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2010年02月11日 | 感動と人生









Laura Chinchilla Wins Presidency of Costa Rica PNND Members in leadership positions worldwide

The Global Security Institute and Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament extend their most heartfelt congratulations to PNND Friend Laura Chinchilla for her successful election to the Presidency of Costa Rica.

President-Elect Laura Chinchilla with PNND Global Coordinator Alyn Ware

GSI and PNND have worked closely with Costa Rican leadership in San José and in international fora on a number of initiatives in which Costa Rica has taken a lead role, including disarmament for development and the implementation of the UN Secretary-General's five point plan for nuclear disarmament. We are honored to have outgoing President Oscar Arías on the Advisory Board of GSI, and leading parliamentarian Edine von Herold on the PNND Global Council to advise and assist us in this collaboration.

PNND Global Coordinator Alyn Ware was in San José recently for meetings with President Arías, Ms. Chinchilla and other parliamentarians on furthering such initiatives. We are elated that PNND Member Laura Chinchilla will become Costa Rica's first female head of state. We are confident that she will continue to strengthen Costa Rica's important leadership in advancing our shared goals of a more peaceful, sustainable security for us all.

With over 700 members in more than 70 countries, the network of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament continues to grow in size and impact. Over a dozen of our members hold cabinet positions. These include:

Norwegian Minister of Defense Anne-Grete Strøm-Erichsen MP and Senator Roche look on as Australian Minister for Defence for Science and Personnel Warren Snowdon delivers remarks to the PNND Assembly gathered at the Thinkers' Lodge in Pugwash, Nova Scotia (July, 2008)
Peter Garret, Minister for the Environment
Warren Snowden, Minister for Indigenous Health, Rural and Regional Health, Associate Minister for Defense
Julia Gillard, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Education
Robert McLelland, Attorney-General

Anni Sinnemaki, Minister of Labour

John Gormley, Minister for the Environment

Bert Koenders, Minister for Development Cooperation

Kristin Halvorsen, Minister of Education (former Minister of Finance)
Auden Lysbakken, Minister of Children and Equality

December 2009 MPI delegation to Japan. (L-R:) Hiro Umebayashi, Jonathan Granoff, Foreign Minister Okada, Kate Dewes,
Ambassador Robert Grey, Jr.
Katsuya Okada, Foreign Minister
Mizuho Fukushima, Minister of State for Consumer Affairs, Social Affairs and Gender Equality

New Zealand:
Georgina te Heuheu, Minister for Disarmament and Arms Control
Nick Smith, Minister for the Environment

Keith Brown, Minister for Lifelong Learning

Felipe Michelini, Minister of Education

David Coltart, Minister of Education, Sports, Arts and Culture (PNND Global Council member)

We have also had a number of other cabinet ministers participate in our events, including our annual assembly, and who continue to engage in our organization but who have not officially joined as members. These include the Defence Ministers of Norway and Canada.

In addition, there are a number of PNND members who serve as chairs or deputy-chairs of the foreign affairs and/or defence committees in their parliaments, including in Italy, Germany, Japan, New Zealand and Portugal.

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今日、また一つメールがきました (ray)
2010-02-11 10:26:29

Atlanta Consultation III: Fulfilling the NPT
Summary Report
The Middle Powers Initiative’s Atlanta Consultation III: Fulfilling the NPT was marked by openness in the deliberations and an eagerness to explore all options for fulfilling the Non-Proliferation Treaty – both at the May Review Conference and beyond.

For the third time in the run-up to an NPT Review Conference, President Jimmy Carter and the Carter Center in Atlanta, Georgia, hosted this MPI consultation. It took place January 20-22, 2010. Twenty middle power governments, as well as two nuclear weapon states – the United States and United Kingdom – participated in the Consultation, as well as senior officials from the United Nations, the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) and the Carter Center.

US Ambassador Susan Burk, Jonathan Granoff, President Jimmy Carter, High Representative Sergio Duarte, and Senator Douglas Roche, O.C. (not pictured: Ambassador Henrik Salander, Chairman, Middle Powers Initiative)

A goal of this consultative process is to create a forum in which diplomats and experts can engage in candid, critical and open dialogue on the policies and instruments required to preserve, strengthen and fulfill the nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament regime. The measure of success is whether ideas and policies were analyzed effectively so that when actual negotiations commence groundwork will already have been laid. Such efforts help identify where consensus can be found and where policies that can generate progress can be pursued.

MPI Chairman Emeritus Roche with
President Carter
Plenary and breakout sessions focused on the immediate concerns related to the Review Conference and on the longer-term issues – such as, nuclear doctrine and a fissile materials cut-off - that need to be addressed in order to advance a nuclear weapon-free world. MPI representatives and other non-governmental speakers argued that there can be no more delay in proceeding towards the elimination of nuclear weapons and urged the governments present to take more explicit positions in favor of a global, non-discriminatory treaty banning nuclear weapons, such as a nuclear weapons convention (NWC).

長い! (ray)
2010-02-11 10:27:02
In his opening remarks, Amb. Henrik Salander, the Chairman of MPI, said governments “must be seen to start preparing for a convention, since that is the only credible way of fulfilling the NPT in the very long run.” (Due to an illness that prevented him from flying, Amb. Salander was unable to attend the Consultation, but his remarks were read to the Consultation.) Sen. Douglas Roche, Chairman Emeritus of the MPI and substitute Chairman of the Consultation, noted, “Were the nuclear weapons states to make such a commitment, they would not only save the Non-Proliferation Treaty from further erosion but gain the moral authority to call on the rest of the world to curb the proliferation of these inhumane weapons.”

Hon. Gareth Evans signs a copy of the ICNND report for GSI President Jonathan Granoff
Keynote addresses also emphasized the need for immediate action. President Jimmy Carter said, “I hope that this group will be aggressive and persistent and demanding on all of the players in shaping world attitudes and actions in future years and that does not exclude the five original nuclear powers that have signed the NPT and who in my mind, have not complied with it.” The Hon. Gareth Evans, the Co-Chair of the International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, speaking at a dinner opening the Consultation, said, “The time is better now than it’s been in the last ten years when the international community has been sleepwalking. The potential is there to grab this issue by the scruff and take it forward. If we don’t - and we’ve lived long enough to lament - we’re going to regret not taking this opportunity.”

What emerged from the Consultation was a common belief that success at the Review Conference will require a balanced approach to all the commitments in the treaty and its supporting documents, including the 1995 Middle East resolution and elements of the 13 Practical Steps. There was also clarity as to the challenges the diplomats will face in May; the issues upon which success of the Review Conference hinges. The future of other agreements – the CTBT, US/Russian strategic weapons talks, a Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty – are inextricably linked to the effectiveness of the NPT. Issues relating to doctrines - such as how to lessen and remove nuclear weapons from the security equation, no first use, and extended deterrence without nuclear weapons – were also substantively examined.

The President-Elect of the 2010 Review Conference, Amb. Libran Cabactulan, said, that on the basis of his consultations with state parties, success in 2010 can be defined by agreement on thr
Unknown ()
2010-02-25 07:29:03
そっけないけどありがとう (ray)
2010-02-25 08:00:07

勢いに乗って (ray)
2010-02-25 08:08:52


