


2024-06-21 12:39:44 | 日記
エゼキエル 10:3-5 NIV [3] 人が神殿に入ったとき、ケルビムは神殿の南側に立っており、雲が内庭を満たした。 [4] すると主の栄光がケルビムの上から昇り、神殿の敷居まで移動した。雲は神殿を満たし、内庭は主の栄光の輝きで満ちていた。 [5] ケルビムの翼の音は、全能の神が語る声のように、外庭まで遠く聞こえた。
‭Ezekiel 10:3-5 NIV‬ [3] Now the cherubim were standing on the south side of the temple when the man went in, and a cloud filled the inner court. [4] Then the glory of the Lord rose from above the cherubim and moved to the threshold of the temple. The cloud filled the temple, and the court was full of the radiance of the glory of the Lord. [5] The sound of the wings of the cherubim could be heard as far away as the outer court, like the voice of God Almighty when he speaks.

The cloud of protection

聖書には「アナネイ ハカヴォド」というユダヤ教の考えがあります。これは「栄光の雲」または「保護の雲」を意味します。ユダヤ教のラビは、イスラエル人が砂漠に40年間いた間、神がアナネイ ハカヴォドを送って彼らを保護したと言います。彼らは、この雲の中で神が民を安全に守り、奇跡的に彼らに必要なものを与えたと信じていました。また、この雲の中で神が民にご自身の存在を知らせました。神が民を支えたのはここであり、この雲の中で神はモーセを呼び出して10の戒律を授けました。
There is a Jewish idea from the Bible known as “ananei hakavod” which means the Cloud of Glory or the “cloud of protection”. The Jewish rabbis would say that God sent the ananei hakavod to shelter the Israelites while they were in the desert for 40 years. They believed that it was inside this cloud that God kept His people safe and miraculously provided for them. It was inside this cloud that God also made his people aware of His presence. This was where He sustained them, and it was into this cloud that God called Moses to present him with the 10 commandments.

最近、教会の事務所へ車で向かう途中、木々の下から車を出して見上げると、教会の建物の上にこの壮観な雲が舞い上がっているのが見えました。私はその瞬間、アナネイ ハカヴォド(神の栄光と保護と恵みの雲)を思い出しました。おそらく今日、あなたはこのイメージから、どんな状況にあっても神はあなたと共にあり、あなたの味方であることを思い出す必要があるでしょう。
Recently, while I was driving to my church office, I drove out from under some trees and looked up to see this spectacular, soaring cloud formation rising above the church building! I was reminded in a moment of ananei hakavod - the cloud of God’s glory and protection and provision. Perhaps today you need to let this image remind you that no matter what you may be going through, God is with you and God is for you.

And whenever you see a cloud today, be reminded that God is still able to provide for you, to protect you, to sustain you and to keep you safe - no matter what you’re facing.

