感じられて好きです。割とあっさりとした歌い方だけどエモいところはしっかり押さえていて、ライアンの声がより一層切なさを感じさせます。ハッキリと通る声だけど、キンキンしていない柔らかさが有って、本当に良い声している。他のバンドメンバーは何処へ?曲の後半に出て来るのかと思ったら出て来なかったのが残念でした。ワンリパ のライブバージョンも聴きたいです。和訳動画は ↓ 一番下に貼っています。

Gryffin & One Republic - You Were Loved [1 Hour] (Lyrics) 1時間英語の歌詞ループです。

Gryffin さん、多才で大人気なダンスミュージックの DJ & プロデューサーらしいけど、私は知りませんでした。Gryffin さんのルックスを見るとアジア系かな?と思ったので、検索してみたら 母親が日本人だそうです。でも、ご本人はアメリカ育ちで日本語は話せないらしい。

【和訳MV】Gryffin & OneRepublic - You Were Loved / 公式日本語和訳MV / グリフィン


I hope that you finally found it all
All the things that you said that you needed after all
All those times we had, they left a mark
And I know life goes on but I miss you in the dark
Based on two years time
Two stories we tell about
All of the good times and times that were hell
When we were young
We were broke
We were chasing a fire and watching it turn to smoke
And some of us just let go
You got lost
Had enough
Time it did what it does and turned what you had to rust
But wherever you are, understand me
You were loved
You were loved

I hope that our paths, they cross again
Cause I’m dying to know all the places you have been
Some day when the future meets the past
That’s when we’ll make up for all of the years that went so fast
Cause days became years became stories we tell
That I know you can’t deal but here’s wishing you well
We were young
We were broke
We were chasing a fire that suddenly turned to smoke
And some of us had to let go, yeah
You got lost, had enough
Time it did what it does and turned what we had to rust
But wherever you are you should know
You were loved
You were loved
You were loved
You were loved

◆ いつもご訪問ありがとうございます。

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