

BBC 「イラクの議会が新しい国旗を承認する」

2008-01-23 | Weblog
Last Updated: Wednesday, 23 January 2008, 12:16 GMT

Iraq parliament approves new flag

1: Iraq's parliament has voted to change the country's flag.

2: The three stars that represented Saddam Hussein's Baath Party will be removed, to address the concerns of Iraqi Kurds.

3: They have refused to fly the flag since the fall of Saddam Hussein, saying it is too closely associated with a regime that repressed and killed their people.

4: The flag was also changed in 2004, when a line of script, allegedly in Saddam Hussein's own handwriting, was changed to Kufic script.

5: But the latest change - passed by 110 votes to 50 - is only temporary, as a design for a new flag will be sought after one year.

6: Agreement over the flag is another sign that the Iraqi parliament is moving forward on difficult issues, says the BBC's Jonny Dymond in Baghdad.

7: A measure that should allow former Baath party members to rejoin the bureaucracy and military was passed 10 days ago.

8: However, big obstacles to unity remain. The Iraqi parliament said on Tuesday that attempts to pass the 2008 budget had stalled, leading to fears that infrastructure projects would be delayed.

9: The new flag retains the three colours of the old one – red, white and black.

10: But the stars that represented the ideology of the Baath party - unity, freedom and socialism - will be removed.

11: The Arabic inscription "Allahu Akbar" ("God is great") in green will be retained. As with the 2004-2008 version, it is written in Kufic script, making clear it is no longer in Saddam Hussein's handwriting.
"Allahu Akbar"(神は偉大なり)と緑色で書かれているアラビア文字はそのまま残るだろう。2004年から2008年版のKufic文字で書かれた文字は、それがサダム・フセインの手書きではないことを明確にしている。

12: Kufic is an ancient form of Arabic script that originated in what is now Iraq.

13: "The new flag has no signs of Saddam's regime and is a sign that change has been achieved in the country," said Humam Hamoudi, a prominent Shia politician and member of the powerful Supreme Islamic Iraqi Council party.

14: In 2004, Iraq's then US-appointed governing council tried to introduce an entirely new blue-white-and-yellow, flag, but it was withdrawn after protests including the objection that it too closely resembled the flag of Israel.


