

ヨナ:神の驚くべき慈悲④Jonah : God's’ scandalous mercy④

2025-03-15 04:43:01 | 日記
ヨナ書 3:1-10 ESV [1] 主の言葉が再びヨナに臨んで言った。[2] 「立って、あの大きな町ニネベに行き、私があなたに告げる言葉を叫び求めよ。」[3] ヨナは主の言葉のとおりに立ってニネベへ行った。ニネベは非常に大きな町で、幅は三日の道のりであった。[4] ヨナは一日の道のりを進んで町に入り、叫んだ。「あと四十日でニネベは滅ぼされる。」[5] ニネベの人々は神を信じた。彼らは断食を呼びかけ、身分の高い者から低い者まで荒布をまとった。[6] その言葉がニネベの王に届いたので、王は王座から立ち上がり、上着を脱ぎ、荒布をまとって灰の中に座った。 [7] そして彼は布告を出し、ニネベ中に伝えた。「王とその貴族たちの布告により、人も家畜も牛も群れも何も食べてはならない。餌を食べてはならない。水も飲んではならない。[8] 人も家畜も荒布をまとい、声を大にして神に呼ばわりなさい。おのおのその悪の道とその手にある暴虐から離れよ。[9] 神が思い直し、激しい怒りをやめて、私たちが滅びないようにしてくださるかもしれない。[10] 神は彼らの行い、彼らが悪の道を離れたのを見て、彼らに下すと言われた災いを思い直し、それを実行されなかった。
Jonah 3:1-10 ESV [1] Then the word of the Lord came to Jonah the second time, saying, [2] “Arise, go to Nineveh, that great city, and call out against it the message that I tell you.” [3] So Jonah arose and went to Nineveh, according to the word of the Lord. Now Nineveh was an exceedingly great city, three days’ journey in breadth. [4] Jonah began to go into the city, going a day’s journey. And he called out, “Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be overthrown!” [5] And the people of Nineveh believed God. They called for a fast and put on sackcloth, from the greatest of them to the least of them. [6] The word reached the king of Nineveh, and he arose from his throne, removed his robe, covered himself with sackcloth, and sat in ashes. [7] And he issued a proclamation and published through Nineveh, “By the decree of the king and his nobles: Let neither man nor beast, herd nor flock, taste anything. Let them not feed or drink water, [8] but let man and beast be covered with sackcloth, and let them call out mightily to God. Let everyone turn from his evil way and from the violence that is in his hands. [9] Who knows? God may turn and relent and turn from his fierce anger, so that we may not perish.” [10] When God saw what they did, how they turned from their evil way, God relented of the disaster that he had said he would do to them, and he did not do it.

Yesterday, we learned that, like Jonah, Jesus’ death is a sign of coming judgment and resurrection. Today, we'll see how, to Jonah’s great disappointment, the city of Ninevah repents.

What’s Happening?

ヨナは岸に吐き出され、神は再び彼を召して、大都市ニネベにメッセージを宣べ伝えさせます(ヨナ 3:1-2)。ニネベは創世記 10 章で「大都市」と呼ばれており、ニムロデという名の暴力的な男が、イスラエルを捕囚に送る国々の首都であるニネベとバビロンの両方を建設したことがわかります(創世記 10:9-10)。ニネベを歩いて渡るのに 3 日かかるとも言われています。これは、ヨナがより大きく凶暴な魚の腹の中へと歩みを進めていることを暗示しています。その魚は、神の民を丸呑みしようと躍起になっている古代の敵の都市です。おもしろい余談ですが、ニネベの神は半魚の神ダゴンでした。
Jonah has been vomited onto the shore, and God calls him once again to proclaim his message to the great city of Nineveh (Jonah 3:1-2). Nineveh is called a “great city” back in Genesis 10, where we learn a violent man named Nimrod is responsible for establishing both Nineveh and Babylon—the capital cities of the nations that will send Israel into exile (Genesis 10:9-10). We’re also told Nineveh takes three days to walk across. It’s a not-so-subtle hint that Jonah is walking into the belly of bigger and badder fish, an ancient enemy city all too eager to swallow God’s people whole. And as a fun sidenote, the god of Nineveh was the half-fish deity, Dagon.

Once there, Jonah finally delivers the message he almost died avoiding. It’s a tense, five-word sermon in Hebrew: “Forty more days and Nineveh will be overthrown” (Jonah 3:4). It’s a ridiculously anemic speech. It doesn’t mention who will overthrow Nineveh, if God will even be involved, or how to avoid the coming overthrowing. The word “overthrow” is also ambiguous. It could mean “destroyed in judgment” like it was used when Sodom and Gomorrah were set on fire (Genesis 19:25). Or it could mean “transform” like when God turned the false prophet Balaam’s curse into a blessing for Israel (​​Deuteronomy 23:5). Which is exactly what’s about to happen to Jonah. What Jonah hoped would solidify the Ninevites' destruction, brings about their transformation.

ニネベは神を信じ、悔い改めました (ヨナ 3:5a)。権力者も貧者も、自分たちが不当に扱い、憐れみを必要としている神の前で、貧困と空虚さのしるしとして断食し、衣服を古い袋と取り替えました (ヨナ 3:5b)。ニネベの王でさえ、自分の悪事を認め、悔い改めました (ヨナ 3:6)。そして、臣民の間で始まった復興を正式なものにしました (ヨナ 3:7)。彼は、悪事に対する完全な悔い改めを示すために、ニネベの牛と羊に断食と荒布をまとうように命じました (ヨナ 3:8)。船長が嵐から救われるかどうかわからなかったのと同じように (ヨナ 1:6)、王もこの悔い改めが神の怒りを鎮め、死から救うのに十分かどうかわかりませんでした (ヨナ 3:9)。 しかし神はニネベの人々の態度を見て、脅かされていた破滅を覆しました(ヨナ 1:10)。ヨナはひどく失望しましたが、ニネベは倒されましたが、それは彼が望んでいた方法ではありませんでした。
Nineveh believes God and repents (Jonah 3:5a). Both the powerful and the poor fast and replace their clothes with old sacks as signs of destitution and emptiness before the God they’ve wronged and from whom they need mercy (Jonah 3:5b). Even the king of Nineveh recognizes his evil and repents (Jonah 3:6). And he formalizes the revival that began among his subjects (Jonah 3:7). He even orders the cows and sheep in Nineveh to fast and be covered in sackcloth to demonstrate the total repentance of their evil (Jonah 3:8)! Much like the captain of the sailors didn’t know if they would be saved from the storm (Jonah 1:6), the king doesn’t know if this repentance will be enough to turn back God’s anger and save them from dying (Jonah 3:9). But God sees how the people of Nineveh turn, and overturns the threatened destruction (Jonah 1:10). To Jonah’s deep disappointment, Nineveh is overthrown, just not in the way he hoped.

Where is the Gospel?

ヨナ書第 3 章はヨナ書第 1 章の鏡です。どちらの章でも、異教徒の忠誠心とヨナの抵抗と不本意さが対比されています。名前の知られていない船長とニネベの王はどちらもヨナよりも忠誠心があります。そして船長と王はどちらもヨナの「最善の」努力にもかかわらず、民を救います。神は、神を呼ぶ者のために破滅を救いに変え、そのために不誠実なヨナさえも利用します。
Jonah chapter three is a mirror of Jonah chapter one. In both chapters, the faithfulness of the pagans is contrasted with Jonah’s resistance and reluctance. Both the unnamed captain of the sailors and the unnamed king of Nineveh are more faithful than Jonah. And both the captain and the king save their people in spite of Jonah’s “best” efforts. God transforms destruction into salvation for those who call on him, and he’ll even use the faithless Jonah to make it happen.

これはヨナとイエスの物語の両方に見られるパターンです。不信仰なヨナのように、ユダヤのパリサイ人たちは、自分たちが滅ぼされるに値するとみなした人々に救いが説かれることに我慢できませんでした (マタイ 23:13)。結局、パリサイ人たちは皮肉たっぷりの簡潔な言葉でイエスを殺し、十字架の上に「ユダヤ人の王イエス」という判決文を掲げました。しかし、彼らが皮肉な一撃だと思っていたものは覆されました。そして使徒パウロによれば、神はイスラエルの不信仰を覆し、世界の残りの人々がイエスを信頼できるようにしました (ローマ 11:11)。一部の人々の不信仰はすべての人の救いにつながり、最初は不信仰だった人々 (ヨナやイスラエルのように) が再び戻ってくるかもしれないという希望を与えています (ローマ 11:11b)。
This is the pattern in both the story of Jonah and of Jesus. Like the faithless Jonah, the Jewish Pharisees couldn’t stomach salvation being preached to people they deemed worthy of destruction (Matthew 23:13). Eventually, the Pharisees killed Jesus with an ironic tersely-worded verdict hung above his cross: “Jesus, King of the Jews.” But what they thought was a sarcastic jab was overthrown. And according to the apostle Paul, God overthrew Israel’s faithlessness so that the rest of the world might trust Jesus (Romans 11:11). The faithlessness of some has led to salvation for all and offers hope that the initially unfaithful (like Jonah and Israel) might once again return (Romans 11:11b).

But regardless of whether you are Jewish or not, God’s message to us is the one Jonah delivered. He is coming to overthrow. He will either overthrow you and your evil in his great anger, or he will transform you into a citizen of his Kingdom and a recipient of his blessing in his great mercy on the cross. So turn, repent, and ask God for mercy—and you will be saved.

A Time of Prayer
Holy Spirit, open my eyes to see the God who is coming to overthrow. And may I see Jesus as the one who transforms me into a citizen of his Kingdom by faith alone.

