鴨帰る空見上げれば遠来の黄砂にかすむ山の輪郭 瀬口 美子 (朝日花壇より)
"When I look up at the sky as the ducks return, the contours of the mountains become hazy in the distant yellow sand. - Miko Seguchi (from Asahi Kadan)"
"Early in the morning, I went to see the state of SharuGarden and Sharu-kun. The horseshoeing had already begun at that time.
Around the club, roses and azaleas have begun to bloom in abundance. And the goldfish plants and peonies that were planted in Sharu Garden last year are also very healthy.
"The spilled horse food is always eaten by a single pigeon that can only be presumed to live somewhere around here."