

もしopen DNS resolverが見つかった場合は、ルーターの設定を変更することと、ルーターメーカーのファームウェア更新することだ。
open DNS resolver 検索結果(google)


もしopen DNS resolverが見つかった場合は、ルーターの設定を変更することと、ルーターメーカーのファームウェア更新することだ。
open DNS resolver 検索結果(google)
DNS Check
DNS Check is a tool to test if you are running an open DNS resolver on the computer you are connecting from. This can help identify possible security vulnerabilities.
You are about to request a DNS resolver check that may be interpreted as an 'attack' from www.thinkbroadband.com by a firewall on your computer. Click proceed to continue with this test.
Please note this test may take up to 10 seconds to complete.
What is DNS
DNS or Domain Name System is a method by which friendly website addresses (such as www.thinkbroadband.com) get translated into the IP address of the computer running the web site. This IP address is needed for your web browser to be able to connect to the web server. DNS is also used for e-mail amongst other things.
DNS Check is a tool to test if you are running an open DNS resolver on the computer you are connecting from. This can help identify possible security vulnerabilities.
You are about to request a DNS resolver check that may be interpreted as an 'attack' from www.thinkbroadband.com by a firewall on your computer. Click proceed to continue with this test.
Please note this test may take up to 10 seconds to complete.
Success! We detected your IP address as **.**.**.*** and did not find an open DNS resolver running.
What is DNS
DNS or Domain Name System is a method by which friendly website addresses (such as www.thinkbroadband.com) get translated into the IP address of the computer running the web site. This IP address is needed for your web browser to be able to connect to the web server. DNS is also used for e-mail amongst other things.