
How to Make the Most of Your Life
「マザー・テレサはどんな人だったかとよく聞かれる」とシェーン・クレイボーンは著書『The Irresistible Revolution』で書いている。「時には、彼女は暗闇で光っていたのか、あるいは後光が差していたのかと不思議に思う人もいるようだ。彼女は背が低く、しわだらけで、愛らしく、少し気難しいところもあった。美しくて賢いおばあちゃんのようだった。」
‘People often ask me what Mother Teresa was like,’ writes Shane Claiborne in his book *The Irresistible Revolution*. ‘Sometimes it’s like they wonder if she glowed in the dark or had a halo. She was short, wrinkled, and precious, maybe even a little ornery, like a beautiful, wise old granny.
But there is one thing I will never forget – her feet. Her feet were deformed. Each morning I would stare at them. I wondered if she had contracted leprosy. One day a Sister explained, “Her feet are deformed because we get just enough donated shoes for everyone, and Mother does not want anyone to get stuck with the worst pair, so she digs through and finds them. And years of doing that have deformed her feet.” Years of loving her neighbour as herself deformed her feet.’
When people are asked about the person whose life they most admire, so often the answer is ‘Mother Teresa’. She made the most of her life. It is a paradox, because her life was a life of self-denial, taking up her cross and following Jesus. Life is an extraordinary and wonderful gift. In the Bible we are constantly urged not to waste this gift, but instead to make the most of our lives.
箴言 6:1-11 ESV
[1] わが子よ、もしあなたが隣人のために保証人を立て、見知らぬ人のために質入れをしたなら、[2] もしあなたが自分の口の言葉に罠にかかり、自分の口の言葉に捕らわれたなら、[3] わが子よ、こうして自分を救いなさい。あなたは隣人の手に落ちたのだから。急いで行って、隣人にせっせと弁護しなさい。[4] あなたの目を眠らせてはならない。あなたのまぶたを休ませてはならない。[5] かもしかが狩人の手から逃れるように、鳥が鳥捕り人の手から逃れるように、自分を救いなさい。[6] 怠け者よ、蟻のところへ行き、そのやり方をよく考えて知恵を得よ。[7] 蟻には指導者も、監督者も、支配者もいないのに、[8] 夏のうちにパンを準備し、収穫期に食物を集める。[9] 怠け者よ、いつまでそこに横たわっているのか。いつ眠りから起きるのか。 [10] しばらく眠り、しばらくまどろみ、しばらく手をこまねいて休むと、[11] 貧しさは強盗のように、欠乏は武装した男のように襲いかかる。
Proverbs 6:1-11 ESV
[1] My son, if you have put up security for your neighbor, have given your pledge for a stranger, [2] if you are snared in the words of your mouth, caught in the words of your mouth, [3] then do this, my son, and save yourself, for you have come into the hand of your neighbor: go, hasten, and plead urgently with your neighbor. [4] Give your eyes no sleep and your eyelids no slumber; [5] save yourself like a gazelle from the hand of the hunter, like a bird from the hand of the fowler. [6] Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. [7] Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, [8] she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. [9] How long will you lie there, O sluggard? When will you arise from your sleep? [10] A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, [11] and poverty will come upon you like a robber, and want like an armed man.
Master self-discipline
The book of Proverbs gives you practical wisdom on how to make the most of your life and how to avoid wasting it by falling into various traps. In the passage for today we see two examples:
Master your finances
One of the areas of life that requires self-discipline is our finances. There are always plenty of financial traps and snares – such as unmanageable debt, unwise investment and foolish pledges. The writer urges you that, if you have got yourself into a financial muddle (vv.2–5), you should do everything in your power to get out of it as soon as possible: ‘Don’t waste a minute’ (v.3, MSG).
You may have to humble yourself (v.3b). You may have to plead your case (v.3c). Do everything in your power to free yourself from these snares (v.5). If we don’t get our finances sorted out it can have a very detrimental effect on our lives and on our families.
自制心の欠如により、私たちは人生を無駄にしてしまうことがあります。責任感がなければ、私たちは簡単に怠け者になり、悲惨な結果を招く可能性があります (9-11 節)。私たちはアリから自己主導を学ぶことができます。アリに何をすべきかを指示する人はいません。「アリには指揮官も監督者も支配者もいません」(7 節)。しかし、アリは非常に懸命に働きます。「夏の間、食料を蓄え、収穫の時に食物を集めるのです」(8 節)。
Master your time
We can waste our lives through a lack of self-discipline. Without accountability we can easily become lazy, and this can have disastrous consequences (vv.9–11). We can learn self-leadership from the ant; nobody tells it what to do. ‘It has no commander, no overseer or ruler’ (v.7), yet it works extremely hard: ‘It stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest’ (v.8).
Of course, it is important to get enough sleep. Our bodies need rest. But we need to be careful not to waste our time in unproductive activity.
Lord, give me wisdom in the handling of my finances and my time.
マルコによる福音書 8:14-38 ESV
[14] ところが、彼らはパンを持ってくるのを忘れていて、舟の中にはパンが一つしかなかった。[15] そこでイエスは、彼らを戒めて言われた。「パリサイ人のパン種とヘロデのパン種に気をつけなさい。」[16] すると彼らは、パンがないことで論じ合った。[17] イエスはそれを知って言われた。「なぜパンがないことを論じ合っているのか。まだ気づかないのか、悟らないのか。心はかたくなになっているのか。[18] 目があっても見ず、耳があっても聞かないのか。思い出さないのか。[19] わたしが五つのパンを五千人に分けたとき、パンくずをいくつ籠に集めましたか。」彼らは言った。「十二です。」[20] 「四千人のために七つを分けたとき、パンくずをいくつ籠に集めましたか。」彼らは言った。「七つです。」 [21] そこでイエスは彼らに言われた、「まだ分からないのか」。[22] そして彼らはベツサイダに着いた。すると、人々が盲人をイエスのもとに連れて来て、さわっていただくようにと願った。[23] イエスはその盲人の手を取って村の外に連れ出し、その両目につばきをつけて両手を置き、「何か見えますか」と尋ねられた。[24] すると彼は目を上げて言った、「人が見えます。しかし、歩いている木のように見えます」。[25] そこで、イエスがもう一度両手を彼の両目に置かれると、彼の目は開けられ、目は元通りになり、何もかもはっきりと見えるようになった。[26] そしてイエスは彼を家に帰らせ、「村にはいってはならない」と言われた。[27] それからイエスは弟子たちと一緒にピリポ・カイザリヤの村々へ行かれた。その途中で、イエスは弟子たちに、「人々はわたしのことをだれだと言っているか」と尋ねられた。[28] 彼らは答えた、「バプテスマのヨハネです。また、ほかの人たちはエリヤだと言っています。 ほかの人たちは、預言者のひとりだ」。[29] そこでイエスは彼らに言われた、「それでは、あなたがたはわたしをだれだと言うのか」。ペテロは答えた、「あなたはキリストです」。[30] そして、自分のことをだれにも話さないようにと、彼らをきびしく戒められた。[31] そして、人の子は必ず多くの苦しみを受け、長老、祭司長、律法学者たちに拒絶され、殺され、三日の後に復活しなければならないと、彼らに教え始めた。[32] イエスははっきりとそう言われた。するとペテロはイエスを呼び寄せて、しかり始めた。[33] しかし、振り向いて弟子たちを見て、ペテロをしかって言われた、「サタンよ、引き下がれ。あなたは神のことを思わず、人のことを思っている」。[34] そして、群衆と弟子たちを呼び寄せて言われた、「だれでもわたしについて来たいと思うなら、自分を捨て、自分の十字架を負うて、わたしに従ってきなさい。 [35] 自分の命を救おうと思う者はそれを失い、わたしと福音のために自分の命を失う者はそれを救うのです。[36] 人は全世界を手に入れても、自分の命を失ったら何の得があるでしょう。[37] 人は自分の命と引き換えに何を与えることができましょうか。[38] この不道徳で罪深い時代にあって、わたしとわたしの言葉を恥じる者は、人の子も、父の栄光をまとって聖なる天使たちと共に来るとき、その人を恥じるであろう。」
Mark 8:14-38 ESV
[14] Now they had forgotten to bring bread, and they had only one loaf with them in the boat. [15] And he cautioned them, saying, “Watch out; beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod.” [16] And they began discussing with one another the fact that they had no bread. [17] And Jesus, aware of this, said to them, “Why are you discussing the fact that you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive or understand? Are your hearts hardened? [18] Having eyes do you not see, and having ears do you not hear? And do you not remember? [19] When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” They said to him, “Twelve.” [20] “And the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets full of broken pieces did you take up?” And they said to him, “Seven.” [21] And he said to them, “Do you not yet understand?” [22] And they came to Bethsaida. And some people brought to him a blind man and begged him to touch him. [23] And he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the village, and when he had spit on his eyes and laid his hands on him, he asked him, “Do you see anything?” [24] And he looked up and said, “I see people, but they look like trees, walking.” [25] Then Jesus laid his hands on his eyes again; and he opened his eyes, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. [26] And he sent him to his home, saying, “Do not even enter the village.” [27] And Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. And on the way he asked his disciples, “Who do people say that I am?” [28] And they told him, “John the Baptist; and others say, Elijah; and others, one of the prophets.” [29] And he asked them, “But who do you say that I am?” Peter answered him, “You are the Christ.” [30] And he strictly charged them to tell no one about him. [31] And he began to teach them that the Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and the chief priests and the scribes and be killed, and after three days rise again. [32] And he said this plainly. And Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him. [33] But turning and seeing his disciples, he rebuked Peter and said, “Get behind me, Satan! For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man.” [34] And calling the crowd to him with his disciples, he said to them, “If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. [35] For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the gospel’s will save it. [36] For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul? [37] For what can a man give in return for his soul? [38] For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.”
マルコ 9:1 ESV
[1] イエスは彼らに言われた、「よく聞きなさい。ここに立っている人の中には、神の国が力をもって来るのを見るまでは、決して死を味わわない者がいる。」
Mark 9:1 ESV
[1] And he said to them, “Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death until they see the kingdom of God after it has come with power.”
Give your life away
Jesus warns his disciples against the ‘yeast’ (8:15) of the Pharisees and of Herod. ‘Yeast’ was a common metaphor for the evil tendency in human beings, which, although it might seem only a small thing, nevertheless corrupts the whole person. The disciples still did not understand because they were so caught up with the physical that they could not see the spiritual.
Not that there is anything wrong with physical things in themselves. The blind man wanted to touch Jesus (v.22). Jesus did something very physical – he spat on the man’s eyes and put his hands on him twice (vv.23–25). He prayed twice before the man was totally healed. This encourages us to keep on praying more than once for those who are sick.
Finally, the disciples understand who Jesus is: ‘You are the Christ’ (v.29). ‘Christos’ means ‘the Anointed One, the Messiah’. In the time of Jesus, the term was particularly associated with the expectation of a new Davidic King. In the Old Testament, however, kings, priests and prophets were all anointed. Jesus is the fulfilment of them all. He is the King, the Great High Priest, the Prophet.
Yet this title, ‘Messiah’, was not adequate. Jesus preferred to use the title ‘Son of Man’ (v.31). ‘Son of Man’ was an even more majestic, and therefore more suitable, title. It contained the idea of suffering (Daniel 7:21). The ‘Son of Man’ was also a representative figure identifying himself with human beings.
Then Jesus begins to speak about the cross (Mark 8:31). We can’t understand the cross unless we understand who Jesus is. His teaching is so paradoxical, counterintuitive and surprising that Peter takes him aside to rebuke him (v.32).
There is a parallel here with the healing of the blind man, which acts as a visual parable of the gradual eye-opening of the disciples. First, Peter’s eyes are opened about Jesus’ identity (v.29). However, he only half-understood. He did not yet see Jesus’ mission (vv.31–32). Peter can ‘see’, but he can’t fully ‘see’.
Jesus has to explain to his disciples the extraordinary paradox involved in making the most of our lives – of which he is to show the supreme example. He says if you want to make the most of your life, you have to give it away. You have to abandon your life to his service and the gospel – ‘whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it’ (v.35).
In contrast, he then says that it is possible to ‘gain the whole world, yet forfeit [your] soul’ (v.36). The actor Jim Carrey said, ‘I think everyone should get rich and famous and do everything they dreamed of so they can see that it is not the answer.’
Even the biggest multi-billionaires only own a proportion of the world. Jesus warns us that if we are tempted to set out in that direction, even if we topped their success and gained the whole world, we could still totally waste our lives and forfeit our souls (v.36). He says the way to find life is to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow him (v.34).
The words ‘deny yourself’ mean saying no to yourself. The Christian life involves the challenge of daily denial. The world thinks that the way to life is to deny yourself nothing. Jesus says that the opposite is true. The way to find life is to deny yourself, take up your cross and follow him.
You are called to love. You are to live for God and for other people. And as you give yourself away, God will take care of your life.
The teaching of Jesus is radical and revolutionary. It is exactly the opposite of what we would expect, yet we see how it works out in practice. Those who seek their own satisfaction end up disillusioned and dissatisfied having wasted their lives; those who follow Jesus’ teaching find life in all its fullness.
Lord, your words are so challenging. Help me each day to learn to deny myself in little things as well as big and to take up my cross and follow you. Thank you that as I give my life to you, I find life in all its fullness.
出エジプト記 37:1–38:31
Exodus 37:1–38:31
出エジプト記 37:1 新共同訳
[1] ベツァルエルはアカシヤ材で箱を作った。寸法は縦二・五アンマ、横一・五アンマ、高さ一・五アンマ。
Serve God at work
You do not need to leave your job in order to serve God wholeheartedly. In the life of Bezalel, we see an example of someone who made the most of his life by serving God in his place of work. His daily job was his primary ministry.
God fills his people with his Spirit for the workplace: ‘I’ve filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him skill and know-how and expertise in every kind of craft to create designs… he’s an all-around craftsman’ (31:3–5, MSG).
Bezalel was a sculptor. He was chosen by God to build the tabernacle (37:1; see also 31:1–5). He responded to God’s call and ‘made everything the Lord commanded Moses’ (38:22). He worked in a team, which included a designer called Oholiab (v.23) and accomplished great things for God. The key to his success was that he was a man filled ‘with the Spirit of God’ (31:3; 35:31).
It is possible to be a talented musician, writer, or artist without being filled with the Spirit. But when the Spirit of God fills people for these tasks their work often takes on a new dimension. It has a far greater spiritual impact. This can be true even where the natural ability of the musician or artist is not particularly outstanding. Hearts can be touched and lives changed. No doubt something like this happened with Bezalel.
Lord, thank you for all those who serve you wholeheartedly – with their artistic abilities, in healthcare, education, business, retail, law, banking and every other area of the workplace. May we all be filled with the Spirit of God, like Bezalel, and do everything you command us. Help me to make the most of my life.
箴言 6:10–11 にはこうあります:
これはなかなかいい響きだと思います。しかし、11 節はひどいショックです:
「… 貧困は盗人のようにあなたに襲いかかる。」
Pippa Adds
Proverbs 6:10–11 says:
‘A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest…’
I think this sounds rather nice. But then verse 11 comes as a nasty shock:
‘… and poverty will come upon you like a thief.’
I don’t want to be caught napping, however tempting it is, and miss out on all that God has in store for me.