My friend in Australia had sent me these. I am putting up since I know some of my friends loves pictures of clouds.

I think the 3.11 quake and this volcanic explosion has something to do with these. It seems to me Japan is on the other side of Continental plate to Chili.

In Japan we are having the smaller quakes time to feels smaller but actually quite good size like magnitude 5 class. Also in Kyusyu, Sinmoe mountain had explode before the quake.

Nagano (next to Yamanashi where we live) is mostly mountains and it seems to me volcanic activities are more seen than before...may be it's not just Japan, entire earth is getting more activated?

Life of people here in Kofu is going on and on as if we had nothing at all... it is true the quake (and nuclear) impact was so small here physically, but it feels strange that people are forgetting about it so quickly...quiet, boring,nothing really happening except some neighbor's old man wandering out
and family is worrying...(we have emergency email system and they send me such information!)

My sister did not write me back me about how things are going with finding the right accommodation...she said she got a flu...
but 10 days seemed long enough...and now she is saying I don't love her because I want to know what's going on there.
She says 40 guests are gathering at her party (not a wedding she says)
I don't think any holiday accommodation will let them have such a big party...
I think it is not the size of family party... too big to handle.
Still she is insisting on I can have a free stay with them...which I am wondering it may be better off to have my own.
Oh, trouble after trouble...

I think the 3.11 quake and this volcanic explosion has something to do with these. It seems to me Japan is on the other side of Continental plate to Chili.

In Japan we are having the smaller quakes time to feels smaller but actually quite good size like magnitude 5 class. Also in Kyusyu, Sinmoe mountain had explode before the quake.

Nagano (next to Yamanashi where we live) is mostly mountains and it seems to me volcanic activities are more seen than before...may be it's not just Japan, entire earth is getting more activated?

Life of people here in Kofu is going on and on as if we had nothing at all... it is true the quake (and nuclear) impact was so small here physically, but it feels strange that people are forgetting about it so quickly...quiet, boring,nothing really happening except some neighbor's old man wandering out
and family is worrying...(we have emergency email system and they send me such information!)

My sister did not write me back me about how things are going with finding the right accommodation...she said she got a flu...
but 10 days seemed long enough...and now she is saying I don't love her because I want to know what's going on there.
She says 40 guests are gathering at her party (not a wedding she says)
I don't think any holiday accommodation will let them have such a big party...
I think it is not the size of family party... too big to handle.
Still she is insisting on I can have a free stay with them...which I am wondering it may be better off to have my own.
Oh, trouble after trouble...