この心理状態は、今日では「ストックホルム症候群」として知られています。ストックホルム症候群は、誘拐、人質、ナルシストの虐待など、自分が囚われの身となって命の危険にさらされている状況下で普遍的に起こる現象であることがわかっています。このトラウマが加害者であるナルシストと結合する現象は、ナルシスト被害者症候群にも見られます。ストックホルム症候群では、被害者は無意識のうちに退行モードに入ることでトラウマ的な状況に適応し、子供らしい幼児的な行動パターンに戻り(Regressed Infantilism)、消滅に対する防衛として、人生の初期に母親にしたように捕獲者と結びつきます。このような狂気の中で生活することの不快感に対処するために、被害者の動機づけの原動力は、彼らが経験している不協和音を減らすために合理化する方法を提供します(認知的不協和)。セラピストがこれらの防衛機制の力学を理解することで、被害者がなぜ自己愛的な虐待関係に留まるのかを理解することができます。それは巧妙ではあるが複雑な無意識の自己生存戦略だからです。残念ながら、これらの生存戦略は、一部の被害者に精神的な健康問題を引き起こす可能性があります。
1. 追体験。(フラッシュバック、押し付けがましいイメージ、悪夢、不安など) 2. 回避:(人や場所、考えを避ける、感情が麻痺する、興味がない、絶望するなど 3. 覚醒:(集中力の低下、イライラ、怒りの爆発、不眠、警戒心の強さなど)。
- 推測の繰り返し。絶え間ないガスライティングによって自信を喪失した被害者は、間違ったことをして自分の状況をさらに危険なものにしてしまうことを恐れて生きています。常に「もしも」を考え、自分のことを推測しようとしています。これは、人生における問題解決や意思決定の方法に影響を与えます。
This psychological condition is known to-day as “Stockholm Syndrome”. It is found to happen universally in situations where people find themselves to be held captive and in fear of their lives; as in kidnapping, hostage situations, and narcissistic abuse. This phenomenon of trauma bonding with the narcissist aggressor can be found in Narcissistic Victim Syndrome. In Stockholm Syndrome, the victim adapts to the traumatic situation by unconsciously going into an regressive mode, where they return to childish infantile patterns of behaviour (Regressed Infantilism), and bond with their captor as they did with their mother earlier in life as a defense against annihilation. In order to cope with the discomfort of living within such madness, the victims motivational drive provides a way that they can rationalize to reduce the dissonance they are experiencing (Cognitive Dissonance). For the therapist to understand the dynamics of all these defense mechanisms, they will then be able to appreciate why victims stay in these narcissistic abusive relationships, as it is a clever, but complicated unconscious self survival strategy. Unfortunately, these survival strategies can lead to some victim’s developing mental health problems.
By this stage the victim can hardly recognize themselves, they are quickly becoming a shadow of their former self. Living under tyranny within a war zone where they are controlled, physically and emotionally battered, unable to make decisions, subjected to constant rages, sucked dry, stripped of dignity and safety, they exist in a joyless life. They begin to feel that they can’t do anything right any more, they don’t feel that they can trust their own mind, and they withdraw with a skewed reality of what is really taking place. They escape into depression. Many victims will also go on to experience Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The diagnosis of PDSD can be made based on certain symptoms being present, and these symptoms fall into three categories:
1. Reliving: (Flashbacks, intrusive imagery, nightmares, anxiety etc) 2. Avoidance: (Avoiding people, places or thoughts, emotional numbing, lack of interest, hopelessness etc). 3. Arousal: (Difficulty concentrating, irritability, outbursts of anger, insomnia, hyper-vigilance etc).
In my work with Narcissistic Victim Syndrome I have noticed that the victims were brought to the place of annihilation and death on many levels of the self while experiencing gaslighting behaviour in their narcissistic relationships. When we take on the journey of recovery together, I take care and time to educate the individual as to what was happening to them as their story unfolds. I am always met with an array of responses, from shock, disbelief, profound sadness, guilt, shame, anger, fear, reflection, loneliness and an array of physical symptoms, (panic attacks, flashbacks, anxious negative thoughts, fatigue, eating disorders, dissociation, abreaction etc.). But they also express relief at finally knowing what had been going on in the relationship, and the amount of “losses” they were dealing with. I think many of the stages are very similar to Elisabeth Kübler-Ross stages of grief, which are Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. But still, I find that the individual holds the key to even more strategies for guarding the various levels of defense that I have mentioned here.
I am always amazed at how surprisingly resilient these victims are. All our strategies for surviving are incredibly intelligent, and together (the client and I) welcome each and every one as a teacher for our learning and understanding. When this happens, it allows for all the fragmented parts of the soul to return home where they become like special guests at a glorious Banquet, one unifying whole sitting at the Table of Recovery. When a therapist experiences this work they will truly appreciate and understand the deep suffering these victims have gone through daily. The fact that these clients have survived the torturous effects of the disorganized narcissistic personality disorder is in itself a miracle, and a testament to the human spirit.
Robin Stern names some of the warning signs of the effects of Gaslighting, I am merely expanding on some of these below:
• Second-guessing: Because a victim has had their confidence eroded by the constant gaslighting, they live in fear of doing the wrong thing, and making their situation even more dangerous for themselves. They invariably find themselves asking “what if”, and always trying to second guess themselves. This often effects how they problem-solve, and make decisions in their life.
- 私は敏感すぎるのだろうか」と問いかける。投影と非難がガスライティングの特徴であり、被害者は加害者からの絶え間ない屈辱に過敏に反応するようになります。被害者は、加害者からの屈辱的な仕打ちに過敏になり、「私は繊細すぎる」と何度も言われ、すぐにその嘘を信じるようになります。その結果、被害者は何かをする前に承認を得ようとし、より多くの間違いを犯してさらなる屈辱を味わうことを恐れます。このようなガスライティングにより、被害者は自分自身のすべてを疑うようになり、「私は繊細すぎるのではないか」と常に問いかけるようになります。
- 謝罪すること 自己愛の強いジキル博士とハイド氏に囲まれて生活していると、被害者はいつも「正しいことをしていない」と謝っていることに気づきます。謝罪は、被害者が礼儀正しくするためだけのものではありません。それは、戦場で安全に過ごすための強力な戦略であり、ガスライターの怒りを和らげる手段でもあります。最も重要なことは、謝罪の力は、ナルシストの恥を取り除き、それを被害者に向けることができるので、ナルシストの怒りを回避することができるということです。
- 人生の喜びや幸福感の欠如(メランコリー)。ガスライティングを行うナルシストの圧迫を受けながら生活していると、致命的なほどの敵意を抱くことになる。多くの被害者は肉体的、精神的な拷問を受け、人格が変化し、混乱、孤独、恐怖、不幸を感じるようになります。多くの場合、加害者から逃れた後も、この憂鬱な気持ちを持ち続けます。
- 他人への情報提供を控える。被害者は自分が置かれている状況を非常に恥じており、虐待を隠そうとすることに疲れてしまいます。善意の友人や家族から虐待を受けていることを知らされても、その話題を避け、やがて、さらなる争いを避けるために、より多くの情報を与えることを控えるようになります。自己愛による虐待における羞恥心の重要性は難しい問題ですが、ガスライティング・ナルシストの犯罪が被害者に根底からの汚名を着せるものであることを受け入れることは、それほど難しいことではないと思います。彼らの恥は、虐待の結果としてしばしば感じる社会的失敗に対する正常な反応です(つまり、虐待から自分を守れなかったという恥です)。この恥ずかしさは、他人から見れば、防御や引きこもりに見えます。羞恥心と社会的支援の関係は複雑なので、ここでは触れません。
- 何かがひどく間違っていることはわかっているが、それが何なのかわからない:ガスライティングの目的は、ガスライティングを受けている人の現実をコントロールし、影響を与えることです。ガスライティングは、被害者が実際に起こっていることに気づいていない場合にのみ有効です。被害者が自分の現実や能力を疑えば疑うほど、加害者への依存度が高まります。このような悪循環は、被害者を完全に混乱させるものであり、それこそがガスライターの望むところなのです。
- 単純な意思決定ができない。自己愛の欺瞞と幻想の網に捕まることは、蜘蛛の巣に捕まったハエに相当します。蜘蛛の巣に入るとき、被害者はハエと同じように、自分が縛られて生きたまま食べられようとしていることを知っているのでしょうか?答えは「ノー」です。しかし、自己愛の巣は、自己の崩壊に似ています。被害者は、継続的な危険の脅威にさらされ、自己の断片化を避けるために、加害者と精神的な結びつきを形成します。何をするにも許可を求めなければならず、自分の意見を言うことも許されず、議論に勝つことも許されず、常に非難され、辱められ、自分の考え、価値観、ニーズ、信念を妥協しなければなりません。当然のことながら、このような状況に陥ると、自律性が失われ、自分で判断することさえできなくなります。
- 以前の自分は、もっと自信に満ちていて、もっと楽しいことが大好きで、もっとリラックスできる、まったく別の人間だったという感覚を持っています。生き延びるために、被害者は "ナルシストのダンス "と呼ばれる行動に出ます。これは、被害者の安全を守るための無意識の防衛メカニズムですが、そうすることで被害者は、なだめたり、従わせたり、宥めたりすることで自分を見失ってしまいそうになります。これは、彼らのあり方の一部となり、誰に対しても偉大な「喜ばせ屋」となるのです。この無意識のダンスをセラピーで暴露し、被害者が自己愛的な行動について教育を受けない限り、実際には再びナルシスト・サプライになる可能性が残されています。その理由は、パブロフの犬のように、他の飢えたナルシストのターゲットになるように条件付けられているからです。ナルシストは常に新しい供給源を探しており、すでに準備されている人をすぐに見つけることができます。
• Asking “Am I too sensitive?”: Projection and blame are the hallmarks of gaslighting, and the victim become hyper-sensitive to the constant humiliation of their abuser. They hear countless times that they are “too sensitive”, that they soon begin to believe the lies. As a result they look for approval before doing anything, fearful that they will make more mistakes that will end in more humiliation. This form of gaslighting makes the victim doubt everything about themselves, so they constantly ask, “Am I being too sensitive”.
• Apologizing: Living with the narcissistic Dr. Jekyll and Mr/s Hyde, the victim finds themselves always apologizing for “never doing things right”, they even apologize for their very existence; it is a way of avoiding more conflict with their aggressor. Apology is not just something the victim does to be polite; it is a powerful strategy for staying safe while in the war zone, and a means to disarm the anger of the gaslighter. Most importantly, the power of apology is that it can take the shame off the narcissist and redirect it towards the victim, therefore avoiding some of the narcissists rage.
• Lack joy and happiness in life (melancholy): If one lives under the constant tyranny of the gaslighting narcissist, they can expect extremes of lethal hostility. Many victims go through physical and mental torture that can cause them to suffer a personality change, leaving them feeling confused, lonely, frightened and unhappy. Often they continue to carry this melancholy even after they escape from the abuser.
• Withholding information from others: Victims experience great shame about their situation; they get tired of trying to cover up their abuse as they go along. When well meaning friends and family members tell them they are being abused, they avoid the subject, and soon they learn to withhold giving more information in order to avoid further conflict. The importance of shame in narcissistic abuse is a difficult issue, but I don’t think it is too difficult to accept that the crimes of the gaslighting narcissist stigmatize the victim to their very core. Their shame is a normal response to the social failure they so often feel as a result of their abuse (i.e. the shame of being unable to protect themselves from their abuse). This shame can be seen as defensiveness and withdrawal by others. The relationship between shame and social supports is too complex to deal with here.
• Knowing something is terribly wrong, but can’t figure out what: The goal of gaslighting is to control and influence the reality of the gaslightee. It only works when the victim is unaware of what is really happening. The more the victim doubts their own reality or competence, the more dependent they become of the abuser. It is a vicious circle of events that is totally confusing to the victim, and that is exactly what the gaslighter wants.
• Trouble making simple decisions: To be caught in the narcissistic web of deception and illusion is the equivalent to being a fly trapped in the spider’s web. When entering the web, does the victim know that it is about to be bound up and eaten alive any more than the fly? The answer is “no”. However, the narcissistic web is akin to the disintegration of the self; the victim, under the threat of continual danger, forms a psychic bond with the abuser in order to avoid fragmentation of the self. In forming that bond they are compelled to organize themselves around their idealized abuser’s desires, and surrender their authentic potential: Having to ask permission to do anything, not being aloud to have their own opinion, never allowed to win the argument, constantly being chastised and humiliated, compromising their own thoughts, values, needs, and belief. Understandably, caught in this web they lose all autonomy, even their ability to make decisions for their own self.
• You have the sense that you used to be a very different person – more confident, more fun-loving, and more relaxed: In order to survive, the victim enters into what is termed the “the narcissists dance”. This is an unconscious defense mechanism which helps to keep the victim safe, but in so doing they almost lose themselves by placating, complying, and appeasing. This becomes part of their way of being, a great “pleaser” with everybody. Unless this unconscious dance is exposed in therapy, and the victim educated about narcissistic behavior, they are actually left vulnerable to becoming Narcissistic Supply yet again. The reason is that they are conditioned (like Pavlov’s dogs) in a way that makes them a target for other hungry narcissists, who are always on the hunt for new supply, and are quick to spot those primed already.
- 絶望と喜びを感じません。かつては天国のように思えた場所が、今では地獄のようになってしまった。この場所には平和も喜びもなく、恐怖と抑圧だけがある。まるで光が消えてしまったかのように、人生はすべての希望を失います。残っているのは、鬱の深い黒雲だけです。そして、被害者は生き延びるために、屈服した状態で生きることを余儀なくされます。現実に対する認識は、ガスライティングという偽物によって損なわれ続け、自分の直感や記憶、推理力に自信が持てなくなってしまいます。自分は過敏で、思い込みが激しく、理不尽で、過剰に反応していて、動揺するのは当然だという嘘をつかされるのです。これを何度も何度も聞かされると、自分の現実がひっくり返り、これがすべて真実かもしれないと思うようになります。
彼女の著書である "The Three Faces of Evil: Unmasking the Full Spectrum of Narcissistic Abuse "と "When Shame Begets Shame: How Narcissists hurt and shame their victims "は、ナルシストの被害に遭った人々を助けることと、セラピストの教育の不足を補い、ナルシストによる虐待の被害者を扱うための体制を整えることを目的としている。 彼女の知識の多くは、大学院で犯罪学と法医学心理学を学んだことから得られたもので、これらの分野を通じて、「ダーク・トライアド」(ナルシシズム、マキャベリズム、サイコパシー)についての理解を深めました。
• You feel hopeless and joyless: What had once seemed like heaven has now turned into a hell. There is no peace or joy in this place, just fear and suppression. Life loses all hope, as if the light has been turned off. All that remains is the deep black cloud of depression. And the victim is forced to live in a state of acquiescence in order to survive. Their perceptions of reality are continually undermined by the gaslighting sham, so they end up losing confidence in their intuition, memory, or reasoning powers. They are spun lies, lies that tell them that they are over-sensitive, imagining, unreasonable, irrational, over-reacting, and that they have no right to be upset. Hearing this time and time again, their reality is turned inside out, and they begin to believe that this may all be true.
The narcissist’s form of psychological abuse and abusive behaviours has managed to instill in their victim an extreme sense of anxiety and confusion to the point where they no longer trust their own memory, perception or judgment. In this state they are truly a hostage. However, many manage to get the courage to break free, but this is usually after several painful attempts. But when they do finally escape, in time they may find their way to your therapy room. Your job is to not just do the recovery work with them, but also to educate them about the traits and effects of narcissistic abuse. That way you give them back their reality and power, and they will be in a position to be able to recognize the narcissist at work, and be equipt to guard themselves against further re-victimization. Don’t underestimate the power of recovery of these people; the fact that they have survived such extreme abuse is testament to their strength and determination. I never fail to be amazed at the resilience of the human spirit.
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Christine is a Psychotherapist, Educator, Author and Supervisor of mental health professionals for over 28 years. She was part of a team in the Trauma Unit of St. Brendan’s Psychiatric Hospital, Dublin, and has worked specifically with victims of pathological narcissistic abuse in her private practice for many years.
Her books, “The Three Faces of Evil: Unmasking the Full Spectrum of Narcissistic Abuse” and “When Shame Begets Shame: How Narcissists hurt and shame their victims” set out to to help those who have been affected by a narcissist and also to address the shortfalls in a therapist’s education, so that they become better equipped to work with survivors of narcissistic abuse.Much of her knowledge has come from her post-grad studies in Criminology and Forensic Psychology, and it is through these disciplines that she has gained her understanding of “The Dark Triad”, (Narcissism, Machiavellianism and Psychopathy).
These three faces of evil are vital information for understanding the full spectrum of narcissistic abuse and the dire effects on the victims.It is her vision that narcissistic abuse becomes part of the curriculum of all Mental Health clinicians.
1,ガスライティング "とは?
2,ガスライティング "とは?