詩篇 119:65-72 ESV
[65] 主よ、あなたはあなたの言葉に従って、あなたの僕によく対処してくださいました。[66] 私に良い判断と知識を教えてください。私はあなたの戒めを信じています。[67] 苦しむ前に私は迷っていましたが、今はあなたの言葉を守っています。[68] あなたは善良で、善を行われます。あなたの掟を教えてください。[69] 傲慢な者は私を偽りで汚しますが、私は心を尽くしてあなたの戒めを守ります。[70] 彼らの心は脂肪のように鈍感ですが、私はあなたの律法を喜びます。[71] 苦しんだことは私にとって良いことでした。あなたの掟を学ぶためです。[72] あなたの口の律法は、私にとって何千もの金銀よりも優れています。
Psalm 119:65-72 ESV
[65] You have dealt well with your servant, O Lord, according to your word. [66] Teach me good judgment and knowledge, for I believe in your commandments. [67] Before I was afflicted I went astray, but now I keep your word. [68] You are good and do good; teach me your statutes. [69] The insolent smear me with lies, but with my whole heart I keep your precepts; [70] their heart is unfeeling like fat, but I delight in your law. [71] It is good for me that I was afflicted, that I might learn your statutes. [72] The law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.
オバデヤ書 1:2-3 ESV
[2] 見よ、わたしはあなたを諸国民の中で小さくし、あなたは全く軽蔑される。[3] あなたは心の高慢に欺かれ、岩の裂け目、高き住まいに住み、心の中で「だれがわたしを地に引きずり下ろすのか」と言っている。
Obadiah 1:2-3 ESV
[2] Behold, I will make you small among the nations; you shall be utterly despised. [3] The pride of your heart has deceived you, you who live in the clefts of the rock, in your lofty dwelling, who say in your heart, “Who will bring me down to the ground?”
Prepare Your Heart
オバデヤ書へようこそ: 誇りと謙遜。オバデヤ書を読み進める前に、以下の短い概要ビデオを見て、神が高慢な者に対してどのように反対し、神の選ばれた息子であるイエスを謙遜に受け入れる者はすべて復活するかを学んでください。
Welcome to Obadiah: Pride and Humility. Before you journey through the book of Obadiah, watch the short overview video below to learn how God stands opposed to the proud, but all who humbly accept God’s chosen son, Jesus, will be raised.
Next, prepare your heart through prayer. We don't want to just engage with Scripture academically—we want it to change our hearts. As you pray, consider starting with the passage from Psalms assigned for today. Use it like a prayer. Put the psalmist's words into your own words.
Then, pray over the passage from Obadiah assigned for today. Ask God to send his Holy Spirit to help you understand Obadiah and see Jesus throughout it.
What's Next?
Each day of this reading plan, you will watch a short video walking you through the book of Obadiah and showing you how all who humbly accept Jesus will be raised.
毎日、同じ 3 つのことを見ることになります。
1. 何が起こっているか?
2. 福音はどこにあるのか?
3. 祈りの時間
Each day, you will see the same three things:
1. What’s Happening?
This section explains what is going on in the text.
2. Where is the Gospel?
This section shows how this story ultimately points to Jesus and his Gospel.
3. A Time of Prayer
This is a short prayer meant to propel you into Scripture to see the good news of Jesus for yourself.
We hope this journey transforms you. Our prayer is that the Holy Spirit would open your eyes to see the beauty of Jesus in all of Scripture.