Viva Engage(旧 Yammer)のコミュニティ作成をPowerShellで行うために調査中。
Microsoft Learn:Create community
Microsoft Tech Community:Introducing the Community Creation API for Viva Engage on Microsoft Graph Beta
Office 365 for IT Pros:Creating Viva Engage Communities with the Graph API
Linkedin:How to get your Viva Engage (Yammer) related M365 Groups?
<Viva Engage(旧 Yammer)のグループを作成>
一応作成されるのだが、Entra ID のグループリンク欄に Yammer がなかったり、自分以外を所有者に指定するとメンバーに入らないなど、普通に作成するのと同じにはならない。
$VivaCommunityParameters = @{"displayName" = "Viva Engage Technical Discussions";"description" = "A community where everyone gets together to discuss the technology that drives Viva Engage and its communities.";"privacy" = "Private";"owners@odata.bind"=@("'" + $userid + "')")}
$VivaCommunityBody = $VivaCommunityParameters | ConvertTo-Json
$Uri = ""
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Method POST -Body $VivaCommunityBody -StatusCodeVariable "Status"
<Viva Engage(旧 Yammer)のグループを確認してコミュニティサイトURLを取得>
Get-UnifiedGroup | Where-Object {$_.GroupSku -eq "Yammer"} | Foreach-Object {if($_.ServiceEndpointUris.Count -gt 0) {$_.ServiceEndpointUris = $_.ServiceEndpointUris.replace("Yammer.FeedURL:", ""); $_ | Select-Object ExternalDirectoryObjectId,ServiceEndpointUris}}
Microsoft Learn:Create community
Microsoft Tech Community:Introducing the Community Creation API for Viva Engage on Microsoft Graph Beta
Office 365 for IT Pros:Creating Viva Engage Communities with the Graph API
Linkedin:How to get your Viva Engage (Yammer) related M365 Groups?
<Viva Engage(旧 Yammer)のグループを作成>
一応作成されるのだが、Entra ID のグループリンク欄に Yammer がなかったり、自分以外を所有者に指定するとメンバーに入らないなど、普通に作成するのと同じにはならない。
$VivaCommunityParameters = @{"displayName" = "Viva Engage Technical Discussions";"description" = "A community where everyone gets together to discuss the technology that drives Viva Engage and its communities.";"privacy" = "Private";"owners@odata.bind"=@("'" + $userid + "')")}
$VivaCommunityBody = $VivaCommunityParameters | ConvertTo-Json
$Uri = ""
Invoke-MgGraphRequest -Uri $Uri -Method POST -Body $VivaCommunityBody -StatusCodeVariable "Status"
<Viva Engage(旧 Yammer)のグループを確認してコミュニティサイトURLを取得>
Get-UnifiedGroup | Where-Object {$_.GroupSku -eq "Yammer"} | Foreach-Object {if($_.ServiceEndpointUris.Count -gt 0) {$_.ServiceEndpointUris = $_.ServiceEndpointUris.replace("Yammer.FeedURL:", ""); $_ | Select-Object ExternalDirectoryObjectId,ServiceEndpointUris}}