


2021-03-12 12:26:23 | 心理学




〜Robert A. Johnson、「Slender Threads:A Conversation with Jungian Analyst and author RobertA.Johnson」。


父親という存在は、女性にとって非常に決定的な影響力を持っています。もしその関係がネガティブなものであれば、一般的には後に男性との関係が難しくなり、女性の男性的な側面、アニムスを発達させることが難しくなります。Marie-Louise von Franz
The father figure has a very decisive influence on a girl/woman, if the relationship constellates itself negatively, there're generally later on also difficulties with men and difficulties to develop the woman's masculine side, the Animus.ーMarie-Louise von Franz


~アプレリウスの黄金の尻_はじめにーMarie-Louise von Franz


「...当然のことながら、男性が男性になり、女性が女性になる場所があります。そうでなければ、自然が彼らをそのようにしたのです。支配的な態度をとる必要はありません。あなたも同じように作ることができます。 彼女への愛;それは愛の表現でもあるので、男性は時々彼女に愛を与えることによって彼の妻のアニムスの憑依を解くことができるのです...。」

Marie-Louise von Franz



Marie Louise von Franz's talk at the Chicago Jung institute in 1975:
19.18—is the feminist movement… (continued) (paraphrased below)
In a question and answer session von Franz was asked what she thought about the feminist movement. She said that she thought the feminist movement was really expressing more the animus in women and not their own feminine souls. She mentioned that when you're growing grapes, if you don't cut off a lot of the unnecessary branches, the sap will flow to them and you will never get good grapes. Prune the unnecessary branches back, and let the sap flow to the center. Then you will bear fruit. 

She said she thought women would be much better off expressing the genuine feminine within them and working on that, rather than expressing their animus. 

She said if they did that, then "maybe they wouldn't need so much movement. They could just sit. And have a tremendous effect by just sitting.”) (paraphrased)
Marie-Louise von Franz - Live Q&A - Animus

Marian Woodman and I were lecturing together and she said; Robert, I’m going to risk something and I want you to back me up. She said, I’m going to tell this audience, which is 90 percent women, that the worst form of the Patriarchy that they’ll ever run into is their own animus, their own interior masculinity. I said well I’m glad its you saying it. They’d tar and feather me if I said it.
~Robert A. Johnson, “Slender Threads: A Conversation with Jungian Analyst and author Robert A. Johnson."


Today there is much discussion of the liberation of women, but it is sometimes overlooked that this can only succeed if there is a change in men as well. Just as women have to overcome the patriarchal tyrant in their own souls, men have to liberate and differentiate their inner femininity. 
~THE GOLDEN ASS OF APULEIUS_IntroductionーMarie-Louise von Franz


"...Naturally there is a place for a man to be a man and a woman to be a woman otherwise - nature has made them that way. It doesn’t need to have an attitude of dominance - you can just as well make love to her; it’s just as much an expression of love so a man can sometimes break the animus possession of his wife by making love to her... "

Marie-Louise von Franz




Everyone is on a spectrum of feminine/masculine. To think the masculine in a woman is necessarily the animus is not only ridiculous and insulting (in my opinion), it’s naive about what traits have allowed women to survive and push toward thriving. We may be feminine, but believe me, it takes the strength of the yin and yang to navigate in this world.
Not to mention what her statement means for those who don’t connect with their assigned gender at birth.



無意識の思い込みや意見は、女性にとって最悪の敵である。それらは、男性を苛立たせ、嫌悪させるような、正に悪魔のような情熱へと成長することさえあり、女性自身が女性らしさの魅力や意味を徐々に窒息させ、背景に追いやることによって、最大の傷を負うことになる。このような展開は、当然のことながら、深遠な心理的不和、つまり神経症で終わるのである。~カール-ユング、CW 10、パラ245

Unconscious assumptions or opinions are the worst enemy of woman; they can even grow into a positively demonic passion that exasperates and disgusts men, and does the woman herself the greatest injury by gradually smothering the charm and meaning of her femininity and driving it into the background. Such a development naturally ends in profound psychological disunion, in short, in a neurosis. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 245


Yes, I am. Marie Louise was a product of the biases at the time. Just as I am, now. Just as Jung was. Painting the female animus and problem of pushing for equity as inner masculinity and a negative is beyond offensive. Honestly, to men, as well.

Biases aside, known patterns of behavior can tell us things, whether we like what we’re seeing or not.



男性の場合 : "世界に目を向けると、アニマは気まぐれで、気まぐれで、気分屋で、コントロールされておらず、感情的で、時としてデーモニックな直観の才能があり、冷酷で、悪意があり、真実味がなく、ビッチで、二枚舌で、神秘的である。"

“In essence I am suggesting that 20th-century women have been living for centuries in a male-oriented culture which has kept them unconscious of their own feminine principle.”
“Now in their attempt to find their own place in a masculine world, they have unknowingly accepted male values—goal-oriented lives, compulsive drivenness, and concrete bread which fails to nourish their feminine mystery.” ~Marion Woodman

"In the Seventies, people discussed the first two paradigms and tried to imagine what the next one would be like. Generally, they agreed that the new paradigm would be neither matriarchal nor patriarchal; it would be androgynous. Rather than tribal or hierachial, the structures of such a society would be ecological." ~Marion Woodman

Anima/Animus possession occurs when they turn to the outer, not the inner world :
For the man : "Turned towards the world, the anima is fickle, capricious, moody, uncontrolled and emotional, sometimes gifted with daemonic intuitions, ruthless, malicious, untruthful, bitchy, double-faced, and mystical."
For the woman : "The animus is obstinate, harping on principles, laying down the law, dogmatic, world-reforming, theoretic, word-mongering, argumentative, and domineering."
"Both alike have bad taste: the anima surrounds herself with inferior people, and the animus lets himself be taken in by second-rate thinking."
~C.G. Jung, Archetypes & the Collective Unconscious



むしろフェミニストのレンズを通してすべてを見るよりも、私はフォン・フランツが配信したメッセージを見たいと思います、とMESSENGERを見て偏ったレンズから遠ざける。あなたが知っている、アドホミネム - メッセンジャーの誤謬を攻撃する。
"私のために立ち上がる根性のある者はほとんどいない" ~カール・ユング『手紙』第二巻、217ページ。

Rachel Alana Rather than seeing everything through the feminist’s lens, I’d prefer to see the MESSAGE von Franz delivered, and keep away from a biased lens looking at the MESSENGER. You know, ad hominem – attack the messenger fallacy.
I’ve spent considerable effort examining the criticisms and critics of Jung and his students, the Jungians. And what I’ve consistently found is that these critiques and accusations almost always stem from the personal shadow biases and prejudices of the critic.
“There are damned few who have the guts to stand up for me.” ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 217.



"もし私が批判に耐えられなかったならば、私はずっと前に死んでいただろう、私は60年間批判だけで何も持っていなかったからだ。" ~ カール・G・ユング『手紙』第二巻第583ページ&第584ページ"

私は何度も何度も自問自答したが、なぜこの時代には、少なくとも私と格闘していることを理解してくれる人がいないのだろうかと。~カール・ユング『書簡集』第二巻 586-592ページ





内側の経験のリスク、精神の冒険は、いずれにせよ、ほとんどの人間にエイリアンです。そのような経験は、精神的な現実を持っているかもしれないという可能性は、それらに厄介です" ~ カール・ユング、141、記憶、夢、反射

人は自分の魂と向き合うことを避けるために、どんなに不条理なことでも、何でもするでしょう。彼らはインドのヨガとそのすべての運動を練習したり、食事の厳格な養生法を守ったり、心で神智学を学んだり、あるいは機械的に全世界の文献から神秘的なテキストを繰り返したりします - すべては、彼らが自分自身とうまくやっていくことができず、有用なものは何も自分自身の魂から出てくる可能性があるというわずかな信仰を持っていないからです。このようにして、魂は、何も良いことがないナザレに徐々に変えられてしまったのです。それゆえ、地球の四隅から魂を取り出そうではありませんか。~カール-ユング、心理学と錬金術、99ページ。

"ユングの質問は、すべての私たちを悩ませる - この人はどのようなタスクを避けているのですか?ほとんどの場合、私たちは私たちの生活のための責任を避けている" ~ジェームス・ホリス

"著者は一人であり、一人で魂の力を持っている。現代では、このようなケースはすでに異常であり、特別な敬意を必要としています。彼は宗教的な信仰や教義、制度の代弁者ではありません。対象となる人物の信頼性を台無しにすることを目的とした裏切り的な小さな表現があります。"そのような人は自分自身を代表しているだけである" 対照的に、この場合の意味は、すべての壮大さ、すべての力、すべての信憑性を正確に伝えるものでしょう。集団的規範、公式の教義、既成の意見だけを代表しているのに、本当に自分自身の「代表」であると主張できる人が、今日ではどれだけいるのでしょうか。私たちはここで一人でこの男の存在の中にいるからこそ、もし本当に一人であるならば、私は一人でこのメッセージを聞くために、このメッセージを熟考するために、一人でいるすべての人を招待したいと思います。孤独の中から、そして孤独の中からでなければ、真の全体性はここに生まれることはできません。私たちがここに持っている '神学'は、マニュアルで、またはテキストの歴史的批評を通して学んだが、夜と魂の苦しみではなく、妥協せずに、臆病なしで、棄権せずに内側に従事している神聖な闘争で、"


"If I could not stand criticism I would have been dead long ago, since I have had nothing but criticism for 60 years." ~ Carl G. Jung, " Letters Vol II, Pages 583 & 584."

I asked myself time and again why there are no men in our epoch who could see at least what I was wrestling with. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 586-592

I had to understand that I was unable to make the people see what I am after. I am practically alone.
There are a few who understand this and that, but almost nobody sees the whole....
I have failed in my foremost task: to open people’s eyes to the fact that man has a soul and there is a buried treasure in the field and that our religion and philosophy are in a lamentable state. ~Jung, quoted by Gerhard Adler in “Aspects of Jung’s Personality,” in Psychological Perspectives 6/1 (Spring 1975), p. 14.

“The further along in Jung’s life you go the harder it is to follow him. The vast majority of people can follow him up to 1912, a smaller number can follow him up to 1920 when types came out, after that it gets very difficult, after 1950 for most people forget it… but that’s what I’m going to try to introduce you to.” ~Edward Edinger, "Individuation: A Myth for Modern Man" you-tube video, Lecture.

A good many will admit that self-knowledge and reflection are needed, but very few indeed will consider such necessities binding upon themselves. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 465-466

"Whenever there is a reaching down into the innermost experience, into the nucleus of personality, most people run away...

The risk of inner experience, the adventure of the Spirit, is in any case, alien to most human beings. The possibility that such an experience might have psychic reality is troubling to them." ~ Carl Jung, 141, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .

"Jung's question haunts us all--what task is this person avoiding? In most cases, we are avoiding responsibility for our lives." ~James Hollis
Henry Corbin’s description of Jung :

“The author is alone, strong with the force of his soul alone. In our times, such a case is already extraordinary and calls for a singular respect. He is not the spokesman of any religious faith, any dogma, or any institution. There is a treacherous little expression that is intended to ruin the credibility of the person at whom it is targeted: “Such a person represents only himself.” In contrast, the meaning here in this case would be precisely what conveys all the grandeur, all the force, and all the authenticity. For how many men today could claim really to be “representatives” of themselves, when they represent only collective norms, official dogmas, and ready-made opinions? It is because we are in the presence here of this man alone that I would like to invite all those alone to contemplate [his writings], to listen to this message, if really they are alone. The authentic totality cannot be born here except from the solitudes and in solitude. The ‘theology’ we have here is not learned in manuals or through the historical critique of texts, but in the night and the suffering of the soul, in the sacred struggle that is engaged innerly without compromise, without cowardice, and without abdication.”
[by psychology, Corbin goes on, Jung really always means hierology , “the science of sacred matters”.]

Notice how every time this von Franz quote on feminism come up women come along and attack her person while ignoring the message she delivers. That’s quite telling of the shadow of these who fall into ad hominem attack.


フェミニストが見たユング 単行本ハードカバー– 2021年3月11日
