
埼玉女子短期大学 エアライン・ホスピタリティコースの活動を紹介していきます。



POMCE 2年生が現在専門ゼミで行っている宇和島活性化プロジェクトのホームページはこちら!

What sound is it?

2017-12-10 10:06:47 | 留学
Hello everyone! Long time no see. I’m Noguchi who is study abroad 1 year in Canada, (日本語は下です)
Today, I’d like to share about difficulty of Japanese because I felt strongly it again.🍂
Now I am joying Tandem which is exchange language with local university students. I’m teaching Japanese and I was taught English. Then I thought Japanese is difficult strongly!😢😢
The other day we talked about Otsumami in japan, then I recommended “TAKOWASA(octopus with wasabi)” 🐙🐙because it is my grandfather favorite food. But my partner has never eaten raw octopus, so she asked me “what sounds is it? like “pari pari” and “fuwa fuwa” .” then I was really confused. I leaned about how to explain of wine’s taste and to introduce of in-flight meal in airline’s class. But I couldn’t say word’s expression. Even it sounds like easy…
I think sound of octopus is not “kori kori”, “mochi mochi”or etc. finally it doesn’t come out from my brain so I answered “there is elasticity”. But I think “there is elasticity “can also use boiled octopus. It is more correct than raw octopus.🍽😩
I think there are a lot of situation which is someone ask me “what taste like?” or I ask to someone “what like this?” from now on. I don’t want to be food reporter, but I thought it is too bad that is I can’t explain even Japanese. The wine was made from grape but explain of taste are “cherry”, “strawberry” or also “mulch”. The cold noodle also we can explain “it textures like a rubber.” 🍷🍜So, we can liken a lot of things to explain foods. To liken is good replacement way to explain. Might as well, when I talk in English, sometimes It doesn’t come out some word which is I want to say, then I explain using different words. At the same time, I learnt to liken is important. However often It doesn’t come out from me even different words…
In my case even if I could say a liken sentence, it sentence will be difficult to understand. It is other problem… therefore I need to practice!📚✏️
I’m always using English which is I learnt in airline class, manner class. My English level was almost 0 but I am so glad that what I learned in class will be useful in my daily life!🏝
Thank you for reading! Recently weather is getting cold so take care!❄️⛷♨️


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