


2015-06-30 15:39:35 | 日記

Dear Mitsuo &Family            January 11,2010

 Your card arrived today.

My sympathy to you on learning that your mother died over a year ago,

 It is always a loss, no matter the age.

I am pleased that I met her. That you met my mother , who will be 100 on May 13th.

 I am wishing you the best on your January 29th birthday, and for the year ahead.

Are you enjoying your retirement ? Travel?

 I am pleased that you are fine , and thank you for your greetings and for keeping in touch .

All is well here.

 It would be good to have your news.

Remembering all we shared .            Yours Truly , Barbara



2015-06-30 09:14:17 | 日記

















2015-06-29 18:14:13 | 日記


2015-06-29 16:32:53 | 日記
Dear Mitsuo March 17, 1992

Thank you for coming to Ann Arbor for a visit.

It was very special to share these two days with you.

I also appreciate the beautiful gifts and the Chinese dinner.

How was your trip back ?

Are you enjoying being back with the students ?

How was the dinner with the host families on Monday evening?

Please say hello to Bill.

It was a pleasure to talk with him on the phone on Sunday.

Perhaps I will get to meet him , if I come to Oneida ,N.Y.

I would like to see you again, before you return to Okinawa.

I wonder how your schedule will be organized from March 28th to April 1st .

I enjoyed the two videos you brought very much too.

That was a very good idea.

When I decide about the trip to N.Y.,depending on your situation and duties,(and the possibility of staying with you and Bill)

I will phone you and Bill.

Be well Your friend ,


船旅(Shipboard Travels)・2015年6月26日(金)

2015-06-26 17:17:04 | 日記
People usually go by plane when they travel ,but I try to go by ship.
I have gone on ship from Keelung in Taiwan to Naha, from Shimonoseki in Japan to Pusan in Korea, from penang in Malaysia to Medang in Sumatra, from Padang in Snmatra to Jakarta in Java and from Nagasaki in Japan to Shanghai in China.
 I have been to Padang from Jakarta by bus, It took 50 hours. I was very tired.
I seemed to die.
I have been by a train from Singapore to Bankok in 1986 . It took two days.
In America I have been by Blue train from Chicago to Las Vegas and by Greyhoundbus from Las Vegas to Los Angels.
I had heard about a ship which go to Hong Kong once a week from Takao, Taiwan.
I hope to get on that ship someday.
 I made many friends during the voyage from Taiwan to Naha.
There was a Dane going to Okinawa to study Okinawan clothmaking , a Japanese who ran a company in Taipei, and an Englishman who had spent 3 months traveling in Southwest Asia and East Asia.
On the way to Pusan , I made a friend with an Englishman who was teaching English in Tokyo.
We drank beer and had a long conversation in the coffee shop.
As in the example above we can have many opportunities to talk to other people on ships. Therefore , we can make friends easier on a ship than on an airplane.
Also, I try to travel alone and not by package tour.
I have to do everything by myself .That way I have to put in a lot of effort for preparation, but there are unexpected meeting during the trip , so I enjoy traveling alone.
In Taiwan, I happened to meet a Taiwanese student whose major was Japanese, and we became friends.
 He took me to the college he went to and I also had dinner at his house.
I think it was wonderful experience.
 Even now I correspond with him.
By making friends with people of other countries, we can learn about their culture and customs.