うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2017-06-29 19:16:20 | シャル君


Today I am happy because I was able to let Charle roam for more than one hour this morning before a lesson. As it is rainy season now, most of the days are cloudy and rainy. The riding ground has been wet most of the time.
Today the ground was moist but was tolerable. My horse Charle was overjoyed and laid down and rolled in the ground. I love days like today. It gives my horse a wonderful time to be free and playful. Watching him was like watching a son. After playing Charle would come near me and nuzzle me asking for carrot or apple. He is such a loving horse.
I needed to gave him a whole body shower because he became muddy rolling around the ground. I cleaned his hooves thoroughly with brush and water. Last but not least I dry him using a bath towel. It is not finished yet until I have brushed his whole body. Taking care of my horse is really done with loving care and I enjoy every moment of it.

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2017-06-28 20:05:17 | シャル君

 お天気のせいで日 月 火 とシャル君に会えませんでした。火曜日は青葉区は雨でしたが、10時ころにはやんでいました。今日水曜日は梅雨空でほとんど雨が降ることはありませんでした。
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2017-06-28 14:44:17 | etc

I have a friend at the club and she is a bookworm who loves reading and has a reservoir of books at home. She doesn’t know what to do with the books that she has read. Luckily once a month when she comes to the club for riding, she brings several books to lend me. Because of her generosity I can read various type of books. Some that I have read are interesting while others were not my taste.
There is one scene from the book that I have recently read that I couldn’t forget. It was a story about an elementary student’s life and her family and friends. The student hated her own grandmother who sometimes visited her house for varied reasons. She was more interested with her friend’s family because she doesn’t like her own.
One day she visited her friend’s home together with other 8 children. She was curious to see her friend’s bedridden grandma. The boy ushered his friends to his grandmother’s bedroom and there he did a most obnoxious action of passing his fingers through a very dusty furniture and shaking the dusty fingers on the half opened mouth of his grandmother. The old woman couldn’t resist and moved her tongue just a bit. All the children laughed and all of them repeated the horrible action. They had a good laugh at the expense of the old woman.
It is so sad to read how cruel some children could be. This story made me feel so bad.
The girl wished for her grandmother to be also like this old woman.

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2017-06-27 09:58:16 | etc
映画のタイトルは 炎の人 ゴッホの絵の制作様子を描いたものであまりにも興味深くやめようと思いながら見てしまいました。
Yesterday I booked my RareJob lesson in the afternoon. Because I had a riding lesson appointment in the morning.
But waking up at four in the morning, I found out it was raining. It would be difficult to enjoy riding in the rain.
Because of the rain, I decided to change my English lesson from afternoon to morning. Thanks to God, because when I checked the scheduler, there was one remaining free slot of my favorite teacher.
Before the lesson I wanted to write something very nice. But I just wanted to watch the video and when I started watching, I could not stop it anymore but still I will continue watching later on.
The video was about the famous painter Vincent Van Gogh
I don’t have much time to write and I regret that I don’t practice writing more. But I know that I will continue to write and find joy in doing so.
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2017-06-26 16:27:23 | etc

 6月25日 市政記念市民卓球大会で、決勝に臨んだメグちゃん(孫)はフルセットでデュースで負けて準優勝だったそうです。
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