うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2025-01-30 10:11:09 | シャル君


翌日もよくならず再び獣医さんの手当を受けました。クラブでは痛み止め 食事 飲水と手を尽くしていただきました。



On Monday morning, during his meal, Sharu suddenly sat down. It seemed he had colic, so we called the vet for a house call.

The next day, he still hadn’t improved, so the vet treated him again. The club staff did everything they could, providing pain relief, food, and water.

On the third day, he showed slight signs of recovery, and by the fourth day, he finally regained some energy. We led him on a walk to help regulate his intestines.

I sincerely hope he continues to get better.


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2025-01-30 09:43:48 | シャル君








There is no date on the photo, so I can't determine when it was taken.

I believe it was taken at least 22 years ago, before I met Sharu-kun.

I used to ride Hiryuu-kun often.

Under the watchful eyes of those who cared for him, he passed away at the age of 32 on January 26.

In his later years, he became a privately owned horse and was loved dearly, spending a happy old age.

Run freely across the heavens!

一月号 クリエニユースより

☆カゼノヒリュウ逝く 1月26日にカゼノヒリュウが旅立ちました。 明 け 32年の生涯でした。 26日の朝、飼いを欲しがら ず、 疝痛症状を示したため獣医師に連絡して痛み止 めと補液の処置をしましたが症状の改善が見られ ず、昼過ぎに往診に来てもらい、エコー等の診察の 結果、 腸捻転を起こしており血中乳酸値も高く、 す でに毒素が全身に回っており回復の見込みがない との判断により、せめて少しでも早く苦しみから解 放してやりたく、 安楽死の処置をお願いしました。 ヒリュウはこれまでも普通の疝痛等は何度も経 験していましたが、 少しの痛みでも大騒ぎして痛み を主張し、 大げさで少しは我慢しなさいとまで言わ れるほど痛みには弱かったのです。 ただ、この日は 今までとは比べ物にならないくらい苦しかったは ずですが、もちろん痛みは表現していましたが大げ さに騒ぐこともなく、 まるで自分の運命を悟ったか のように静かで最期まで凛々しいヒリュウでした。 金沢競馬場で走っていたヒリュウは引退後 2001 年にクリエに来て以来、約24年間、 人には大人し い性格から多くの方に乗っていただき、 10 代後半 からは馬場馬として歩様の良さを発揮し、 競技会に も頻繁に出場していました。 マーブル、シンタロー に次ぐクリエの古参馬として長きにわたり活躍し てくれたヒリュウには感謝しかありません。 ただた だ冥福を祈るばかりです。 皆さんには最後に多くの お花やお供え物いただきありがとうございます。  

That morning, he showed no interest in food and exhibited symptoms of colic. We contacted the veterinarian, who administered pain relief and fluids, but his condition did not improve. By the afternoon, the vet came for a follow-up visit, and after conducting an ultrasound and other examinations, it was determined that he had suffered a twisted intestine. His blood lactate levels were high, and toxins had already spread throughout his body, making recovery impossible. Wanting to free him from his suffering as soon as possible, we made the painful decision to request euthanasia.

Hiryuu had experienced colic several times before, and even with minor pain, he would make a big fuss, expressing his discomfort so dramatically that we often told him to endure it a little. However, on this day, the pain must have been incomparable to anything he had faced before. While he still expressed his suffering, he did not overreact as he usually did. It was as if he had accepted his fate, remaining dignified until the very end.

Hiryuu once raced at Kanazawa Racecourse and came to Crie in 2001 after his retirement. For approximately 24 years, his gentle nature made him a favorite among many riders. In his late teens, he showcased his excellent gaits as a dressage horse and frequently competed in events. As one of Crie’s senior horses, following in the footsteps of Marble and Shintarou, he contributed so much to our community. We are deeply grateful for all he has given us.

We simply pray for his peaceful rest.

Thank you all for the many flowers and offerings you have sent in his memory.

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2025-01-28 20:27:52 | シャル君





The plum blossoms have finally begun to bloom, signaling the arrival of spring.

Last week, Sharu was very energetic, but on the morning of the 27th, he experienced colic again and received treatment from the veterinarian.

He is still in recovery, so the vet was called again on the 28th.

I hope he gets well soon.

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2025-01-25 19:48:37 | シャル君







A new life has joined us—Lily, a puppy adopted by my friend’s family.

In our house, we have Kyako, a 20-year-old cat who spends most of her time sleeping in her usual spot in the living room.

I often wonder how much longer she’ll stay healthy.

But seeing lively puppies and kittens makes me so happy—they’re just so adorable!

They also bring energy and joy to those around them.

Grow up strong and healthy, Lily!

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2025-01-22 08:23:33 | シャル君




The club is closed for two consecutive days, so I took Sharu-kun out to pasture.

Although it’s supposed to be the coldest time of the year during Daikan (the great cold), the weather felt more like spring.

The horses seemed happy to be out grazing, but it looks like the grass hasn’t started sprouting just yet.




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