4月30日 また疝痛を起こしたシャル君。駆けつけると前回よりは軽いようです。
ただ度々起こる疝痛にほかの病気も考えられるので、飼料やお薬を変えてみてそれから肝臓の機能をみるための血液検査もやることになりました。過去に起こしたのは2月18日 3月2日 4月20日 そして今日4月30日です。
On April 30th, Sharu experienced another bout of colic. When I rushed to him, it seemed lighter than last time.
Thanks to the vet's treatment and the painkiller he received in the morning, he didn't seem to suffer much.
He could walk slowly for about 10 minutes.
However, since colic occurs frequently, other illnesses are also being considered. So, we decided to change his feed and medication, and then perform a blood test to check his liver function. The previous occurrences were on February 18th, March 2nd, April 20th, and today, April 30th.
It seems that bad teeth prevent him from chewing his food properly and cause him to swallow it whole, which could also be a cause of colic.
His teeth were treated without sedation.
In the evening, I was relieved to see that he remained calm even after the painkiller wore off.
Today, he was forced to fast after eating only one banana.