うまものがたり(Horse Stories et al)



2024-12-21 17:00:24 | シャル君





Around 7 a.m., as soon as I got out of the car in the parking lot, I was hit by a cold, strong wind. I thought the weather wouldn’t be good today, but gradually the sun started to shine and the wind calmed down.

By the time it was time for the lesson, the cold had eased, and even flies started to appear.

It was a good day for Sharu-kun.

Afterward, he had a treat and lay down, but when I brought the oats I got from M-san, he jumped up immediately, attracted by the delicious smell.


私のことですが、今はすっかり治りましたが、11月の終わりから12月の二週目ころまで左足の膝関節 足首の関節の痛みに悩まされ





"I have completely recovered now, but from the end of November to the second week of December, I was suffering from pain in the left knee joint and ankle. I couldn't walk around the house without a cane.

As a result, I reduced the number of times I visit Sharu-kun to twice a week, and for the remaining session, I asked for a solo lesson (with no 'stage mom' and leaving everything to the instructor).

I’m concerned that if I push myself too hard and the pain worsens, I might not be able to spend time with Sharu-kun, which would be troublesome.

For some reason, when I think about reducing the number of visits, Sharukun suddenly seems even more adorable."

It's understandable that when something is limited, it makes the time and moments more precious. Do you think that’s part of it?





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