Hello, Noguchi will post the blog!
The class of Saitama women junior college are all important class. ✏️📖
Among them, there is important class to go to society which is manner and hospitality. In that class I learnt about cushion words. For example, “if it is possible”, “I’m sorry but” and “I’m sorry bother you”.
you can give a gentle impression just putting by the cushion words. It is very excellent words. I assumed that “are there English version?”. 📝
Then I found so I’d like to share about it. There are cushion words of business in English but today I’m going to talk informal case. I suppose it is easy for you. Actually, it is difficult for me. Please bear with me.
“would you mind if~?”
I guess that everyone knows this one. But I didn’t know. 😢💦
This sentence is gentle sentence that consider about other people. However, it is not gentle for me. Because I am confused every time in replying. If someone said, “would you mind if I opened the window?”, in Japanese we can say “Yes” when permitted and when not permitted we can say “No”. in other hand in English is opposite. 🌖
So, I always late to respond… when someone ask me this form, I often think “oh again…😰”. I know it is not good I made my weak consciousness by myself. That’s why I should use this sentence.
“would you mind if~?” 「~しても構いませんか?」
もし相手が”would you mind If I opened the window?”言った場合日本語なら開けて良い場合は「はい」で、開けてほしくないときは「いいえ」ですよね。しかしこの場合反対になるので毎回返答がとても遅くなってしまします。この問いかけがくると毎回「来てしまった!😰」と思ってしまいます。苦手意識を自分で作っていますよね。だからこそ使っていきたいです。
This word is sounds like easy, but it has big differences between to use “please” or not.
When I watched a quiz show which is solver chose quiz’s topics and prices from monitor and say it.
Usually for example “History 500 dollars” like this, but last time a women said, “History 600 dollars please”.
It is quiz show so I think solvers are nervous, so they can’t consider calmly. However, I impressed it. If I was question master, it makes me want to read happily the quiz. Isn’t it?
これは単純なようであるとないとでは印象はガラッと違うと思います。クイズ番組を見ていた際、解答者が問題をモニターからトピックと値段を口頭で言う形式のクイズ番組だったのですが、通常「例)History, 500 dollars」という感じなのですが、一人の女の人が「History 600 dollars please」と言っていました。
Such adverbs are very useful. But I can’t master these words. As might well Japanese, I guess it is point that to say this word with sorry expression.
When translation to Japanese, we can translation “I’m sorry about that~” but I figure this phrase has more means which are “I hoped it was and I tried my best but~”.
It is not different for “I’m sorry about that~” but I felt like an I can get gentle impression.
“why not”
Actually, I’m guessing this is not cushion words but it also has gentle mean, so I chose. When I ask question that need permission like “can I ~?”, Canadian often respond “Sure, why not!” only “sure” is fine but if there was “why not”, it sounds much better than only “sure”. Nevertheless, it also makes me annoy because I confused that should I say, “thank you”? or ignore is fine? So, it also weak consciousness.
“why not” 「是非(断る理由がある?)」
これは実際、クッション言葉ではないと思うのですが優しさが見て取れると思ったので選びました。「~してもいい?」というような了承を得る質問の際よくカナダ人は「sure why not!」と返答します。
Sureだけでも良いのですが、why notがあることでより快く了承している印象がありますよね。なのでとても良い印象ではあるのですが、これまた返答はthank youだけで良いのか、無視してよいのか返答に少々困るので苦手ワードでもあります。
English is not my first language, so I can consider about how should I say carefully then if I can do good conversation for each other, it is very happy! But in my case, I’m really late to respond something so I have to hurry up…
I’m sorry for such a long sentence. Thank you for reading and have a great week!